Details of Research Publications in Journals
1. P. K. Behera, S. Gangopadhyay. An improved hybrid genetic algorithm to construct balanced Boolean function with optimal cryptographic properties. Evolutionary Intelligence.
2. P. K. Behera, S. Gangopadhyay. Evolving bijective S-Boxes using hybrid adaptive genetic algorithm with optimal cryptographic properties. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
3. P. Stanica, S. Gangopadhyay, A. Geary, C. Riera, A. Tkachenko. C-differential bent functions and perfect nonlinearity. Discret. Appl. Math. 307: 160 – 171 (2022)
4. Gangopadhyay S., Constanza R., Stanica P. Gowers norm as a measure of nonlinearity for Boolean functions and their generalizations. Advances in Mathematics of Communications 15(2): 241 – 256 (2021)
5. Mondal B., Behera P. K., Gangopadhyay S. A secure image encryption scheme based on a novel 2D sine-cosine cross-chaotic (SC3) map. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing. 18(1): 1 – 18 (2021)
6. Riera C., Stanica P, Gangopadhyay S. Generalized Boolean functions and strongly regular Cayley graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 283: 367-374 (2020)
7. Jothishwaran C. A., Tkachenko A., Gangopadhyay S., Riera C., and Stanica P. A quantum algorithm to estimate the Gowers norm and linearity testing of Boolean functions. Quantum Information Processing. 19(9):311 (2020)
8. Hodzic S., Pasalic E., Gangopadhyay S. Generic constructions of -bent functions. Des. Codes Cryptogr. 88(3): 601-623 (2020)
9. Sun Y., Zhang J. and Gangopadhyay S. Construction of resilient Boolean functions in odd variables with strictly almost optimal nonlinearity. Des. Codes Cryptography. 87(12) :3045 – 3062 (2019)
10. Mandal B., Stanica P., Gangopadhyay S. New classes of p-ary bent functions. Cryptography and Communications 11(1): 77-92 (2019)
11. Enes Pasalic, Sugata Gangopadhyay, Wei-Guo Zhang, Samed Bajric: Design methods for semi-bent functions. Inf. Process. Lett. 143: 61-70 (2019)
12. Gangopadhyay S., Mandal B. and Stanica P. Gowers norm of some classes of Boolean functions. Des. Codes Cryptography 86(5) 1131 – 1148 (2018).
13. Maitra S, Sinha N., Siddhanti A., Anand R. and Gangopadhyay S., A TMDTO attack against Lizard, IEEE Transaction on Computers, 67, 733-739 (2018).
14. Mandal B., Singh B., Gangopadhyay S., Maitra S and Vetrivel V, On Non-existence of Bent-negabent Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 236, (20) 1 – 6 (2018).
15. Gangopadhyay S., Paul G., Sinha N. and Stanica P, Generalized Nonlinearity of S-Boxes, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 12, 115 – 122 (2018).
16. Mandal, B., Gangopadhyay, S. and Stanica, P., Cubic Maiorana–McFarland bent functions with no affine derivative, International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory, 2(1) 14 – 17 (2017).
17. Gangopadhyay, S., Pasalic, E., Stanica, P. and Datta, S, A note on non-splitting -bent functions, Information Processing Letters 121, 1 – 5 (2017).
18. Pasalic, E., Muratovic-Ribic, A., Hodzic, S. and Gangopadhyay, S., On derivatives of polynomials over finite fields through integration, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 217, 294 – 303 (2017).
19. Gangopadhyay, S., Kar Gangopadhyay, A., Pollatos, S. and Stanica, P., Cryptographic Boolean functions with biased inputs, Cryptography and Communications – Discrete Structures, Boolean functions and Sequences 9(2) 301 – 314 (2017).
20. Gangopadhyay, S., Singh, B. and Vetrivel, V., Investigations on cubic rotation symmetric bent functions, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 56, 15 – 19 (2016).
21. Mandal, B., Stanica, P., Gangopadhyay, S., Pasalic, E., An Analysis of Class of Bent Functions, Fundamenta Informaticae, 146(3) 271 – 292 (2016).
22. Gangopadhyay, S., and Mandal, B., Second-Order Nonlinearity Bounds of Cubic MMF Bent-Negabent Functions Constructed by Using Feistel Functions, in special issue for Cryptology and Cyber-Security, the IPSI BgD Transactions on Advanced Research. 13 – 19, 11(1) (2015).
23. Gangopadhyay, S., and Sharma, D., A Note on the Structure of 6-Variable Bent Functions, in special issue for Cryptology and Cyber-Security, the IPSI BgD Transactions on Advanced Research. 20 – 24, 11(1) (2015)
24. Bajric, S., Pasalic, E., Ribic-Muratovic, A. and Gangopadhyay, S., On generalized bent functions with Dillon’s exponents, Information Proc. Letters, 114: 222 – 227 (2014).
