Research Interests
Inclusive growth, urban inequality, Housing and urban analysis, Knowledge economy and regional growth, Resilience and water sensitive urbanisation, Urban and regional governance
Developing a Novel Inclusive Policy Analysis Framework Based on Capability Approach and Institutional Analysis and Development Method
Arinda Biswas | Wiley
Journal: Social Policy & Administration
Predicting Urban Growth of Kathmandu Valley Using Artificial Intelligence
Puja Bharti and Arindam Biswas | Springer Nature
Journal: Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis Volumes: 8 ,
The Contradicting State of Urban Housing and Neoliberal Policy in India: A Macro Analysis
Arindam Biswas | Springer
Journal: Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning
Housing Affordability and Housing Demand Assessment for Urban Poor in India using the Hedonic Model
Prabhat K Rao and Arindam Biswas | Emerald Publishing Limited
Journal: International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis
Sustainable and Accessible Mobility in Eco-Sensitive Towns
Mithila Rele, Arindam Biswas and Irene Lohaus | Institute of Town Planners, India
Journal: Journal Institute of Town Planners, India Pages: 248-261 , Volumes: ISSN: 0537-9679 ,
Role of transportation cost in housing affordability for the urban poor in the metropolitan cities in India - a case of Lucknow
Prabhat Kumar Rao, Arindam Biswas, Gaurav Singh, Tabish Ahmed Abdullah and Vaibhav Kulshrestha | International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies
Journal: International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies Pages: 484 - 494 , Volumes: 6 ,
A Storytelling Perspective for Indian small towns: The case of Roorkee, India
Arindam Biswas, Shishir Kumar, Gowtham Ramesh and Rohit Sankhla | Research Center in Public Administration and Public Services
Journal: Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management Pages: 55-77 , Volumes: 18 ,
A Conceptual Framework to Visualise Liveability
Arindam Biswas | Springer Nature
Journal: International Journal of Community well-being Pages: 793–817 , Volumes: 5 ,
Evaluating development plans for pluvial food preparedness using content analysis: case of Greater Mohali Region, India
Ankita Sood and Arindam Biswas | Springer Nature
Journal: GeoJournal
Global Advantage of Bangalore as a Location Choice for Knowledge-Based Industries in India
Hariharan Arun Natarajan and Arindam Biswas | Wiley-Blackwell
Journal: Regional Science Policy & Practice Pages: 328-351 , Volumes: 14 ,
Relevance of Cooperative Housing in Neoliberal Era in India
Arindam Biswas and Vibhore Bakshi | The National Cooperative Housing Federation of India
Journal: NCHF Bulletin Pages: 35-38 , Volumes: 35 ,
Studying the institutional framework for public transport system in Jaipur, India
Mohit Dev and Arindam Biswas | Emerald
Journal: Smart and Sustainable Built Environment Pages: 79-92 , Volumes: 11 (1) ,
Introducing greenswales: A nature-based approach to preserve seasonal channels
Ankita Sood and Arindam Biswas | DoAJ
Journal: Geographica Pannonica
Sustainability paradox of peri-urban regions in India – reflections on the Chennai urban region
Lakshmi Priya Rajendran, Chris Maidment and Arindam Biswas | Regional Studies Association
Journal: Regional Insights
Performance assessment of governance in Indian smart city development
Kranti Kumar Maurya and Arindam Biswas | Emerald
Journal: Smart and Sustainable Built Environment Pages: 653-680 , Volumes: 10 (4) ,
Studying the Water Crisis in Delhi due to Rapid Urbanisation and Land Use Transformation
Arindam Biswas and Druti Gangwar | Taylor & Francis
Journal: International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development Pages: 199-213 , Volumes: 13 (2) ,
Global recognition of India's knowledge-based industry evolution through empirical analysis
Hariharan Arun Natarjan and Arindam Biswas | Springer Nature
Journal: Journal of the Knowledge Economy Pages: 1399–1423 , Volumes: 12 ,
A temporal review of global recognition of India's knowledge-based industry through an institutional viewpoint
Hariharan Arun Natarajan and Arindam Biswas | Wiley-Blackwell
Journal: Regional Science Policy & Practice Pages: 759-776 , Volumes: 13 (3) ,
Continuity in Tradition – A Narrative on the Cultural Heritage of Para and Adda in Kolkata
Arindam Biswas | ICE Virtual Library
Journal: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Urban Design and Planning Pages: 145-156 , Volumes: 174 (4) ,
