Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh Chandra
Professor and Head-IIC
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Felicitation by Honourable Defence Minister
Felicitation by Honourable Defence Minister : Shri Rajnath Singh at DRDO Academia Conclave-2023
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DRDO Award Principal Investigator
DRDO Award for development of Corrosion Resistant Coating for Marine Applications
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DRDO Award Principal Investigator
DRDO Award for development of Corrosion Resistant Coating for Marine Applicatiions
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BITS Pilani Goa Campus
Visit to BITS Pilani Goa Campus for PhD Viva-Voce and Seminar
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Thin Film Laboratory
Dr Ramesh Chandra Research Group at Thin Film Laboratory, IIC- IIT Roorkee
Professor (Dr.) Ramesh Chandra
HAG Scale Professor at IIT Roorkee with 28+ years of Teaching experience.
Prof. Ramesh Chandra is a prominent academic and researcher associated with the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee). His work spans various areas within engineering and technology, contributing significantly to the institution's reputation for excellence in research and education. At IIT Roorkee, Prof. Chandra is known for his dedication to teaching, mentoring students, and leading cutting-edge research projects. His expertise and innovative approaches have garnered him recognition within the academic community, both in India and internationally. Over the years, he has published numerous research papers in reputed journals and has presented his work at various conferences, reflecting his active engagement with the latest developments in his field. His commitment to fostering a collaborative and dynamic academic environment has made him a respected figure among his peers and students alike. In addition to his academic pursuits, Prof. Chandra is also active in professional organizations and has received several awards and honors for his contributions to engineering and technology. Currently, he was felicitated by Honourable Defence Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh at DRDO Academia Conclave-2023.

PhD Dissertations
M.Tech. and M.Phil.
Post Doc Fellows
Room temperature tunability of ferroelectricity and Di electricity in La and Mn cooped BiFeO3 Nanoflakes: Implications for electronic devices applications. Arvind Kumar; Ashwani Kumar, Shekhar Tyagi; Ramesh Chandra; Davinder Kaur , Ceramic International 49 (2023) 1960-1969
Self-assembled Zinc Oxide Nanocauliflower and Reduced graphene oxide Nickle-foam based Noval Asymmetric Supercapacitor for Energy Storage Applications Ashwani Kumar, Ravikant Adalati, Meenakshi Sharma, Nitin Choudhary, Kowsik Sambath Kumar, Luis Hurtado, Yeonwoong Jung,Yogesh Kumar, Jayan Thomas and Ramesh Chandra Materials today Communications, 34 (2023) 105362
Self-assembled Zinc Oxide Nanocauliflower and Reduced graphene oxide Nickle-foam based Noval Asymmetric Supercapacitor for Energy Storage Applications Ashwani Kumar, Ravikant Adalati, Meenakshi Sharma, Nitin Choudhary, Kowsik Sambath Kumar, Luis Hurtado, Yeonwoong Jung,Yogesh Kumar, Jayan Thomas and Ramesh Chandra Materials today Communications, 34 (2023) 105362
Self-assembled Zinc Oxide Nanocauliflower and Reduced graphene oxide Nickle-foam based Noval Asymmetric Supercapacitor for Energy Storage Applications Ashwani Kumar, Ravikant Adalati, Meenakshi Sharma, Nitin Choudhary, Kowsik Sambath Kumar, Luis Hurtado, Yeonwoong Jung,Yogesh Kumar, Jayan Thomas and Ramesh Chandra Materials today Communications, 34 (2023) 105362
Vertically Aligned Porous VxOy Nanofilms with Pt Decoration for Sub-ppm H2 Gas Sensors Jyoti Jaiswal, Abhijeet Das, Sanjeev Kumar, Ramesh Chandra, Kazuyoshi Tsuchiya ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6 (2023) 2646-2657
Physiological fluid based flexible NbN||TiN supercapacitor for biocompatible energy storage applications Siddharth Sharma; Ravikant Adalati; Nitesh Choudhary; BS Unnikrishnan; Meenakshi Sharma; P. Gopinath; Ramesh Chandra J Alloys. Comp. 960 (2023) 170749
Investigation of Wear and Corrosion Characteristics of PTFE/TiN Composite Coating on SS-304 Fabricated by Two-step Sputtering Technique Gaurav Malik, Pranjala, Nitesh Chaoudhary, Ramesh Chandra Surface & Coatings Technology 466 (2023) 129660
Pool boiling heat transfer enhancement of R134a, R32, and R600a using cavity surfaces Uma Kant Shete Ravi Kumar & Ramesh Chandra Experimental Heat Transfer 36 (2023) 528-547
Spin glass and exchange bias phenomena in NdSrNiMnO6 nanoparticles: Role of antiferromagnetic antisite disorders Amit Kumar Singh & Ramesh Chandra J Mag. Mag. Mat. 549 (2022) 169048
Electrochemical corrosion characteristics of hierarchical O-TiN coating on 304L steel substrate in Surface & Coatings Technology
