Sponsored Research
Sponsored Research Projects of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.
Ongoing Projects
Completed Projects
Principal Investigator Title of Project Sponsoring Agency Total Outlay (Rs. in Lakhs)
Prof. S. C. Sharma Setting up Centre for Railway Research (CRR) RDSO, Lucknow 100.0
Prof. A.K. Sharma National Initiative for Design Innovation MHRD, New Delhi 1000.0
Prof. Sanjay H Upadhyay Design and development of a proof of concept model of a packaging methodology & Rigidization for Gossamer space Anetenna structure ISRO, Bangalore 26.1
Prof. Apurbba Km. Sharma DIC Ph.D Fellowship MHRD, New Delhi 9.36
Prof. Apurbha Kumar Sharma Investigation of formation of microwave plasma during driling of mettalic materials through in-situ monitoring SERB, New Delhi 41.2
Prof. Ravi Verma Sustainable technologies for distributed level application and energy support to rural development -II (STAR-II) DST, New Delhi 160.08
Prof. Akshay Dvivedi Development of ultrasonic assisted Tandem Electrochemical and Electrodischarge Micromachining process SERB, New Delhi 59.96
Prof. Dhish Kumar Saxena INNOVIZATION : Discovery of Innovative knowledge through optimization and machine learning SPARC-MHRD, New Delhi 90.61
Prof. Sushanta Dutta Investigation of the unsteady aerodynamic response of L.P turbine blade under part load condition SERB, New Delhi 56.65
Prof. Shailesh Govind Ganpule Evaluation of Test Protocol and Lethality Criteria for fragments Generated from Warhead DRDO, Delhi 43.56
Prof. D.K. Dwivedi Controlling of the abnormal grain growth in friction stir weld joints of heat treatable aluminium alloy DST, New Delhi 46.25
Prof. Sudhakar Subudhi Solar assisted liquid desiccant cooling system using single storage tank DST, New Delhi 31.86
Prof. Dhanashri M. Joglekar Guided wave based skin-care debond detection in sandwich structures with smoothly varying care thickness DRDO, Delhi 22.6
Prof. Apurbha Kumar Sharma A resource efficienct method for producing orthopedic bone plate using microwave energy SPARC-MHRD, New Delhi 67.22
Prof. Varun Sharma Ultrasonic assisted grinding of difficult to cut materials with ultrasonically atomized green solvents CSIR, New Delhi 25.6
Prof. Varun Sharma Design and development of novel cutting inserts for sustainable machining using rapid tooling DRDO, Delhi 27.75
Prof. S. Dutta Effect of Synthetic jet on Heat Transfer augmentation for electronics cooling CSIR, New Delhi 22.66
Prof. Varun Sharma Investigations into bio-ceramic based poly (D.L. lactide) composite scaffolds using stereo lithography SERB, New Delhi 26.06
Prof. Vidit Gaur Investigation of creep and high temperature fatigue behaviour of additively manufactured Ti-6AI-4v alloys DRDO, New Delhi 46.97
Prof. Indra Vir Singh Mircorstructure based three-dimensional elasto-plastic fatigue crack growth simultions using XEFM DRDO, Hyderabad 28.75
Prof. S.H. Upadhyay Deployment Mechanisms for 12m Diameter space craft antennas ISRO, Bengaluru 43.97
Prof. Shailesh Govind Ganpule Dynamic modelling and simulations of human body subjected to mechanical loads during space flight and operations in space ISRO, Bengaluru 21.04
Prof. Arup Kumar Das Experimentation modelling and validation of fouling in air cooled condenser ISHRAE, New Delhi 33.06
Prof. Andallib Tariq Development of ultra high speed optical diagnostic methodology based upon modern high speed framing camera system TBRL -DRDO, Chandigarh 419.75
Prof. Vidit Gaur Application of multi-objective generative algorithms in design of complex systems PMG. Engg. Private Ltd., Noida 33.55
Prof. Siladitya Pal Higher order and adaptive time integrators for fully coupled chemo-mechano- reaction problem SERB, New Delhi 18.3
Prof. Vidit Gaur A study on fatigue damage in additively manufactured IN718 alloy SERB, New Delhi 32.99
Prof. Varun Sharma Experimental investigations on FDM and SLA printed personalised drug delivery systems DST, New Delhi 11.1
Prof. Pradeep Kumar Jha Multiphase Analysis of Inclusion Transport and removal in continuous casting products with use of electromagnetic stirrer SERB, New Delhi 34.36
Prof. Arup Kumar Das Development of microfluidic bottle cap for wastewater treatment and recovery systems for water reuse Ministry of Jal Shakti, New Delhi 31.68
Prof. Abinash Kumar Swain Design of sandwich foam composite structure against blast loading : modelling and numerical simulation DRDO, Delhi 83.65
Prof. B.K.Gandhi Experimental and numerical analysis for development of an erosion friendly francis turbine CSIR, New Delhi 22.1
Prof. Bhanu kumar Mishra Fatigue Behaviour of Al-alloy for marine applications DRDO, New Delhi 37.4
Prof. Kaushik Pal Experimental and theoretical studies of high ballistics impact on multi layered nanocomposites DRDO, New Delhi 122.0
Prof. Shailesh Ganpule Impact Biomechanics of human head DRDO-TBRL, Chandigarh 169.73
Prof. Shailesh Ganpule Acquisition of Research services for aerodynamic design of ballistic helmet for blast attenuation ORDNANCE CLOTHING FACTORY - AVADI , Chennai 134.52
Prof. Bhupendra kumar gandhi Experimental and numerical on development of erosion friendly guide vane for hydro-turbines SERB, new delhi 44.81
Prof. Indra Vir Singh Multiscale Simulation framework for defect formation studies in electronic materials and devices DST, New Delhi 37.929
Prof. Avinash Parashar Static and dynamics behaviour of organic and inorganic nanofiller reinforced hydrogels for biomedical applications SERB, New Delhi 20.57
Prof. Arup Kumar Das Design, Fabrication and characterization of enhanced micro heat pipe for electronic cooling SERB, New Delhi 36.12
Prof. Krishna Mohan Singh Large -eddy simulation of flow instabilities in hydraulic turbines at off-design operation CPRI, Banglore 448.17
Prof. Sonika Sahu N-PDF SERB, New Delhi 20.25
Prof. Kirti Bhushan Mishra Model experiments to measure the spread of forest fires in a realistic configuration SERB, New Delhi 43.16
Prof. Manish Madhav Joglekar A Coupled field finite element framework for the dynamic analysis of Inhomogeneously Deforming electroactive polymers SERB, New Delhi 6.6
Prof. Avinash Parashar Atomistic simulation to study high strain rate behaviour of high entropy alloys SERB, New Delhi 6.6
Dr. Neetu Tiwari Ramanujan Fellowship SERB, New Delhi 119.0
Prof. Sudhakar Subudhi Design of Comfort Space for mushroom farming at Biharigarh Pervyukt Agrinnovaters (P) Ltd. 18.24
Prof. Indra Vir Singh Fatigue design of welded joints in military bridges : experiments and simulations DRDO, New Delhi 84.29
Prof. Sneha Singh Sound attenuation through use of Acoustic meta materials for trane technologies products - Part 2 Climate ETC Technologieservice Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore 17.34
Prof. S. H. Upadhyay Design and Analysis of Inflatable Military Decoys & testing of experimental model DRDO, Pune 44.42
Prof. P.M.Pathak Design and development of In-pipe robot Guwahati Technology Innovation and Development Foundation, TIH, IIT Guwahati 72.74
Prof. Avinash Parashar Experimental and numerical analysis of light weight nanocomposites for static and dynamic loading ISRO, Bengaluru 20.7
Prof. Kaushik Pal Development of Super thermal insulting material (AEROGEL) based flexible blanket system for the interplanetary missions with gaseous convective environments ISRO, Bengaluru 29.4
Prof. Pushparaj Mani Pathak Design and development of an intelligent unmanned aerial vehicle applied to open cast minefield surveillance for real-time monitoring, hazards and vulnerability assessment I-Hub Foundation for COBOTICS (Technology Innovation Hub of IIT Delhi Govt. of India) 12.98