A Comparative Assessment of Indian Post-Disaster Temporary Housing Strategies
Arindam Biswas and Anshul Puriya | American Society of Civil Engineering
Journal: ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering Pages: 1-10 , Volumes: 26 (1) ,
Studying Operational Dynamics of Public Bus System: A Case of Lucknow City, India
Mohit Dev and Arindam Biswas | Elsevier
Journal: Transportation Research Procedia Pages: 3211–3222 , Volumes: 48 ,
Establishing metropolitan governance within the independent local governments: Lesson from India’s 74th constitutional amendment act
Arindam Biswas | Elsevier
Journal: Journal of Urban Management Pages: 316-330 , Volumes: 9 (3) ,
Why People Refrain from Cycling in Indian Cities? A Comparative Investigation
Arindam Biswas, Sumedha Mittal and S Padmakar | International Community of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
Journal: International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Pages: 111-130 , Volumes: 7 (3) ,
A Critical review of the Indian Knowledge-based industry location policy against its theoretical arguments
Hariharan Arun Natarajan and Arindam Biswas | Wiley-Blackwell
Journal: Regional Science Policy & Practice Pages: 431-454 , Volumes: 12 (3) ,
Metropolitan governance and local decentralisation in India: Case of Chennai and Kolkata metropolitan regions
Arindam Biswas, Tetsuo Kidokoro and Fumihiko Seta | Springer Nature
Journal: Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science Pages: 675-696 , Volumes: 3 (3) ,
Exploring Indian Post-Disaster Temporary Housing Strategy through a Comparative Review
Arindam Biswas | Emerald
Journal: International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment Pages: 14-35 , Volumes: 10 (1) ,
Exploring Transportation Demand Management as a Strategy to Decongest Indian Cities and Improve Mobility
Sumedha Mittal and Arindam Biswas | International Community of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
Journal: International review for spatial planning and sustainable development Pages: 185-211 , Volumes: 7 (4) ,
A Framework to Analyse Inclusiveness of Urban Policy
Arindam Biswas | Elsevier
Journal: Cities Pages: 174-184 , Volumes: 87 ,
Why Indian cities are so chaotic? Decoding from the expressions of Chandigarh
Arindam Biswas | Emerald
Journal: Smart and Sustainable Built Environment Pages: 438-456 , Volumes: 8 (5) ,
Practices in sustainable industrial infrastructure and technology: A case study of Gujarat, India
Kumar Abishek and Arindam Biswas | Science Publishing Corporation
Journal: International Journal of Engineering & Technology Pages: 4164-4169 , Volumes: 7 (4) ,
Guidelines for Physical Infrastructure in Industrial Area Planning: A Review of the Indian Context
Kumar Abhishek and Arindam Biswas | Journal for Studies in Management and Planning
Journal: Journal for Studies in Management and Planning Pages: 269-278 , Volumes: 3 (13) ,
Analysis of Indian urban policies to identify their potential of achieving inclusive urban growth
Arindam Biswas, Tetsuo Kidokoro and Fumihiko Seta | Taylor & Francis
Journal: Urban Research & Practice Pages: 198-227 , Volumes: 10 (2) ,
Insight on the Evolution and Distinction of Inclusive Growth
Arindam Biswas | Taylor & Francis
Journal: Development in Practice Pages: 503-516 , Volumes: 26 (4) ,
Smart City as the Engine of Sustainable Growth
Arindam Biswas | Indian Building Congress
Journal: Journal of Indian Building Congress Pages: 53-58 , Volumes: 22 (1) ,
Exploring the Smart City Paradigm in the Context of Urban India
Madhav Rao Talabathula and Arindam Biswas | Indian Building Congress
Journal: Journal of Indian Building Congress Pages: 63-72 , Volumes: 22 (1) ,
Slum improvement through legal framework in India
S Chattopadhyay and Arindam Biswas | International Journal for Housing Science
Journal: International Journal for Housing Science Pages: 139-150 , Volumes: 34 (2) ,
A Bio‐Climatic College Campus in a Hot Humid Zone
Arindam Biswas | JIIA
Journal: Journal of the Indian Institute of Architects
Research Techniques in Housing
Arindam Biswas | JIIA
Journal: Journal of the Indian Institute of Architects
Honors And Awards
Teaching Engagements
48. Pandit, S, & Biswas, A., (2024). Identifying Impacts of Neoliberalism on Polarization in Indian Metropolises using the Consistent and Corrected Night Time Light (CCNL) Data in a Scarce Data Environment. Urban Transition 2024, 5-7 November, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain.
