Research Interests
For Project Openings, please go to my website., Sliding Mode Control Theory and Applications, Autonomous Ground and Aerial Vehicles, Robotics, Reinforcement Learning based Control
Book Chapters
P. P. Arya and S. Chakrabarty, “Internal Model Control-based Fractional Order Controller Design for Process Plants satisfying desired gain margin and phase margin,” Applied Fractional Calculus in Identification and Control, U. Mehta, K. Bingi, S. Saxena (eds.), Studies in Infrastructure and Control, Springer: Singapore, 2022.
V. Gupta, P. P. Arya and S. Chakrabarty, “Modelling and PID control of two-wheel mobile robot with a manipulator and its implementation in Simulink,” Advances in Systems Engineering: Select Proceedings of NSC 2019, V. H. Saran, Rakesh Kumar Misra (eds.), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer: Singapore, 2021.
J. Samantaray and S. Chakrabarty, Discrete Time Sliding Mode Control, Control Theory in Engineering, Constantin Volosencu, Ali Saghafinia, Xian Du, Sohom Chakrabarty (eds.), IntechOpen, 2020.
S. Chakrabarty, B. Bandyopadhyay and A. Bartoszewicz, “Discrete time sliding mode control with outputs of relative degree more than one,” Recent Developments in Sliding Mode Control Theory and Applications, Andrzej Bartoszewicz (eds.), InTechOpen, 2017.
S. Chakrabarty and B. Bandyopadhyay, “A generalized reaching law for discrete-time sliding mode,” Recent Trends in Sliding Mode Control, Leonid Fridman, Jean-Pierre Barbot, Franck Plestan (eds.), IET Digital Library, 2016.
J. Samantaray and S. Chakrabarty, "Discrete-time sliding mode control with inverse hyperbolic sine reaching law," Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 361(14), 107108, 2024.
J. Samantaray, R. Chakraborty, A. Dey and S. Chakrabarty, "An Exponential Power Rate Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Observer for a Modular Multilevel Converter," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 71 (8), pp. 8227-8236, 2024.
A. Shakya, G. Pillai and S. Chakrabarty, “Reinforcement Learning Algorithms: A brief survey”, Expert Systems With Applications, vol. 231, 120495, 2023.
1. J. Samantaray, S. Chakrabarty and A. Bartoszewicz, "Advanced Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control with Fast Output Sampling and its Application to Buck Converter," Automatica, vol. 149, 110802, 2023.
2. J. Samantaray, R. Chakraborty, A. Dey and S. Chakrabarty, "Lyapunov-Based Capacitor Voltage Observation of Modular Multilevel Converters," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70 (3), pp. 3024-3034, 2023.
3. P. P. Arya and S. Chakrabarty, “Robust modified partial internal model control for stable, unstable and integrating processes,” International Journal of Systems Science, 2022, DOI: 10.1080/00207721.2022.2138626.
4. J. Samantaray, R. Chakraborty, A. Dey and S. Chakrabarty, "Discrete Time Adaptive Observer for Capacitor Voltage Estimation of MMC," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 58 (6), pp. 7490-7498, 2022.
5. Md. F. Khan, G. Kalyan, S. Chakrabarty and M. Mursaleen, “Hypertension: Constraining the Expression of ACE-II by Adopting Optimal Micronutrients Diet Predicted by Support Vector Machine,” Nutrients, vol. 14 (14), 2794, 2022.
6. J. Samantaray and S. Chakrabarty, "Advanced Non-Switching Discrete Time Sliding Mode Control for Speed Tracking of a DC Motor," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 58(5), pp. 6217-6226, 2022.
7. A. G. Iyer, J. Samantaray, S. Ghosh, A. Dey and S. Chakrabarty, “Sliding Mode Control using Power Rate Exponential Reaching Law for Urban Platooning,” IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol 55(1), pp. 516-521, 2022.
8. A. Shakya, K. Bithel, G. Pillai and S. Chakrabarty, “Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Super Twisting Controller for Liquid Slosh Control Problem,” IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol 55(1), pp. 734-739, 2022.
9. P. P. Arya and S. Chakrabarty, “Controller considerations for attenuating noise in process variables in presence of uncertainties in plant parameters,” IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol 55(1), pp. 832-837, 2022.