Sponsored Research Projects completed during
Principal Investigator Title of the Project Sponsoring Agency Outlay (in Lakhs of Rs.)
Pramod Kumar Jain Development of A Re-configurable Manufacturing System (RMS) framework using autonomous and Cooperative agent – based technology MHRD (R&D) 8.0
Pradeep Kumar Pattern Tooling and Quality Optimization of Investment Castings MHRD (R&D) 8.0
P.K. Sahoo Simulation of Pollutant Despersion from a chimney Using CFD DST 7.26
S.C. Solanki Solar Thermal Energy Storage Using PCM Capsules Assembled as a Packed Bed DST 19.76
B.K. Gandhi Cost-effective transportation of bulk solids through slurry pipelines MHRD (TAT) 14.0

Principal Investigator Title of the Project Sponsoring Agency Outlay (in Lakhs of Rs.)
B. K. Gandhi Slurry Erosion Properties of Laser Claddings BRNS 9.28
K.N. Agarwal Centre for Heat Transfer Studies in Eco Friendly Refrigeration System MHRD 7.0
S.P. Nigam Modernization of Mechanical Engineering Laboratories MHRD 9.0
Head Fund for Improvement S&T Infrastructure in University and Higher Educational Institution (FIST) DST 20.0

Principal Investigator Title of the Project Sponsoring Agency Outlay (in Lakhs of Rs.)
B.K. Mishra Effect of asymmetric heating of fuel pins on fuel bundle integrity BRNS 5.04
H.S. Shan Enhancing Capability of Abrasive Flow Machining Process DST 7.98
N.K. Mehta Software Development for Manufacturing Planning & Control in Automated Manufacturing System AICTE 9.0

Principal Investigator Title of the Project Sponsoring Agency Outlay (in Lakhs of Rs.)
B.K. Mishra Effect of asymmetric heating of fuel pins on fuel bundle integrity BRNS 5.04
H.S. Shan Enhancing Capability of Abrasive Flow Machining Process DST 7.98
P.K. Sahoo Channel Heat Up Experiment –I: Pressure Tube Sagging in Accidental Coolant Loss” DAE (BRNS) 31.54
Pradeep Kumar Development of Performance Studies of Evaporative Pattern Casting Process DST 14.25
K.N.Agarwal Centre for Heat Transfer Studies in Eco Friendly Refrigeration System MHRD (TAT) 7.0
Pramod Kumar Jain Development of a Re-configurable Manu-facturing System (RMS) framework using autonomous and Cooperative agent – based technology MHRD (R&D) 8.0
Pradeep Kumar Pattern Tooling and Quality Optimization of Investment Castings MHRD (R&D) 8.0

Principal Investigator Title of the Project Sponsoring Agency Outlay (in Lakhs of Rs.)
B. K. Mishra Pradeep Kumar Process Parameters Optimization and FEM Modeling of Ultrasonic Srilling Process AICTE 5