Guidelines for Internal IITR Users
Guidelines for Internal Users of IIT Roorkee for availing analytical facility at IIC, IIT Roorkee
1) Instruction for new Faculty-
You need to send a request for creation of account to with details like Name, Employee Number, Department etc. from your official email address, contact number. Once your account is created you will receive an email with default password. User name will be same as your official email address. Afterwards you can instruct your students to register themselves on IIC booking portal [].
2) Instruction to students [for registration]
NOTE: Registration facility is only for students.
You need to register yourself on, if you are a new user. You need to carefully mentioned your official email address ( domain). You need to select your supervisor from the drop-down list.
Complete registration is a two step process-
Step1: You need to self-approve yourself. You will be receiving an email after registration, you need to crosscheck your details before proceeding. If you feel your information is incorrect then you can send an email to for the cancelation of your account. You can then register again with correct details.
Step2: After you give self-approval then a email will be sent to your supervisor for final approval. If he/she accept your registration details then you will be getting a final confirmation email stating that registration process is over.
3) Instruction to faculty for Wallet Recharge-
All faculty members can recharge their wallet from following sources in order of preference-
a) From project
b) From PDF
Procedure- You need to write a email to Dean SRIC with a copy marked to AR SRIC and
You need to raise a request for transfer of funds (mentioning the amount to be transferred) from your project/pdf (project reference number/PDF number) to iictesting grant (IIC-000-002). Once your transection is completed by SRIC office we will update your wallet and you will be getting a confirmation email regarding the same.
i) I have not received confirmation email after registration.
Ans- You must have entered wrong email address at the time of registration. You can send an email to for the cancelation of your account. You can then register again with correct details.
ii) My supervisor has not received final approval email.
Ans- First you have to verify that you have given self-approval for your registration on your official email address. If after that no email was received by your supervisor then your are advised to crosscheck the email address that automatically populate on the registration page after you select your supervisor. If the email address is incorrect then you can send an email to for the cancelation of your account and correction of supervisor email address. You can then register again with correct details.
For any other general query kindly send a email to
For individual equipment related query kindly send a email directly to officer in charge.