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Pratham Arora
Assistant professor
Techno-Enviro-Economic Assessment, Process Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation, Renewable Energy Systems, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Biofuels and bio-energy, Sustainable chemical and fertilizers, Carbon capture , Integrated assessment modelling
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Amit Bhosale
Assistant professor
PEM Fuel Cells, Electrolysers, Stack Development, Contact Resistance Management, Cylindrical Fuel Cells
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Himanshu Jain
Assistant professor
Grid reliability and resilience under very-high variable renewable energy penetration;, Blackstart of bulk power and distribution systems using inverter-based generation resources;, Modeling and simulation of utility-scale transmission, distribution, and integrated transmission and distribution systems at multiple timescales;, Developing software tools for improving the modeling accuracy of power grids under very-high variable renewable energy penetration;, Using distributed energy resources (DERs) for improving grid reliability and resilience.
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Arun Kumar
Specialisation - Hydropower Development, Environmental Management, Energy Economics and Policy, Sand Erosion, Hydraulic Turbine, Floating Solar
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Ravita Lamba
Assistant professor
Department of Hydro and Renewable Energy, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Fuel Cells, Battery Technology, Optimization, Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal Systems, Thermoelectric Devices, Radiative Cooling
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Planning, Design & Analysis of Civil Works of SHP, Planning, Design & Analysis of Civil Works of SHP, Related Software Development, Related Software Development
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Chandra Shekhar Pant
Assistant professor
Room Number 204, HRED
Hydro-Turbines, Cavitation, Hydro-Kinetic Turbines, Turbulence, Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Erosion, Sedimentation, Mixing, Cloud microphysics, Weather and Climate Predictions, GCMs, Machine Learning, AI
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Sanjeev Kumar Prajapati
Head of the Department
Environmental Engineering, Biogas Technology, Commercial Compressed Biogas Gas, TEA , Bioprocess, Climate Change, Biofuel, Rural, Water & Wastewater, Algal Tech., Biofuel, Waste Valorisation, GHG emissions, Water bodies
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Hemant Jibhau Sagar
Assistant professor
+91 133228-5315
CFD and FEM, Turbines and Rotating Machinery, Experimental Methods, Hydropower, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Multiphase Flows, Quantitative Analysis of Flow, Cavitation, Cavitation-Erosion, Cavitation-Silt Erosion, Erosion Resistive Coatings, Hydrodynamics Supercavitation, Offshore Wind Turbines (Floating anf Fixed), Acoustics, Cavitation Based Biomedical Technology, Hydrodynamics, Bubble Dynamics, Laser Induced Cavitation Bubbles, Cavitation Bubble Dynamics
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Pranjali Sharma
Assistant professor
Room no. 502, Second Floor, Hydro and Renewable Energy Department
Hydrogen storage, transport, and distribution; recycling aged composite tanks; geological hydrogen production, storage and carbon sequestration; techno-economics for decarbonization
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S.K. Singal
Small Hydropower - Resource Assessment Investigations and Planning, Designs of civil works, Cost Optimisation and Tariff Analysis, Integrated Renewable Energy Systems, Planning of Water Resource
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Rhythm Singh
Associate professor
Solar PV systems, Rooftop PV applications, Solar resource variability assessment, Application of AI/ML/Fintech to renewable energy, Grid-connected renewable energy systems, Potential estimation, grid integration issues and long-term planning, Energy systems modelling for clean energy transition
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Prashant Surana
Assistant professor
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Power Converters for Renewable Energy, Power Electronics for Grid Integration of Solar and Wind, Synchronous Generator, Self Excited Induction Machines, E-mobility, Wide Band Gap Devices, Medium voltage converters
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Sonal K. Thengane
Associate professor
Biomass conversion (Torrefaction, Pyrolysis, Gasification, Biomethanation); Biochar applications in soil amendment and wastewater treatment; Carbon capture and storage; Waste management; Hydrogen production; Life cycle and techno-economic analysis
Retired Faculty
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S.N. Singh
Retired faculty
Small Hydro Power, Hydro Generator design, control and protection , Solar Energy, SPV Monitoring systems, MPPT of SPV, Grid connected PV systems , Power electronics, Transformer-less Inverters for grid-tied SPV.
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M.P. Sharma
Retired faculty
Bio-Energy, biodiesel production & utilisation, biomass gasification; biogas generation from agricultural wastes, Biomass Conversion and Environment Conservation, Bioenergy, IRES, HES, water quality, Ecological Health, & carrying capacity of rivers, GHG Emission , Waste Water Treatment Plants, Cumulative Environment Impact Assessment, Water Quality Mapping of Rivers, GHG Emissions from Hydropower Reservoir & MSW Dumping sites
Ex Faculty
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Deepak Ronanki
Ex faculty
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure, battery chargers, energy storage systems, fuel cell electric vehicles, power electronics, motor drives, transportation electrification, solar photovoltaic systems, wind energy systems, and digital control
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R.P. Saini
Ex faculty
Small Hydro Power-Hydro Turbine Design and Performance Testing, Hydrokinetic Energy, Silt Erosion in Hydro Turbines, Optimal Selection of SHP Equipment, Cost Optimization of SHP Schemes, Solar Energy-Solar Thermal Energy Utilization-Performance Enhancement of Solar Air Heaters, Solar Thermal Energy Storage-Packed-Bed Sensible Heat Storage System, Integrated Renewable Energy Sources-Modelling of Renewable Energy Systems, Modeling of Hybrid Energy Systems
Visiting Faculty
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Subodh Sharma
Visiting professor
Professor Of Practice
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Alok Kumar
Professor of practice
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Anand Kumar
Professor of practice
Power Sector Regulation, Policy & Finance, Renewable Energy Policy & Regulation, Load Forecasting, Tariff design & working models, Power Purchase Agreements, Energy Pricing, Energy Access, Standard of Performance and Safety Standards
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Mukesh Mangla
Professor of practice