List of provisionally selected candidates from the reserved pool against the Group 'B' & 'C' posts advertised vide advertisement no. IITR/Rect Cell/2023/1 dt: 13.07.2023 (Updated on 13.02.2025)
Notice regarding provisionally selected candidate for one hold post of Junior Assistant vide advertisement no. IITR/Rect Cell/2023/1 dt: 13.07.2023 (Updated on 29.10.2024)
List of selected candidates for Group 'A' posts (Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar)
Notification regarding rescheduling of Interviews for the post of Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar (Updated on 21.08.2024)
Qualifying marks for Tier-I examination (Updated on 16.08.2024)
List of candidates recommended for Interview phase for the position of Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar (Updated on 14.08.2024)
List of provisionally selected candidates for various Group 'B' & 'C' posts vide advertisement no. IITR/Rect Cell/2023/1 dt: 13.07.2023 (Updated on 09.08.2024)
List of candidates shortlisted for the evaluation of Part B of the written examination for the position of Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar (Updated on 09.08.2024)
List of selected candidates for various Group 'A' posts (Technical Officer Level-I, Security Officer, Medical Officer (Dental), GDMO, Counsellor).
List of provisionally recommended candidates for Tier-II examination for the Junior Technical Superintendent, Junior Superintendent, Junior Lab Assistant & Junior Assistant post.
Notice for recruitment examinations
List of candidates recommended for interviews for various Group 'A' positions advertised vide advt. no. IITR/Rect Cell/2023/2 dated: 19.10.2023
Information Regarding Recruitment Examinations of Group ‘A’ Posts (Advt. No. IITR/Rect Cell/2023/2 dated 19-10-2023) (Updated on 22-07-2024)
Notice for recruitment examination to the post of Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar
List of Recommended & Provisionally Recommended candidates in Tier-I examination for the post of Assistant Security Officer (Female), Assistant Safety Officer, Junior Technical Architect, Coach (TT)/ Coach (SW), Staff Nurse/Staff Nurse(Psychiatric), Junior Technical Superintendent(Pathology), Driver Grade-II
Information Regarding Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ Examination (Advt. No. IITR/Rect Cell/2023/1 dated 13-07-2023) (Updated on 22-07-2024)
Result for the post of Assistant Registrar
List of Recommended candidates for Interview phase for the position of Assistant Registrar against the Advt No IITR/Establishment/2022/01 dtd 01.06.2022.
Result for the post of Hindi Officer
Result for the post of Deputy Registrar
List of candidates recommended for the evaluation of Part B of the written examination for the position of Assistant Registrar
List of candidates shortlisted to appear in the Interview for the position of Hindi Officer
List of candidates qualified to appear in the interview for the position of Deputy Registrar
List of Recommended/Not Recommended candidates for the position of Deputy Registrar for the evaluation of Part B of the written examination.
Notice for Recruitment Examination for the Post of Assistant Registrar Against Advt. No. : IITR/Establishment/2022/01 dated 01.06.2022
Notice for Recruitment Examination for the Post of Deputy Registrar Against Advt. No. : IITR/Establishment/2022/01 dated 01.06.2022
(UPDATED) Examination Pattern & Syllabus for the post of Assitant Registrar against advertisement No. IITR/Establishment/2022/01 dated 01-06-2022
Examination Pattern & Syllabus for the post of Deputy Registrar against advertisement No. IITR/Establishment/2022/01 dated 01-06-2022
Notice for recruitment examination for the post of Deputy Registrar
Examination Pattern & Syllabus for the post of Assistant Registrar (Group A) against Advt. No. IITR/Establishment/2022/01 dated 01-06-2022 (Uploaded on 28-02-2023)
e-Admit Card download for examination for the Hindi Officer post
Notice for recruitment examination for The post of Assistant Registrar
Notice for recruitment examination for the post of Hindi Officer (Uploaded on 07-02-2023)
Examination pattern & syllabus for the post of Hindi Officer (Group A) against Advt. No. IITR/Establishment/2021/2 Dated: April 08, 2021 (Uploaded on 13-10-2022)
Click here to check your Tier-II Examination Marks (Updated on June 24, 2022)
Result for the posts of Junior Superintendent, Junior Assistant & Junior Lab Assistant
Result for the posts of Coach, Assistant Security Officer, Junior Technical Superintendent & Pharmacist
Result for the posts of Junior Superintendent (Raj Bhasha) & Driver Grade-II
Notice for candidates whose photograph is not clear in e-Admit card
Important instructions to candidates
List of candidates who have requested for application fee refund and/or withdrawal of their candidature against the advertisement No IITR/Rect Cell/2021/01 dated 12.04.2021
Tier-I examination schedule for group 'B' & 'C' posts
Detailed syllabus for Tier-I recruitment examination of group ‘B’ & ‘C’ posts against advertisement No. IITR/Rect Cell/2021/1; Dated 08-04-2021 two Tier examination will be held at local centers in R
Question papers and answer keys of various group-A posts (Direct Recruitment)
Question papers and answer keys of various posts (VBPS)