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Rahul Thakur
Assistant Professor
Research Interests

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Teaching Engagements

Associate Scholars

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Research Interests
Wireless Communication, Cellular Networks, Internet of Things(IoT), Vehicular Networks, Femtocell Resource Allocation and Cell Selection
Educational Details
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Ph.D., Cellular Networks
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
M.S., Wireless Communication and Networks
Barkatullah University
B.E., Computer Science and Engineering
Professional Background
Assistant Professor
01 Jan 2017 - 01 Jan 2018
BITS Pilani K. K. Birla Goa Campus
Assistant Professor
01 Jan 2018 - Present
IIT Roorkee


  1. Thakur, R.; Swain, S.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “An Energy Efficient Cell Selection Framework for Femtocell Networks with Limited Backhaul Link Capacity,” IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1969-1980, June 2018. [Impact Factor: 4.463]
  2. Thakur, R.; Mishra, S.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “An Energy and Cost Aware Framework for Cell Selection and Energy Cooperation in Rural and Remote Femtocell Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, vol. 1, pp. 423-433, Dec 2017. [Impact Factor: NA]
  3. Thakur, R.; Kotagi, V.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “Resource Allocation and Cell Selection Framework for LTE-Unlicensed Femtocell Networks,” Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 129, pp. 273-283, Dec 2017. [Impact Factor: 3.030]
  4. Swain, S.; Thakur, R.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “Design and stochastic geometric analysis of an efficient Q-Learning based physical resource block allocation scheme to maximize the spectral efficiency of Device-to-Device overlaid cellular networks,” Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 119, pp. 71-85, June 2017. [Impact Factor: 3.030]
  5. Thakur, R.; Swain, S.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “Cell Selection and Resource Allocation for Sleep Mode Enabled Femtocells with Backhaul Link Constraint,” Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 105, pp. 105-115, June 2017. [Impact Factor: 2.766]
  6. Swain, S.; Thakur, R., Siva Ram Murthy, C., “Coverage and Rate Analysis for Facilitating Machine-to-Machine Communication in LTE-A Networks using Device-to-Device Communication,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 16, pp. 3014-3027, March 2017. [Impact Factor: 4.474]
  7. Patra, M.; Thakur, R.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “Improving Delay and Energy Efficiency of Vehicular Networks using Femto Access Points,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 1496-1505, Feb. 2017. [Impact Factor: 5.339]
  8. Thakur, R.; Singh, R.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “An Energy Efficient Framework for User Association and Power Allocation in HetNets with Interference and Rate-Loss Constraints,” Elsevier Computer Communications, vol. 94, pp. 57-71, Nov. 2016. [Impact Factor: 2.766]
  9. Kotagi, V.; Thakur, R.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “Breathe to Save Energy: Assigning Transmit Power and Resource Blocks to LTE Enabled IoT Networks,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 1607-1610, Aug. 2016. [Impact Factor: 3.457]


  1. Agarwal, S.; Thakur, R.; Yadav, U.; Rathore, H., “Socio-Cellular Network: A Novel Social Assisted Cellular Communication Paradigm,” accepted in 91st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), Belgium, 2020, pp. 1-5. [Core Rank: B]
  2. Agarwal, S.; Thakur, R.; Mishra, S., “A Link Analysis Based Approach to Predict Character Death in Game of Thrones,” accepted in 14th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & CommunitiesPeople's Republic of China, 2019, pp. 1-15. [Core Rank: B]
  3. Thakur, R.; Kotagi, V. J.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “An Energy Efficient Cell Selection Scheme for Femtocell Network with Spreading,” in Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Hong Kong, 2015, pp. 1569-1573. [Core Rank: B]
  4. Mishra, S.; Thakur, R.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “An Efficient Physical Resource Block Assignment for Dense Femtocell Networks,” in Proceedings of the 79th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), Seoul, 2014, pp. 1-5. [Core Rank: B]
  5. Thakur, R.; Sengupta, A.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “Power consumption modeling of femto-assisted cellular networks using Renewal Reward Process,” in Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON), Singapore, 2013, pp. 1-6. [Core Rank: B]
  6. Sengupta, A.; Thakur, R.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “An efficient preamble compression for multi clock-rate sampling wireless devices,” in Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON), Singapore, 2013, pp. 1-6. [Core Rank: B]
  7. Thakur, R.; Mishra, S.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “A load-conscious cell selection scheme for femto-assisted cellular networks,” in Proceedings of the 24th IEEE International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), London, 2013, pp. 2378-2382. [Core Rank: B]
  8. Thakur, R.; Sengupta, A.; Siva Ram Murthy, C., “Improving capacity and energy efficiency of femtocell based cellular network through cell biasing,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium and Workshops on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), Tsukuba Science City, 2013, pp. 436-443. [Core Rank: B]
Honors And Awards
19th IEEE International Conference on Networks
Best Paper Award
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Teaching Engagements
Teaching Engagements
Design and Analysis of Algorithms ( CSN-212 )
73rd Meeting of IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance
01 Jan 2018 - Present
Administrative Positions
Officer In Charge : B.Tech Project
01 Jan 2019 - Present
IIT Roorkee