Labs and Facilities at the Department of Earth Sciences
Optical Microscopy Lab
Transmitted and reflected light study of rock forming and ore forming minerals.
Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS)
Scanning Electron Microscope is used to capture BSE, CL and SE images from polished sections of rocks.
Stable Isotope Laboratory
Thermo Scientific MAT253 Plus 10 kV Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers (IRMS), and various peripheral and sample preparation devices such as EA ISolink CHNOS elemental analyzer, GasBench II, GC IsoLink II, Kiel IV Carbonate Device, Dionex ASE 350 and Micro-drilling. IRMS allows for measurements of the stable isotope ratios of light elements such as hydrogen, helium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, clumped isotopes and sulfur at the natural abundance level in a broad range of samples.
Geochemistry lab (Ion- Chromatography Facility)
Quantitative measurement of major anions and cations in aqueous phases. IC (Ion chromatography) is an analytical technique used to analyse aqueous samples containing ppm quantities of major anions (eg. Cl−, F−, SO42−, SO32−, NO3− and NO2−), as well as major cations (eg. NH4+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+).
Micropaleontology Lab
Facility for identification and morphometric study of microfossils applied to paleoclimatic reconstructions.
Earth Station
NOVA Satellite Earth Station for receiving NOAA-AVHRR images.
Engineering Seismograph
Used for shallow seismic survey for estimation of bedrock depth and velocities in different layers.
Fluid Inclusion Stage
Linkom THMSG 600 – Heating-Freezing stage is fitted on an Advanced Polarizing Nikon Microscope for geo-thermometric data generation of minerals.
Metronix Magnetotelluric system and software.
Gravimeter & Magnetometers
For gravity and magnetic surveys.
Low Frequency System For Seismic Rock Property Measurement of Insitu Formations
Measure of Elastic and Viscoelastic Properties as a Function of Varying Frequencies, Fluids, Saturations, Pressure (confining and Pore), and Temperature.
Triaxial System
Static seismic rock property measurements at insitu conditions with varying Fluids, saturations, pressures, and temperatures.
Thin Section Preparation Lab
Rock cutting machine, polishing machine and thin section preparation facility.
H.B. Medlicott Museum of Geology
This museum has a unique and vast collection of rocks and minerals which includes a sample of Amethyst from Brazil, a crystal of transparent Calcite, sample of a flexible sandstone, thigh bone and grinding tooth of an elephant about 2-5 million years old, a rare specimen of Cavasite, whale skull from transitional stage (about 42 million years old), a rock from the top of Mt. Everest and Icelandic Volcanic Minerals. It also has rock samples from Munsiari thrust in the Himalayas and of folds from Rajasthan along with different kinds of fossils from different geological times. Another highlight of the museum is the U.V. Room to see fluorescent minerals.
(1) TRITON TI mass spectrometer (2) Class 1000 Clean Room (Column Chemistry for Rb-Sr & Sm-Nd techniques) (3) Sample Preparation Lab (Jaw crusher, Disc Mill, Ball Mill, Frantz isodynamic Separator, Mica Separator, Heavy liquid Separator