[J59] A. Puri and S. Kumar, A Novel Approach in MRI Signal Processing for Unveiling the Intricacies of Brain Axonal Organization, Phys. Eng. Sci. Med., 2025
[J58] V. Verma and S. Kumar, Quantum Image Encryption Algorithm Based on 3D-BNM Chaotic Map, to be appeared in Nonlinear Dyn , (2024).
[J57] D. Rathi and S. Kumar, Verifiable dynamic quantum secret sharing based on generalized Hadamard gate , to be appeared in Quantum Information processing (2024).
[C] S. Yadav, R. Balasubramanian, S. Kumar, Differentially Private Spiking Variational Autoencoder, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2024
[C] S. Yadav, A. Pundhir, R. Balasubramanian, S. Kumar, Unveiling Robustness of Spiking Neural Networks Against Data Poisoning Attacks, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2024
[J56] V. Verma, S. Kumar, N. Rani, Novel image encryption algorithm using hybrid 3D-ICPCM and hessenberg decomposition. Nonlinear Dyn 112, 10583–10609 (2024).
[J55] D. Rathi and S. Kumar, Quantum Multi-Secret Sharing Scheme with Access Structure and Cheat Identification, Int. Journal of Quantum Information (2024) https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219749924500151
[J54] D. Singh and S. Kumar, Enhancing the fidelity of controlled cyclic teleportation via quantum weak measurement techniques to combat the decoherence due to amplitude damping, Int. Journal of Quantum Information, 22(4): 2350051 (2024)
[J53] D. Rathi and S. Kumar, Quantum secret sharing protocol through noisy channel with application in visual cryptography, to be appeared in Concurrency And Computation (2023)
[J52] A. Puri and S. Kumar, A fractional order-based mixture of central Wishart (FMoCW) model for reconstructing white matter fibers from diffusion MRI, To be appeared in Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging (2023)
[J51] D. Rathi and S. Kumar, A d-level quantum secret sharing scheme with cheat-detection (t,m) threshold, Quantum Information processing (2023)
[J50] A. Puri and S. Kumar, A generalized order mixture model for tracing connectivity of white matter fascicles complexity in brain from diffusion MRI, Math. Med. and Biol. (2023)
[J49] D. Singh, S. Kumar, B. K. Behera, A secure deterministic remote state preparation via a seven-qubit entangled channel of a two-qubit entangled state under the impact of quantum noise, Opt. Commun. 535: 129352 (2023)
[J48] A. Puri and S. Kumar, An iterative algorithm for computing gradient directions for white matter fascicles detection in brain MRI, Phys. Eng. Sci. Med. 46(1):165-178 (2023)
[J47] M. Lakra and S. Kumar, Solving a generalized order improved diffusion equation of image denoising using a CeNN-based scheme, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022
[J46] D. Singh and S. Kumar, Complexity analysis of quantum teleportation via different entangled channels in the presence of noise, IET Quantum Communication, 2022
[J45] F. Musanna and S. Kumar, Quantum Secret Sharing using GHZ State Qubit Positioning andSelectiveQubits Strategy with Simulaion and Analysis , Int. Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2022
[J44] N. Singh and S. Kumar, A Wavelet-based Study on Phase and Magnitude Relationships of the Stockwell Transform, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 2022
[J43] A. Puri and S. Kumar, An OMP-TV2 Algorithm for Detecting White Matter Fibers in Brain MRI, Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 2022
[J42] F. Musanna, D. Dangwal & S. Kumar, Novel Image Encryption Algorithm using Fractional Chaos and Cellular Neural Network, J Ambient Intell Human Comput (2021)
[J41] A. Puri, S. Shakya, and S. Kumar, An Enhanced Multi-Fiber Reconstruction Technique using Adaptive Gradient Directions coupled with MoNCW Model in Diffusion MRI, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 325 (2021), 106931 Impact Factor: 2.624
[J40] M. Lakra, S. Kumar, A fractional-order PDE-based contour detection model with CeNN scheme for medical images. J Real-Time Image Proc (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11554-021-01172-1 Impact Factor: 2.358
[J39] M. Lakra, S. Kumar, Disparity computation through PDE and data-driven CeNN technique. Traitement du Signal, (2021):38(4): 1051-1059 https://doi.org/10.18280/ts.380415 Impact Factor: 2.589
[J38] Musanna and S. Kumar, A Novel Three Party Quantum Secret Sharing Scheme based on Bell State Sequential Measurements with Applications in Quantum Image Sharing, Quantum Inf Process (2020)19, 348 Impact Factor: 2.349
