Advanced Instrumentation and Artificial Intelligence
Welcome to the Advanced Instrumentation and Artificial Intelligence (AI&AI) Group in the Department of Electrical Engineering (EED) at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR).
The I&SP Group conducts research and education in a broad range of activities.
We encourage our students to take part in research and at the same time gain experience in industries/academia. We welcome highly motivated and passionate students to join our programme and be a part of the exciting work that we do at the I&SP group, EED, IITR.
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Electrical Measurement Lab
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Instrumentation & Signal Processing Lab
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Applied Instrumentation Lab
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Bio-Medical Instrumentation Lab
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Machine Learning Lab
List of faculty members (Alphabetical order)
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Ambalika Sharma
Assistant Professor
Biomedical Engineering, Signal Processing, Neural Networks, Biomedical Engineering, Signal Processing, Neural Networks,
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Manoj Tripathy
Power System Protection, Automation, Smart Grid protection, Microgrid Protection, Cyber Security, Digital/Numerical Relays, Artificial Intelligence Based Relays, Neuro-fuzzy Technique, Protection Scheme Development for a Line with FACTS devices, Digital Signal and Image Processing, signal and image processing problems, Applying meaching learning to inverse problems
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P. Sumathi
Advanced driver assistance systems, Image processing, DFT with sliding windows, warning systems, Sensors, Interfacing circuits for smart sensors, Control and signal processing, phase locking schemes, sliding DFT filters, multi-component decomposition, Instrumentation, vibration measurement, capacitance measurement, ultrasonics, Parameter esitmation, on-line estimation of sinusoidal and exponentially decaying sinusoidal signal parameters
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R.S. Anand
Microprocessor and Computer Based Instrumentation, Ultrasonic Imaging in NDE and Medical Diagnosis, Instrumentation and Signal Processing, Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, Biomedical Instrumentation, Digital Signal and Image Processing, Microprocessor and Computer Based I, Biomedical Instrumentation, Digital Signal and Image Processing