Faculty Members
List of Faculty Members in Computer Science and Engineering Department
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R. Balasubramanian
Head of the Department
Room No. S-227, South Wing, ECE Buliding
+91 9068680077
Computer Vision- Optical Flow and Video Analytics, Fractional Transform Theory, Wavelet Analysis, Multimedia Security: Encrypted Domain Processing of Big Multimedia Data over Cloud, Medical Imaging, Hyperspectral Imaging, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition and Deep Learning
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Sugata Gangopadhyay
Cryptology, Cryptographic Boolean functions; Quantum Computing and Cryptography, Stream Cipher Cryptanalysis.
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Sandeep Kumar Garg
Computer Science and Engineering Department, IIT Roorkee
Software Engineering, Web Services, Software Project Management, ICT Development, Semantic Web, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Networks, Software Security
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Chetan Gupta
Assistant professor
Room No: S131, CSE Department, IIT Roorkee
Algorithms and Complexity Theory
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Shahbaz Khan
Assistant professor
S308, Department of CSE, IIT Roorkee
Algorithms, Data Structures, Dynamic Graph Algorithms, Fault Tolerant Datastructures, Experimental Algorithms, Bioinformatics
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Aparajita Khan
Assistant professor
First Floor, Mehta School of DS & AI, IIT Roorkee
Machine Learning, Statistical Learning, Graph and Subspace Learning, Manifold Optimization, Cluster Analysis, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Cancer Genomics and Epidemiology, Large Language Modelling, Medical Natural Language Processing
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Peddoju Sateesh Kumar
S-219, South Block, E & C Building, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Cyber Security: Network Security, Cloud Security, Mobile Security, IoT Security, Static Analysis, Behavioral Analysis, Anomaly Detection, IDS, DDoS detection, etc, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Mobile and Wireless Communications, Ad-hoc Networks, Cellular Networks, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), Sensor Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), Internet-of-Things (IoT), Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Cloud Computing: Energy Efficiency, Resource Management, Load Balancing, Security, Trust, Virtualization
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Neetesh Kumar
Associate professor
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Manoj Mishra
Distributed Computing, Information and Network Security
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Rajdeep Niyogi
Automated Planning, Formal Methods, Distributed Algorithms, Web Services Composition
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Awanish Pandey
Assistant professor
Program Analysis, Compiler Optimizations, Software Security
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Pradumn K. Pandey
Assistant professor
Intelligent Optimization and Learning on networks, System modeling and Data analysis, Network Representation Learning, Vector embedding over networks , Network Decomposition , Community detection, Complex Networks and Diffusion Dynamics, Modeling of complex networks and diffusion processes on networks
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Raghvendra Singh Rohit
Assistant professor
First Floor, Mehta Family School of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, IIT Roorkee
Cryptography, Theoretical and automated cryptanalysis, Secure cryptographic implementations
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Partha Pratim Roy
Associate professor
Pattern Recognition, Human Computer Interaction, Natural language processing (NLP) , Biometrics, Computer Vision, Image Segmentation, Bio-Signal Analysis, EEG Signal Analysis, Machine Learning, Deep Learning,
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Sudip Roy
Associate professor
Design Automation and Optimization for Digital Systems, Microfluidic Biochips, IoT and Data Analytics for Smart Systems, Computing for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Applications of ML/DL
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Rajat Sadhukhan
Assistant professor
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Raksha Sharma
Assistant professor
N313, CSE
Natural Language Processing, Applicaiton of Machine Learning, Image Processing for Text Generation
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Pravendra Singh
Assistant professor
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Medical Imaging, Artificial Intelligence
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Dharmendra Singh
Radar,MW/MMW/THzImaging, AI, ML/DL, IoT, Cloud Based Solution, DRONE Applications, Image Processing, ICT, Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing, Radar Polarimetry and Interferometry,Stealth Technology, Electromagnetic Modeling, EM wave Absorbing Materials
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Jitin Singla
Assistant professor
3D Image Segmentation, Computational Soft X-ray tomography, Applied Machine Learning, Computational Cryo-electron tomography, Computational Cell Structural Biology, Computational Biology, ArtScience, Pattern Mining
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Rahul Thakur
Assistant professor
Wireless Communication, Cellular Networks, Internet of Things(IoT), Vehicular Networks, Femtocell Resource Allocation and Cell Selection
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Durga Toshniwal
Data Mining and Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning, Time Series Data Mining, Privacy Preserving Data Mining, Anomaly detection, Data Stream mining, Data Mining and Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning, Mining Social Media Data, Urban Computing and Smart City, Intelligent Transportation Systems, , Data Mining and Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning, Soft computing techniques in data mining, Predictive Analytics, Mining Text and Biological Data