Undergraduate programme
Integrated Dual Degrees
Postgraduate programmes
Research Programme
Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering
The department offers four years Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) programme (comprising of eight semesters). B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering at IIT Roorkee is one of the best rated undergraduate engineering programmes in the country and recognized the world over for its academic excellence.
The curriculum of B.Tech. programme comprises core courses, department elective courses, industry-oriented projects, experiments in the laboratory, projects, etc. The programme offers sufficient flexibility so that the students can undertake various elective courses that provide exposure in various disciplines of Electrical Engineering such as Electric drives, Power electronics, Power systems, Control systems, Instrumentation and Signal processing. The undergraduate students can also undertake various research projects through B.Tech. projects.
B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering) and M.Tech. (Instrumentation & Control)
B.Tech. (Electrical Engineering) and M.Tech. (Power Electronics)
The department has vibrant postgraduate programmes with a strong focus on research and development. The department attaches a lot of importance to its master's students as they constitute the backbone of research and development. The department offers Master of Technology (M.Tech.) programmes in four research areas or specializations:
Electric Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE)
Power System Engineering (PSE)
Instrumentation and Signal Processing (I&SP)
Systems and Control (S&C)
M.Tech. programmes comprise core courses, specialization related electives, seminar and supervised research projects. M.Tech. thesis enables graduate students to display their skills in performing independent research. It is expected that M.Tech. thesis would result in high-quality research publications or patent or prototype technology development.
M.Tech. in the department can be undertaken with either of the following two options:
Full-Time M.Tech. which is two years in duration.
Part-Time M.Tech. which is three years in duration.
The above options differ only in terms of the minimum number of credits to be earned per semester and thereby different durations. Both these options are available in the above-mentioned four specializations. The final degree awarded in both cases is M.Tech. in the respective specialization.
M.Tech. with a two-year duration
The two years M.Tech. programme is a full-time programme and limited Teaching Assistant (TA) positions are available in the department. All TAs are required to assist course instructors for the prescribed hours per week. TA positions require a valid GATE score in EE/EC/IN disciplines as prescribed for various specialization.
More information can be found in the information brochure here.
Employees working in the industry or teachers of universities/colleges, who are sponsored full time by their respective organizations, can also apply for full-time M.Tech. programme. All such persons are required to satisfy minimum working/professional experience of 2 years.
Detailed eligibility conditions in terms of academic qualifications and experiences for the above programme can be found in the information brochure here.
M.Tech. with a three-year duration
Sponsored staff, employees working in IIT Roorkee either as permanent staff or employed in sponsored research projects as Project Staff are eligible for part-time three years M.Tech. programme.
Detailed eligibility conditions in terms of academic qualifications and experiences for the above programme can be found in the information brochure here.
The doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) programme is a flagship programme of the department's research. All Ph.D. scholars contribute in a significant way to the research activities of the department. Students after graduating with a Ph.D. degree from the department are expected to play leadership roles in research and development in various disciplines of electrical engineering either in industry or in academic institutes. Ph.D. programmes are available in all four specializations as mentioned above for M. Tech.
Requirement for successful completion of Ph.D. :-
Ph.D. programme comprises of course work for prescribed credits with a minimum prescribed performance and a research dissertation reflecting original and independently performed research contributions in the respective area.
In the department of electrical engineering, all admitted students are required to successfully complete the Ph.D. qualifier examination after completing the prescribed course work. Ph.D. candidacy is confirmed only after the student has been declared successful in the qualifier examination. Ph.D. thesis is expected to result in high-quality publications in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences with a minimum of one journal and one conference article publication before the thesis can be submitted for review.
Eligibility conditions for Ph.D. programme in electrical engineering can be found in the information brochure here.
If you are interested in inquiring about a position available with a faculty member in his/her sponsored research grants for a Ph.D., you may contact the faculty member/s relevant to your research areas.