[J37] F. Musanna and S. Kumar, Image encryption using Quantum 3-D Baker map and Generalized Gray code coupled with fractional Chen's chaotic system, Quantum Inf Process (2020) 19:220 Impact Factor: 2.349
[J36] F. Musanna and S. Kumar, Novel Image Encryption Algorithm using Chaotic Compressive Sensing and Nonlinear Exponential Function, Journal of Information Security and Applications (2020), 54:102560 Impact Factor: 3.872
[J35] F. Musanna and S. Kumar, Generating Visually Coherent Encrypted Images with Reversible Data Hiding in Wavelet Doamin by Fusing Chaos and Pairing Functions, Computer Communications (2020), 162: 12-30 Impact Factor: 3.167
[J34] Bala, A. Rani, S. Kumar, An Illumination Insensitive Normalization Approach to Face Recognition Using Locality Sensitive Discriminant Analysis, Traitement du Signal (2020), 37(3):451-460 Impact Factor: 2.589
[J33] M. Lakra and S. Kumar, A CNN-based computational algorithm for nonlinear image diffusion problem. Multimed Tools Appl (2020), 79: 23887–23908 Impact Factor: 2.757
[J32] S. Shakya, S. Kumar and M. Goswami, Deep Learning Algorithm for satellite imaging-based cyclone detection, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied earth observations and Remote Sensing (2020), 13(1): 827-839 Impact Factor: 3.784
[J31] F. Musanna, D. Dangwal, S. Kumar and V. Malik, A Chaos Based Image Encryption Algorithm based on Multiresolution Singular Value Decomposition and a Symmetric Attractor, The Imaging Science Journal (Royal Photographic Society) (2020), 68(1): 24-40 Impact Factor: 0.871
[J30] F. Musanna, D. Dangwal and S. Kumar, A novel chaos-based approach in conjunction with MR-SVD and pairing function for generating visually meaningful cipher images. Multimed Tools Appl (2020), 79: 25115–2514 Impact Factor: 2.757
[J29] Deepika Saini and Sanjeev Kumar, Quantization Error in Stereo Imaging System with Noise Distributions, June 2020, International Journal of Modeling Simulation and Scientific Computing 11(05), 10.1142/S1793962320500427
[J28] S. Nandal and S. Kumar, Fractional order anisotropic diffusion for defogging of RGB images, Int. Journal of Image and Graphics, 20(1), 2050001 (20 pages), 2020
[J27] S. Shakya and S. Kumar , Characterizing and predicting the movement of clouds using fractional-order optical flow, IET Image Processing, 13(8):1375 – 1381, 2019 Impact Factor: 2.373
[J26] S. Nandal and S. Kumar, Single image fog removal algorithm in spatial domain using fractional order anisotropic diffusion. Multimed Tools Appl (2019) 78:10717–10732 Impact Factor: 2.757
[J25] F. Musanna and S. Kumar, A Novel Fractional-order Chaos-based Image Encryption using Fisher-Yates Algorithm and 3-D Cat Map, Multimed Tools Appl (2019) 78(11): 14867-14895, 2018 Impact Factor: 2.757
[J24] Deepika Saini, Sanjeev Kumar and T. R. Gulati, NURBS-based Geometric Inverse Reconstruction of Free-form Shaped Objects, JKSU-Computer and Information Sciences, (2017) 29(1):116-133 Impact Factor: 13.173
[J23] P. Kumar and S. Kumar, A modified variational functional for estimating dense and discontinuity preserving optical flow in various spectrum, International Journal of Electronics and Communications (2016) 70 (3): 289-300 Impact Factor: 3.183
[J22] P. Kumar, S. Kumar and R. Balasubramanian, A fractional order variational model for the robust estimation of optical flow from image sequences, Optik, (2016), 127(20): 8710-8727 Impact Factor: 2.443
[J21] D. Saini, S. Kumar and T. R. Gulati, Reconstruction of Freeform Space Curves using NURBS-Snakes based Energy Minimization Approach, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 33: 30-45, 2015 Impact Factor: 1.382
[J20] Anu Bala, S. Kumar, R. Bhargava, 2D–3D Non-rigid Registration Using Depth from Gradient Information, 3D Research, 6 (2015), 34[11 pages]
[J19] A. Rani, A. K. Bhullar, D. Dangwal, S. Kumar, A Zero-Watermarking Scheme using Discrete Wavelet Transform, Procedia Computer Science, 70: 603-609 (2015)
[J18] Anu Bala, S. Kumar and R. Bhargava "Recovering Depth Map from Enhanced Image Gradients", Procedia Computer Science, 70: 572-578 (2015)
[J17] Deepika Saini and Sanjeev Kumar, A Skeleton-Based 3D Shape Reconstruction of Free-Form Objects with Stereo Vision. 3D Res 6, 37 (2015)
[J16] G. Mekonnen, S. Kumar, and P. M. Pathak, Wireless Hybrid Visual Servoing of Omnidirection Wheeled Mobile Robots, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 75(B) (2015), 450-462 Impact Factor: 3.120
[J15] Deepika Saini and Sanjeev Kumar, Stereo Vision based Conic Reconstruction using a Ray-Quadric Intersection, International Journal of Image and Graphics, 15(4): 1550019, 2015