25. Artamonov, V. A., Chakrabarti, S. Gangopadhyay, S and Pal, S. K., On Latin squares of polynomially complete quasigroups generated by shifts, Quasigroups and related systems 21: 117 – 130 (2013).
26. Gangopadhyay, S., Pasalic, E. and Stanica, P., A note on generalized bent criteria for Boolean functions, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 59(5):3233 – 3236 (2013).
27. Gangopadhyay, S., Affine inequivalence of cubic Maiorana--McFarland type bent functions, Discrete Applied Mathematics 161(7-8): 1141–1146 (2013).
28. Gangopadhyay S., Joshi A., Leander G. and Sharma R. K., A new construction of bent functions based on -bent functions, Des. Codes Cryptogr. 66(1-3): 243 – 256 (2013).
29. Stanica P, Martinsen T., Gangopadhyay S. and Singh B. K., Bent and generalized bent Boolean functions, Des. Codes Cryptogr. 69(1):77 – 94(2013).
30. Mihaljevic M., Gangopadhyay S., Paul G. and Imai H., Internal State Recovery of Keystream Generator LILI-128 Based on a Novel Weakness of the Employed Boolean Function Information Processing Letters, 112(21):805 – 810 (2012).
31. Mihaljevic M., Gangopadhyay S., Paul G. and Imai H., Generic Cryptographic Weakness of k-normal Boolean Functions in Certain Stream Cryptanalysis of Grain-128, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 65(2):39 – 61 (2012).
32. Stanica P., Gangopadhyay S., Chaturvedi A., Kar Gangopadhyay A. and Maitra S., Investigations on bent and negabent functions via the nega-Hadamard transform, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 58(6):4064 – 4072 (2012).
33. Gangopadhyay S. and Singh B. K., On second-order nonlinearities of some type bent functions, Fundamenta Informaticae 114(3 – 4):271 – 285 (2012).
34. Mihaljevic M., Gangopadhyay S., Paul G. and Imai H., Internal State Recovery of Grain-v1 Employing Normality Order of the Filter Function, IET Information Security 6(2): 55 – 64 (2012).
35. Garg M. and Gangopadhyay S., A lower bound of the second-order nonlinearities of Boolean bent functions, Fundamenta Informaticae. 413 – 422, 111(4) (2011).
36. Gode R. and Gangopadhyay S., On lower bounds of second-order nonlinearities of cubic bent functions constructed by concatenating Gold functions, International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 3125 – 3135, 88(15) (2011).
37. Canright D., Gangopadhyay S., Maitra S. and Stanica P., Laced Boolean functions and subset sum problem in finite fields, Discrete Applied Mathematics. 1059 – 1188, 159(11) (2011).
38. Gode R. and Gangopadhyay S., Third-order nonlinearities of a subclass of Kasami functions, Cryptography and Communications - Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences. 69 – 83, 2 (2010).
39. Gode R. and Gangopadhyay S., On higher-order nonlinearities of monomial partial spreads type Boolean functions, Journal of Combinatorics, Information and System Sciences. 341 – 360, 35(3 – 4) (2010).
40. Gangopadhyay S., Sarkar S. and Telang R., On the lower bounds of second order nonlinearities of some Boolean functions, Information Sciences. 266 – 273, 180 (2010).
41. Gangopadhyay S., Sharma D., Sarkar S., Maitra S.,On Affine (Non) Equivalence of Bent Functions, Computing. 37 – 55, 85 (2009).
42. Maitra S., Subba Rao Y. V., Stanica P., Gangopadhyay S., Non trivial solutions to cubic seive congruence problems: , Special Issue on Applied Cryptography & Data Security, Journal of “Computacion y Sistemas''. 253 – 266, 12(3) (2009).
43. Gangopadhyay S., Sharma D., On construction of non-normal Boolean functions, Australasian journal of combinatorics. 267 – 272, 38 (2007).
44. Gangopadhyay S., Keskar P. H., Maitra S., Patterson - Wiedemann construction revisited, Discrete Mathematics. 1540 – 1556, 306(14) (2006).
45. Sharma R. K., Gangopadhyay S., On congruence subgroups and units in , Communications in Algebra. 663 – 668, 32(2) (2004).
46. Gangopadhyay S., A note on character sums with polynomial arguments, Finite Fields and Their Applications. 449 – 457, 9(4) (2003).
47. Sharma R. K., Gangopadhyay S., On Units in , Pan American Mathematical Journal. 1 – 9, 2(1) (2001).
48. Sharma R. K., Gangopadhyay S., On Chains in Units of , Mathematical Sciences Research Hotline. 1 – 33, 4(9) (2000).
49. Sharma R. K., Gangopadhyay S., On Units in , Mathematical Sciences Research Hotline. 13 – 29, 4(8) (2000).
50. Sharma R. K., Gangopadhyay S., V. Vetrivel, On Units in Communications in Algebra. 2285 – 2299, 25(7) (1997).
Details of Research Publications in Conferences
1. Gangopadhyay S., Riera C., Stanica P., Gowers norm of Boolean functions and their generalizations, Workshop on Cryptography & Coding, Rennes, France 2019.
