Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Differential Scanning Calorimeters (DSC) measure temperatures and heat flows associated with thermal transitions in a material. Common usage includes investigation, selection, comparison, and end-use performance evaluation of materials in research, quality control and production applications. Properties measured by TA Instruments’ DSC techniques include glass transitions, “cold” crystallization, phase changes, melting, crystallization, product stability, cure / cure kinetics, and oxidative stability.
About Instrument and its Applications:
Differential Scanning Calorimetry is an analytical technique used to measure the amount of heat released or absorbed by a sample during heating or cooling over a range of temperature. As well as being used to characterize the thermal properties of a material, a differential scanning calorimeter is used to determine the temperature at which particular phase transitions occur, including glass transition temperature, fusion and crystallization events.
Performing differential scanning calorimetry experiments requires the use of an instrument that can supply the desired temperature range for testing and monitor temperature and heat flow changes very precisely. Heat flux instruments for differential scanning calorimetry have a furnace in which both a sample and a reference material are placed. Samples are encapsulated in metal, typically aluminium pans, and the reference material is usually an empty pan. The furnace is heated or cooled to see how the heat flow properties change as a function of temperature.
Quantitative heat flow information can be determined from the measured temperature difference between the sample and reference.
General Information:
Make - TA Instruments
Model – DSC 25
Year of Installation - 2018
Baseline Flatness (-50 to 300°C): ≤10 μW
Baseline Repeatability (-50 to 300°C): <20μW
Temperature Range: -80°C to 375°C
Temp Accuracy: ±0.05°C
Temp Precision: ±0.008°C
Sample Requirements:
Solid, Liquid, Powder or Film: Minimum 20 mg