[J14] Asha Rani, Balasubrmanian Raman and Sanjeev Kumar, A Robust Watermarking Scheme Exploiting Balanced Neural Tree for Rightful Ownership Protection, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 72(3): 2225-2248, 2014 Impact Factor: 2.757
[J13] Sanoj Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, N. Sukavanam and R. Balasubramanian, Dual Tree Fractional Quaternion Wavelet Transform for Disparity Estimation, ISA Transactions, 53(2): 547-559, 2014 Impact Factor: 5.468
[J12] Asha Rani, S. Kumar, C. Micheloni, G.L. Foresti,, Incorporating Linear Discriminant Analysis in Neural Tree for Multidimensional Splitting, Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier), 13(10): 4219–4228, 2013 Impact Factor: 6.725
[J11] Sanoj Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, N. Sukavanam and Balasubramanian Raman, Human Visual System and Segment-Based Disparity Estimation, AEÜ - International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Elsevier), 67(5): 372–381, 2013 Impact Factor: 3.183
[J10] Sanoj Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, R. Balasubramanian and N. Sukavanam, An Efficient Disparity Estimation Using Fractional Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform: A Multiscale Approach, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 11: 1350004 (21 pages), 2013 Impact Factor: 1.408
[J09] Sanjeev Kumar and Asha Rani, DF-LDA Tree: A Nonlinear Multilevel Classifier for Pattern Recognition, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 25(2): 177-188, 2013 Impact Factor: 2.340
[J08] Christian Micheloni, Asha Rani, Sanjeev Kumar and Gian Luca Foresti, A Balanced Neural Tree for Pattern Classification, Neural Network Journal (Elsevier), 27: 81-90, 2012 Impact Factor: 8.050
[J07] Sanjeev Kumar, Asha Rani, Christian Micheloni and Gian Luca Foresti, An Application of Balanced Neural tree for Classifying Tentative Matches in Stereo Vision, Optical Engineering Journal (SPIE), 51(8): 87202, 2012. Impact Factor: 1.084
[J06] Sanjeev Kumar and Manoj Kumar, Application of Neural Network in Integration Shape from Shading and Stereo, JKSU-Computer and Information System (Elsevier), 24(2): 129-136, 2012. Impact Factor: 13.173
2010 & Earlier
[J05] Sanjeev Kumar, Christian Micheloni, Claudio Piciarelli and Gian Luca Foresti, Stereo Rectification of Uncalibrated and Heterogeneous, Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier), 31: 1445-1452, 2010 Impact Factor: 3.756
[J04] Sanjeev Kumar, R. Balasubramanian and N. Sukavanam, Reconstruction of Cubic Curves from Two or More Images using Geometric Intersection, International Journal of Information and System Sciences (Institute for Scientific Computing and Information), 5(1): 98-111, 2009
[J03] Gaurav Bhatnagar, Sanjeev Kumar, Balasubramanian Raman and N. Sukavanam Stereo Image Coding via Digital Watermarking, Journal of Electronic Imaging (IS&T and SPIE), 18(3), 033012, 2009 Impact Factor: 0.945
[J02] Sanjeev Kumar, Manoj Kumar, R. Balasubramanian, N. sukavanam and R. Bhargava, 2009, Depth Recovery of Complex Surfaces using Texture-less Pairs of Stereo Images, Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis (ELCVIA), 2009, 8(1), 44-56, 2009
[J01] N. Sukavanam, R. Balasubramanian and S. Kumar, Error estimation in reconstruction of quadratic curves in 3-D space, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2007, 84(1):121-132 Impact Factor: 1.931
Refereed Book Chapters
[B4] Sanjeev Kumar, Christian Micheloni and G.L. Foresti, Stereo Vision in a Network of Cooperative Cameras, Smart Camera, A. N. Belbachir (Ed.), Springer+ Science Media, 2009, 267-280
[B3] Sanjeev Kumar and Balasubramanian Raman, An Optimally Robust Watermarking Algorithm for Stereo Image Coding, Recent Advances in Multimedia Signal Processing and Communications: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Mislav Grgic, Kresimir Delac, ohammed Ghanbari (Eds), Springer, 2009, 467-493
[B2] Sanjeev Kumar, Christian Micheloni, Claudio Piciarelli, Stereo Localization Using Dual PTZ Camera, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns , X. Jiang (Ed.), Springer, 2009, 1061- 1069
[B1] Sanjeev Kumar, Christian Micheloni and Balasubramanian Raman, Multiresolution Depth Map Estimation in PTZ Camera Network, Intelligent Multimedia Surveillance: Current Trends and Research (Springer), P. Atrey, M. Kankanhalli and A. Cavallaro (Editors), ISBN: 978-3- 642-41511-1, pp. 149-169, 2013
Full Length Papers published in Proceedings (IEEE, Springer, ...)
