Committee(s)/ In-Charge(s) Member(s)
Departmental Administrative Committee (DAC) Prof. M. K. Pathak (Chairperson - Head of Department); Prof. A. Bhattacharya; Prof. Anubrata Dey; Prof. Indra Gupta; Prof. A. Kothyari; Prof. V. Kumar; Prof. G. N. Pillai; Prof. Ambalika Sharma; Prof. P. Sumathi; Prof. A. K. Yadav
Departmental Research Committee (DRC) (DRC Chair EED: Prof. B. R. Bhalja (Chairperson); Prof. Satish Belkhode; Prof. Asha Sharma; Prof. Abhisek K. Behera; Prof. C. P. Gupta; Prof. Premalata Jena; Prof. Manoj Tripathy; Prof. Sohom Chakrabarty; Prof. Yogesh V. Hote; Prof. Avik Bhattacharya; Prof. Sumit GhatakChoudhuri; Prof. Arnab Dey
Departmental Academic Program Committee (DAPC) (DAPC Chair EED: Prof. Vishal Kumar (Chairperson); Prof. Ramanuja Panigrahi; Prof. Avinash Kumar; Prof. M. Felix Orlando; Prof. Apurv K. Yadav; Prof. Dheeraj K. Khatod; Prof. P. Sumathi; Prof. Ashish Kothyari; Prof. Pramod Agarwal; Prof. Abdul Saleem Mir; Prof. Anubrata Dey; Prof. R. S. Anand
Departmental Purchase Committee (DPC) Prof. M. K. Pathak (Chairman); Prof. P. Agarwal; Prof. M. Tripathy; Prof. Y. V. Hote; Prof. D. K. Khatod
Departmental Faculty Search Committee (DFSC) Prof. Deep Kiran (Convener); Prof. Yogesh V. Hote; Prof. Dheeraj K. Khatod; Prof. A. Kothyari; Prof. Sanjeev Manhas (ECED); Prof. Siba K. Patro
Departmental Faculty Committee (DFC) Prof. M. K. Pathak (Chairman) and all faculty members
Chairperson, SPFC Prof. P. Sumathi
Faculty-in-Charge (Non-Teaching) Prof. B. Tyagi (July 2021 - onwards)
Faculty-in-Charge (Departmental Official Language) Prof. A. Kothyari (July 2021 - onwards)
Departmental Web Management Committee Prof. A. K. Behera (Chairman); Prof. R. Panigrahi; PhD student members: Mr. Ankush Sharma; Mr. Mir Uzair Kanth
Group Coordinators Prof. D. K. Khatod (PSE); Prof. A. Bhattacharya (EDPE); Prof. M. Felix Orlando (S&C); Prof. R. S. Anand (AI&AI)
M.Tech Coordinators Prof. P. Agarwal (Overall and EDPE); Prof. P. Jena (PSE); Prof. R. S. Anand (ISP); Prof. A. K. Yadav (EVT); Prof. A. Kothyari (S&C)
Faculty Advisors Prof. R. Panigrahi (B.Tech. 1st year); Prof. A. Kothyari (B.Tech. 2nd year); Prof. A. K. Behera (B.Tech. 3rd year); Prof. Arnab Dey (B.Tech. 4th year); Prof. Pramod Agarwal (M.Tech. EDPE); Prof. Deep Kiran (M.Tech. PSE); Prof. A. Kothyari (M.Tech. S&C); Prof. R. S. Anand (M.Tech. I&SP); Prof. A. K. Yadav (M.Tech. EVT); Prof. B. R. Bhalja (Ph.D - Chairman DRC)
Faculty-in-Charge (Departmental Placements) Prof. Y. V. Hote
Faculty-in-Charge (Invited Lectures and Expert Talks) Prof. P. Sumathi
Faculty-in-Charge (Alumni & Outreach) Prof. A. Bhattacharya
Faculty-in-Charge (Media Outreach) (Chair: Prof. S. Chakrabarty
Department Space Management Committee (DSMC) Prof. V. Kumar (Chairman); Prof. M. Tripathy; Prof. D. K. Khatod; Prof. S. K. Patro
Faculty-in-Charge (Timetable) Prof. M. Tripathy; Prof. Sumit GhatakChoudhuri; Prof. Jeevanand S.
