Research Interests
Dynamical system theory, Numerical Linear Algebra, Formal Verification of Control Systems
Teaching Engagements
1. Akash, Ritik Mathur, Aayush Verma, Aryan Raj, Topic: Robust Control for Autonomous Driving, 2021-2022.
2. Vibhor Goyal, Tanmay Rathi, Namrata Meena, Sushant Jain, Topic: Verification of Frequency Control for Power Systems using Parallel Computing, 2021-2022.
3. Ritvik Mahajan, Topic: Safety-Critical Control, 2022-2023.
1. Aman Soni, Arpit Kr. Pandey, Davinder Singh, Paritosh Sanadhya, Pinaki Basu, Rajat Raj, Topic: Stock Prices Forecasting Using LSTMs, 2021-2022.
1. Ankit Uniyal, Topic: Collision Avoidance in Autonomous Vehicles Using Robust MPC, 2021-2022.
2. Abhishek Mundel, Topic: Mathematical Modelling and stability analysis of communicable diseases with particular emphasis on Covid, 2021-2022.
3. Bicky Kumar, Topic: Invaraint Set Computation for Time-Delay Systems.
4. Chiluveru Akhil, Topic: Invariant Sets for Discrete Time-delay Systems
5. Vineet Kumar, Topic: Data-Driven Dissipativity Analysis