10. R. Chakraborty, J. Samantaray, S. Chakrabarty and A. Dey, “Capacitor Voltage Estimation of MMC using a Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Observer Based on Discrete Model Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol 58(1), pp. 494-504, 2022.
11. Md. F. Khan, R. K. Gazara, M. M. Nofal, S. Chakrabarty, E. M. A. Dannoun, R. Al-Hmouz and M. Mursaleen, “Reinforcing Synthetic Data for Meticulous Survival Prediction of Patients Suffering From Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction,” IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 72661-72669, 2021.
12. G. Kalyan, V. Junghare, Md. F. Khan, S. Pal, S. Bhattacharya, S. Guha, K. Majumder, S. Chakrabarty and S. Hazra, "Anti-hypertensive Peptide Predictor (AHPP): A machine learning empowered web server for prediction of food-derived peptides with potential Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-I (ACE-I) inhibitory activity," Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 69(49), pp. 14995-15004, 2021.
13. P. P. Arya and S. Chakrabarty, "A robust internal model controller with increased closed loop bandwidth for process control systems", IET Control Theory & Applications, vol 14(15), pp. 2134-2146, 2020.
14. P. P. Arya and S. Chakrabarty, “A robust internal model based fractional order controller for fractional order plus time delay processes,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol 4(4), pp. 862-867, 2020.
15. Y. Orlov, S. Chakrabarty, D. Zhao and S. K. Spurgeon, “Sliding mode observer design for a parabolic PDE in the presence of unknown inputs”, Asian Journal of Control, vol 21(1), pp. 224-235, 2019.
16. P. P. Arya and S. Chakrabarty, “IMC based Fractional Order Controller Design for Specific Non-Minimum Phase Systems,” IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol 51(4), pp. 847-852, 2018.
17. P. P. Arya and S. Chakrabarty, “A Modified IMC Structure to Independently Select Phase Margin and Gain Cross-over Frequency Criteria,” IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol 51(1), pp. 267-272, 2018.
18. S. Chakrabarty and A. Bartoszewicz, “Improved robustness and performance of discrete time sliding mode control systems,” ISA Transactions, vol. 65, pp. 143-149, 2016.
19. S. Chakrabarty and B. Bandyopadhyay, “A generalized reaching law with different convergence rate,” Automatica, vol. 63, pp. 34-37, 2016.
20. S. Chakrabarty and B. Bandyopadhyay, “A generalized reaching law for discrete time sliding mode control,” Automatica, vol. 52, pp. 83-86, 2015.
21. S. Chakrabarty and B. Bandyopadhyay, “Minimum ultimate band design of discrete time sliding mode control,” Asian Journal of Control, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 1889-1897, 2015.
22. S. Chakrabarty and B. Bandyopadhyay, “N-sigma stability of stochastic systems with sliding mode control,” Journal of Franklin Institute, vol. 351, no. 4, pp. 2232-2242, 2014.
Honors And Awards
Teaching Engagements
1. Samsaptak Ghosh, Etta Dheeraj Kumar Reddy, Ujjwal Gupta, Sohom Chakrabarty, “A Web Application, User Interface Based Automatic Mobile Robot (WAMR) To Carry Payload With Obstacle Avoidance Feature,” Application no. 202211041469, Patent No. 548886, Granted 24/08/2024, The Patent Office, Govt. of India.
2. S. Chakrabarty, Samsaptak Ghosh, Etta Dheeraj Kumar Reddy, Sarthak Gupta, Ujjwal Gupta and Rahesh Pramod Hudiya, “Design And Development Of A Low Cost Automated Guided Vehicle For Indian Industries,” by IIT Roorkee, Registration No. L-91858/2020, June 5, 2020.
3. S. Chakrabarty, Samsaptak Ghosh, Vinay Maida, “A User Interface for Automated Guided Vehicle,” by IIT Roorkee, Registration No. L-98327/2021, Jan 8, 2021.
4. S. Chakrabarty, Prateek Agarwal, Vaibhav Singh, “A Web-based Research Project Management System,” by IIT Roorkee, Registration No. SW-14191/2021, February 6, 2021.
5. S. Chakrabarty, Prateek Agarwal, Vaibhav Singh, “A Web-based Research Project Management System,” by IIT Roorkee, Registration No. L-101463/2021, April 6, 2021.