2. Kumar, T. and Gangopadhyay, S., The Cryptographic Properties of Feistel Network based Quasigroups. Accepted for presentation in International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security IEMIS 2018.
3. Mandal B., Stanica P. and Gangopadhyay S., New Classes of Generalized Bent Functions, The 2nd International Workshop on Boolean Functions and their Applications (BFA), OS (Norway) (2017).
- Sinha N., Gangopadhyay S. and Maitra S., Combinatorial Analysis of Decimated Keystream Sequences Generated by Grain - 128a. The Tenth International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography 2017 (WCC 2017), September 18 - 22, Saint Petersburg, Russia
5. Gangopadhyay S., Maitra S., Sinha N. and Stanica P., Quantum Algorithms Related to HN-transforms of Boolean Functions, Codes, Cryptology and Information Security - Second International Conference, C2SI 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10194, pp. 314-327, 2017.
- Gangopadhyay S., Singh B. and Vetrivel V, Investigations on cubic rotation symmetric bent
functions, 1st IMA Conference on Theoretical and Computational Discrete Mathematics, 22
-23 March 2016, University of Derby UK.
7. Gangopadhyay S., Pasalic E. and Singh B. K., On upper bounds on algebraic immunity of some and Niho bent functions, 8th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, August 14 – 16, 2013, Guilin, People’s Republic of China.
8. Gangopadhyay S., Gowers norm of cubic bent Boolean functions, Fq11, The 11th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications, Magdeburg, Germany, July 22 – 26, 2013.
9. Mihaljevic M. J., Gangopadhyay S., Paul G. and Imai H., An Algorithm for the Internal State Recovery of Grain-v1, presented in the 11th Central European Conference on Cryptology, Debrecen (Hungary) (2011).
10. Gangopadhyay, S., Joshi A,, Leander G. and Sharma R. K., A new construction of bent functions based on Z-bent functions. The Seventh International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography (WCC 2011), 153 – 162, Paris (France) (2011).
11. Mihaljevic M. J., Gangopadhyay S., Paul G. and Imai H., A Generic Weakness of the k-normal Boolean Functions Exposed to Dedicated Algebraic Attack, 2010 Int. Symp. On Inform. Theory and its Appl. - ISITA 2010, IEEE Proceedings, 911 – 916, Taichung (Taiwan) (2010).
12. Stanica P., Gangopadhyay S., Chaturvedi A. Gangopadhyay A. and Maitra S., Nega-Hadamard Transform, Bent and Negabent Functions, SETA 2010, LNCS, 359 – 372 (6338) (2010).
13. Gangopadhyay, S., Singh, B. K. On second-order nonlinearities of some type bent functions, presented in 10th Central European Conference on Cryptology, 17 – 18, Bedlewo (Poland) (2010).
14. Gangopadhyay S. and Sharma D., A note on the structure of 6-variable bent functions, IMST 2009 – FIM XVIII, Jaypee University of Information Technology, 42, Waknaghat (Solan) (India) (2009).
15. Telang R. and Gangopadhyay S., On higher-order nonlinearity of monomial partial-spreads type Boolean functions, IMST 2009 – FIM XVIII, Jaypee University of Information Technology, 79, Waknaghat (Solan) (India) (2009).
16. Kar Gangopadhyay A., Kulshreshtha P., Gangopadhyay, S, Estimation of regression coefficients of the selected populations with an application to portfolio theory of corporate finance, IMST 2009 – FIM XVIII, Jaypee University of Information Technology, 68, Waknaghat (Solan) (India) (2009).
17. Sarkar S. and Gangopadhyay S.,On the Second Order Nonlinearity of a Cubic Maiorana-McFarland Bent Function, Finite Fields and their Applications, Fq 9, Dublin (Ireland) (2009).
18. Gangopadhyay S., Sharma D., Sarkar S., Maitra S., On Affine (Non) Equivalence of Bent Functions, 8th Central European Conference on Cryptography, Graz (Austria) (2008).
19. Gangopadhyay S., Sharma D., On a new invariant of Boolean functions, The fourteenth International Conference of the Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 108, Chennai (India) (2007).
20. Carlet C., Gangopadhyay S., Maitra S., Crosscorrelation spectra of Dillon type functions, The second international workshop on sequence design and its application in communications IWSDA'05, 24--28, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi (Japan) (2005).
21. Gangopadhyay S., Maitra S., Further results related to Generalized Nonlinearity, Third International Conference on Cryptology in India, INDOCRYPT, LNCS, 260--274 (2551), Hyderabad (India) (2002).
22. Gangopadhyay S., Keskar, P. H., Maitra S., Patterson-Wiedemann construction revisited, R.C. Bose Centenary Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Applications, Electronic notes in Discrete Mathematics - Elsevier 15, Kolkata (India) (2002).