[C11] Snehlata Shakya, Sanjeev Kumar, Comparison of Reconstruction Methods for Multi-compartmental Model in Diffusion Tensor Imaging. Proc. of 3rd Int. Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, AISC (Springer) 2018: 461-469, IIITDM Jabalpur, India
[C10] Savita Nandal and Sanjeev Kumar, Image Denoising using Fractional Quaternion Wavelet Transform, Proc. of 2nd Int. Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, AISC (Springer) 2017, 704: 301-313, GNEC IIT Roorkee, India
[C9] Farhan Musanna, Asha Rani, Sanjeev Kumar, Image Encryption Using Chaotic 3-D Arnold’s Cat Map and Logistic Map, Proc. of 2nd Int. Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing, AISC (Springer) 2017, 704: 301-313, GNEC IIT Roorkee, India
[C8] Gossaye Mekonnen, Sanjeev Kumar, P.M. Pathak, A New Dynamic Control Model with stability analysis for Omnidirectional Mobile Robot, In proceeding of ACM conference on Advanced in Robotics to be held at the BITS Pilani Goa campus during July 02-04, 2015
[C7] Gossaye Mekonnen, Sanjeev Kumar, P.M. Pathak, Self-Calibration of a Camera Equipped SCORBOT ER-4u Robot, in proceeding of 1st International and 16th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms (iNaCoMM2013), pp. 788-793 IIT Roorkee, India, Dec 18-20, 2013
[C6] Asha Rani, R. Balasubramanian, and Sanjeev Kumar, A VC(2,2) based Blind Watermarking Scheme for Rightful Ownership Protection, in ICIAP 2013, LNCS-Springer at Naples ITALY during September 11-12, 2013
[C5] Sanjeev Kumar, Asha Rani, Christian Micheloni, G.L. Foresti, Supervised Learning based Stereo Matching using Neural Tree, International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2011), LNCS-Springer, pp. 178-188, Ravenna, Italy, 2011
[C4] Sanjeev Kumar, Asha Rani, Christian Micheloni, Human Action Recognition using a Novel NTLD Classifier, in proc. of IEEE Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance (AVSS-10), pp. 262- 269, Boston, USA, 2010
[C3] Claudio Piciarelli, Sanjeev Kumar, Christian Micheloni, G.L. Foresti, Event recognition with PTZ cameras, International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-09), London, UK on 03 December 2009.
[C2] Sanjeev Kumar and Claudio Piciarelli, Stereo Vision using Heterogeneous Sensors for Complex Scene Monitoring, in Proc. of International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-09), INSTICC, Lisbon, Portugal, 2009
[C1] Sanjeev Kumar, Christian Micheloni, Claudio Piciarelli, and G.L. Foresti, Stereo Localization based on Network's Uncalibrated Camera Pairs, IEEE International Conference on Audio and Video Signal based Surveillance (AVSS-09), Genova, Italy, 2009
Presentations in Conferences
[P3] Sanjeev Kumar and Pushpendra Kumar, A new fractional order model for estimating variational optical flow, Equadiff-2017, SUT, Bratislava, Slovakia
[P2] Sanjeev Kumar and Savita Nandal, Restoration of multispectral images based on the anisotropic diffusion, SIAM conference on Imaging Science (IS-18) 2018, University of Bologna, Italy
[P1] Sanjeev Kumar and Mahima Lakra, CNN-based Solution Scheme of Diffusion PDEs with Applications in Image Processing, Equadiff-2019, University of Leiden, Netherland
Book/Proceedings Edited
[E2] B. B. Chaudhuri, Masaki Nakagawa, Pritee Khanna, Sanjeev Kumar, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing: CVIP 2016, Volumes 1 and 2, Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Series Volumes 1022 and 1023, 2018
[E1] Balasubramanian Raman, Sanjeev Kumar, Partha Pratim Roy and Debashis Sen, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing: CVIP 2016, Volumes 1 and 2, Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Series Volumes 459 and 460, 2017