Electrical Engineering Students Society Prof. P. Jena (Coordinator I); Prof. A. K. Yadav (Coordinator II); UG student members: Kavya Arora (Secretary); Ishita Garg (Additional Secretary ); Piyush Chittora (Joint Secretary, WebD ); Abhiyansh Raj (Joint Secretary, Editorial); Harshvardhan (Joint Secretary, Sponsorship & Finance); Devesh Rathod (Joint Secretary, Tutoring and mentoring)
COVID-19 Monitoring Committee Prof. D. K. Khatod (Chairman); Prof. Jeevanand S. Ph.D. Student members: Mr. Gagandeep Singh Dua; Ms. Rashmi Prasad
B.Tech. Project Coordinators (EEN-400) Prof. B. Das (Coordinator I); Prof. A. Kumar (Coordinator II)
Industry Oriented Project Coordinators (EEN-300) Prof. Anubrata Dey (Coordinator I); Prof. R. Panigrahi (Coordinator II)
Anti Ragging Committee Prof. G. N. Pillai (Chairman); Prof. P. Sumathi; Prof. P. Jena; Prof. Deep Kiran; Prof. D. K. Khatod; Prof. Jeevanand S.
Officer-in-Charge (Maintenance) Prof. Arnab Dey
Officer-in-Charge (Examination) Prof. A. S. Mir
Officer-in-Charge (Department Store) Prof. Dheeraj K. Khatod
Course Coordinators (Tinkering and Mentoring) Prof. S. Chakrabarty; Prof. S. K. Patro
Gardening Prof. V. Pant; Prof. I. Gupta
Officer-in-Charge (CAD Lab) Prof. A. K. Behera
Applied Electronics Lab Prof. P. Agarwal
Embedded Systems Lab Prof. G. N. Pillai/ Prof. I. Gupta
Electric Drives I Prof. S. K. Patro/Prof. M. K. Pathak
Electric Drives II Prof. S. K. Patro
Drives Simulation Lab Prof. Anubrata Dey
Electrical Machines Lab-I Prof. P. Agarwal
Electrical Science Lab Prof. M. K. Pathak
Electrical Machines Lab II Prof. S. Das
Computer Controlled Drives Lab Prof. M. K. Pathak
Power Electronics Lab Prof. Anubrata Dey
Power Quality Lab Prof. Jeevanand S.
Advanced Robotics Lab Prof. F. O. M. Joseph/ Prof. S. Chakrabarty
Control & Robotics Lab Prof. V. Kumar/ Prof. A. K. Behera
Microprocessor and Computer Lab Prof. P. Agarwal/ Prof. B. Tyagi
Advanced Control Lab Prof. Y. V. Hote/ Prof. Arnab Dey
Electrical Measurement Lab Prof. K. B. Nandapurkar
Applied Instrumentation Lab Prof. P. Sumathi
Bio-Medical Instrumentation Lab Prof. R. S. Anand
Power System Simulation Lab Prof. Deep Kiran/ Prof. A. S. Mir
Power System Protection Lab Prof. P. Jena/ Prof. V. Pant
High Voltage Lab Prof. Asha Sharma
Machine Learning Prof. G. N. Pillai
Smart Grid (M. P. VARSHNEY) Lab Prof. B. R. Bhalja
Electric Vehicle Technology Lab Prof. A. K. Yadav
RTDS Lab Prof. M. Tripathy
Instrumentation & Signal Processing Lab Prof. M. Tripathy
Autonomous Vehicle Dynamics and Control Lab Prof. A. Kothyari