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X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
About Instrument and its applications-
XRF is one of the best methods for elemental analysis. In XRF, the sample is bombarded with X-rays. This excites the sample to generate X-ray fluorescence. The X-rays “shoot” individual electrons out of the atoms of the elements, primarily out of the inner atomic shells K and L. The resulting vacancies are filled up again by electrons from higher energy shells. The excess energy of these electrons is then emitted in the form of X-ray fluorescence radiation. This radiation is characteristic for each element like a fingerprint and independent of the atom’s chemical bond. The intensity of the radiation is proportional to the concentration of the element in the sample. XRF, however, can directly analyze each element without destroying the sample and no sample preparation is required.

The application areas of XRF are very wide including environmental analysis, medicines, metal alloys etc.

General Information-
Make- Rigaku
Model- ZSX Primus IV
Year of Installation- 2023

1) Analysis range: Beryllium to Uranium
2) Concentration range: Concentrations from sub ppm to 100%
3) Sample form: Powder, solid, liquid, paste, coating, slurry, film, filter deposit, etc.
4) Gas for analysis of liquid: Helium or nitrogen, at reduced or normal atmospheric pressure and loose powders
5) Excitation: End window Rh X-ray tube, 75 μm Be window
6) Detector gas: P10 gas (10 % methane, 90 % argon)

Sample Requirements-
1) Fine Powder having particle size less than 50 micron. The amount require is around 5 grams.
2) Solid block of circular shape having flat diameter of 38-40 mm.

Contact Persons-
Mr. Devendra Sharma
Junior Lab Assistant
Tel: +91-1332-286267

Mr. Ravindra Saini
Technical Officer
Tel: +91-1332-286272