Defects engineering and enhancement in optical and structural properties of 2D-MoS2 thin films by high energy ion beam irradiation
Optical and electrical tunability in vertically aligned MoS2 thin films prepared by DC sputtering: Role of film thickness”,
NO2 sensors based on crystalline MoSe2 porous nanowall thin films with vertically aligned molecular layers prepared by sputtering
Large exchange bias due to spin-glass behavior in hexagonal-YMn0.8Fe0.2O3 thin film
Design and Fabrication of Self-Compensating ZnSe Beam Splitter in LWIR Region
. Heat-Transfer Enhancement for the Pool Boiling of Quasi-Azeotropic Refrigerant Mixture (R-410a) on the Re-Entrant Cavity Surfaces
Planar Micro supercapacitors Based on Oblique Angle Deposited Highly Porous TiN Films
The role of non-homogeneous barrier on the electrical performance of 15R–SiC Schottky diodes grown by in-situ RF sputtering
Catalyst-free grown carbonaceous MoS2 nanoworm electrodes for symmetrical supercapacitors
Composite assembling of oxide-based optically transparent electrodes for high-performing asymmetric supercapacitors
Growth and characterization of Cu2O and CuO thin films
Metal nitride composite based nanostructured sheet-electrodes alternately stacked in asymmetric configuration towards robust flexible supercapacitor
Single-step fabrication of di-TiN thin-film flexible and biocompatible supercapacitor
Metal Nitrides as Efficient Electrode Material for supercapacitors: A Review
Dichroic Beam-Splitter for Visible, short-wave infrared, and mid-wave infrared
Low-temperature highly selective and sensitive NO2 gas sensors using CdTe-functionalized ZnO Filled porous Si hybrid hierarchical nanostructured thin films
Tuning the wettability of transparent Nb2O5 nano-sliced coatings to enhance anti-corrosion property
Transformation nanorod to nanotube of highly oriented novel h-BN hierarchical nanostructured arrays synthesized via two-step wet chemical route
Rare Earth Doped CaWO4 and CaMoO4 Thin Films For White Light Emission
Elevated performance of binder-free Co3O4 electrode for the supercapacitor applications
Controllable synthesis of tunable aspect ratios novel h-BN nanorods with an enhanced wetting performance for water repellent applications
Anticorrosive Behavior Enhancement of Stainless Steel 304 through Tantalum-Based Coatings: Role of Coating Morphology
Self-standing MoS2/CNT and MnO2/CNT one dimensional core shell heterostructures for asymmetric supercapacitor application
Corrosion behavior of pulse laser deposited 2D nanostructured coating prepared by self-made h-BN target in salinity environment
MoS2 nanoworm thin films for NO2 gas sensing application
Observation of large exchange bias field in Mn rich NiMnAl Heusler alloy thin film
Single step fabrication of nanostructured Cr2O3-MoO2 composite flexible electrode for top-notch asymmetric supercapacitor
Pt enhanced capacitive performance of Cr2N electrode toward flexible asymmetric supercapacitor
Design of linear variable optical filter for hyperspectral imaging
Defects engineering and enhancement in optical and structural properties of 2D-MoS2 thin films by high energy ion beam irradiation
Basics of Multiferroic Materials and Their Types
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Nano Science Lab
The Nano Science Laboratory (NSL) was nucleated in 2005 with the endeavors of a small group of research scholars lead by Dr. Ramesh Chandra. With the advent of time, gradual addition of experimental facilities like deposition of single layer / multi layers films of metals, insulators, semiconductors and alloys by DC/RF Magnetron sputtering, Pulse Laser Deposition, Thermal evaporation and Spin Coating fostered the research work at NSL. Today NSL, well equipped with the sophisticated scientific instruments stands tall among the most promising research laboratories in the country. We have successfully developed and synthesized various kinds of coatings for esteemed organizations like DST, DRDO, CSIR, IRDE, DRDE, and CPRI etc.
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Thin Film Lab
TFL has established facilities for depositing films of metals, insulators, semiconductors and alloys in amorphous as well as polycrystalline and single crystal form by thermal evaporation, sputtering (dc-, rf-magnetron and ion-beam), glow discharge, ion plating, electrolysis, solution growth, spray pyrolysis, chemical conversion, chemical vapor deposition, splat quenching and melt spinning techniques under clean room conditions. Vacuum coating units, in the medium and ultra high vacuum range, with accessories for monitoring, controlling and in-situ measurements have been developed indigenously. The facilities allow the preparation of films under controlled conditions and the study of structural, thermal, electrical, magnetic and optical properties thereof.