- Toeplitz algebra and Symbol map via Berezin transform on H2(Dn) (with M. Javed), 2024, arXiv:2405.10967
- Wold decomposition for isometries with equal range (with S. Majee). To appear in Journal of Operator Theory, 2024, arXiv:2309.04445.
- On decomposition for pairs of twisted contractions (with S. Majee). Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 18 (2024), no 52, 32 pp.
- Wold-type decomposition for Un-twisted contractions (with S. Majee). Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 525 (2023), no. 2, Paper No. 127148, 18 pp.
- Numerical radius and Berezin number inequality (with S. Majee, and A. Manna). Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 517 (2023), no. 1, Paper No. 126566, 20 pp.
- Doubly commuting mixed invariant subspaces in the polydisc (with Sankar T. R.). Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques, 172 (2021), Paper No. 103051, 22 pp.
- Characterization of Invariant subspaces in the polydisc (with M. Aneesh, J. Sarkar and Sankar T. R.). Journal of Operator Theory, 82 (2019), 445--468.
- Pairs of commuting isometries, I. (with J. Sarkar and Sankar T. R.). Studia Mathematica, 248 (2019), 2, 171--189.
- Toeplitz and Asymptotic Toeplitz operators on H2(Dn) (with J. Sarkar and S. Sarkar). Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques, 146 (2018), 33--49.
- Factorizations of Characteristic Functions (with K. J. Haria and J. Sarkar ). Journal of Operator Theory, 77, (2017), 377--390.
- On some geometric properties of generalized Musielak-Orlicz sequence space and corresponding operator ideals (with P. D. Srivastava). Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 9 (4) (2015), 14--33.