About Instrument and its Applications:
The Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer is a high-performance spectrophotometer with good photometric performance in the wavelength range of 180nm to 3300 nm. Using a Pb Smart detector, the Cary 5000 extends its NIR range to 3300 nm making it a powerful tool for materials science research.
Common application of UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer includes: measurement of transmittance, absorbance and reflectance spectrum, thin film thickness analysis, anti-reflection coating analysis, analysis of novel nanocomposite materials, colour measurements and colour matching, optical density measurements, optical bandgap analysis, etc.
General Information-
Model –CARRY 5000
Year of Installation - 2022
Wavelength range: 175 to 3300 nm
Spectral Bandwidth: 0.01 to 5 nm with 0.01 nm step size (UV-Vis region) and 0.04 to 20 nm (NIR region)
Resolution: 0.048 nm (UV-Vis) and 0.2 nm (NIR)
Wavelength Accuracy: ± 0.08 (UV-Vis range) ± 0.4 nm (NIR range)
Detectors: For UV-Vis region: Photo multiplier tube (PMT)
For NIR Region: Peltier cooled PbS detectors.
Measurement Modes:
1) Direct transmission and variable angle transmission from 0–90° in 0.02° intervals
2) Absolute specular reflection at variable angle from 5–85° in 0.02° intervals.
3) Diffuse scattering, reflection or transmission through independent sample rotation (360°) and detector positioning between 10–350° at 0.02° intervals.
4) Absorptance, A where A= 1–R–T at variable angle without moving the sample or beam onto the sample for improved productivity and greater accuracy.
Sample Requirements-
For Solid Samples:- minimum 5mm X 5mm, maximum 6 inch
For Liquid Samples –Approx. 10ml
For Powder Samples- Approx. 20mg