Thermo Gravimetric/ Differential Thermal Analyzer (TG/DTA)
About Instrument and its applications-
The Thermo gravimetric/Differential Thermal Analyzer (TG/DTA) combine the flexibility of DTA with the proven capabilities of the TG measurement capabilities, providing thermal property information for a verity of samples. TG/DTA System can be used for such application as oxidation, heat resistance, amount of water, compositional analysis and measurement of ash contents in a sample. This system is also used to cover such need as reaction rate and accelerated degrading tests.
General Information-
Model- SII 6300 EXSTAR
Year of Installation- 2003 (1 Unit), 2010 (2 Units)
1) Temperature Range: Ambient to 1500°C
2) Balance type: Horizontal Differential type
3) TG measurement Range/Sensitivity: ±200 mg /0.2µg
4) DTG measurement range: 0.5 mg/min - 1g/min
5) DTA measurement / Sensitivity: ±1000µV/ 0.06µV
6) Programmable Heating Rate: 0.01 to 100°C/Minute
7) Sample Pan Material: Platinum, Aluminum and Alumina
8) Sample Pan Volume: 45µL
9) Atmosphere: Air, Inert Gas
10) Purge Gas Flow Rate: 0 to 1000 ml/Minute
Sample Requirements-
Amount- ~10-20 mg (in fine powder form)
Contact Persons-
Mr. Avinash Chaudhry
Jr. Technical Superintendent
Tel: +91-1332-286293
Mr. Kamal Singh Gotyan
Senior Scientific Officer
Tel: +91-1332-285384