47. Ranjan, N, & Biswas, A., (2024). Evaluating Equity and Justice in Pune’s Urban Climate Adaptation Using the Institutional Grammar Tool. Urban Transition 2024, 5-7 November, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain.
46. Gangwar, D., & Biswas, A., (2024). A Methodological Review of Remote Sensing and GIS Tools for Urban Flood Management in Indian City Regions. 35th International Geographical Congress 2024, August 24-30, Dublin, Ireland.
45. Dabbanavar, R. S,, & Biswas, A., (2024). Comparative Study of Topic Modelling Approaches for User-generated Point of Interest Data. 7th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA-2024), May, Istanbul, Turkey.
44. Pandit, S., & Biswas, A., (2024). Spatial Polarization: A Review of the Contexts, Scales, Attributes & Findings in the Urban Literature. 7th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA-2024), May, Istanbul, Turkey.
43. Sinha, S., & Biswas, A., (2023). Understanding Gentrification in Indian Urban Agglomerations: A Comparative Analysis of Urban Growth Patterns and Housing Prices. Gentrification & Displacement: What Can We Do About It? An International Dialogue, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
42. Ranjan, N., & Biswas, A., (2023). Assessing Climate Gentrification in Urban Areas of India: Evidence and Implications. Gentrification & Displacement: What Can We Do About It? An International Dialogue, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
41. Nakarmi, N.,Bajracharya, S., Singh, S. & Biswas, A., (2023). Housing Policy in Nepal: The Urban Context. 13th IOE GC, Nepal.
40. Druti, G., Ranjan, N., & Biswas, A., (2023). Integrating Blue-Green Infrastructure in Urban Land Use Planning: A Comparative Assessment of Indian Cities. ILUS - International Land use Symposium 2023, Ahmedabad, India.
39. Dabbanavar, R.S., & Biswas, A., (2023). A Review of Essential Urban Land Use Techniques: The Role of Remote Sensing and User Generated Big Data. ILUS - International Land use Symposium 2023, Ahmedabad, India.
38. Pandit, A., & Biswas, A., (2023). Comprehensive Spatial Polarization in Hyderabad's Urban Geography using Landscape Expansion Index (LEI). ILUS - International Land use Symposium 2023, Ahmedabad, India.
37. Button, C., Otchere-Darko, W., Silvestre, G., Kumar, Ashok, & Biswas, A., (2023). Global Urban Planning Education: reflections on the experience of creating a trans-national planning course with UK and Indian universities. UK and Ireland Planning Research Conference 2023, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
36. Puriya, A., & Biswas, A., (2023). An alternate response to post-disaster housing well-being using capability approach 6th International EcoSummit Congress 2023, Gold Coast, Australia.
35. Sinha, S., & Biswas, A., (2023). Exploring Gentrification in the Global South: A Case Study on Bangalore Urban Agglomeration. 6th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture & Urbanism, June 14 - 16, Alanya University, Istanbul, Turkey.
34. Rao, P K., & Biswas, A., (2021). Access to Housing Finance and Housing Affordability in India. International Conference on Future is Urban (ICFU 21), December 16 - 18, Nirma University, India.
33. Putta, V., & Biswas, A., (2021). Understanding characteristics and role of spatial residential segregation for inclusive development in urban areas: A comparative study, International Conference 2021 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, November 25-27, Nanjing University, China.
32. Rao, P K., & Biswas, A., (2021). Measuring Housing Affordability Using Residual Income Method for Million-plus Cities in India. Madrigal, J M P., & Nikoofam, M., (Ed), ISBN: 978-605-06780-6-2 (online), 4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs on Architecture and Urbanism (ICCAUA-2021), pp. 75, 20-21 May, 2021, Alanya, Turkey.
31. Rajendran, L P., Maidment, C., Biswas, A., Chander, S., Srinivas, S., Roy, & M R., Shree, K., (2021). Reimagining Peripheral Geographies: A Dual Lens Approach to Examine Peri-Urban Dynamics in India. Urban ARC 2021. 14-16 January 2021, Bengaluru: IIHS.
30. Biswas, A. (2020). Settlement strategy in the coast – The adaptation and changes needed in the uncertain future. in Proceedings of the DAAD International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation: Evidences from Best Practice in Coastal Areas, 4-5 December, 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
29. Dev, M. & Biswas, A. (2020). Institutional Dynamics of Public Transport System: A Case Study of Jaipur City, India. in Proceedings of TRA2020, 8th Transport Research Arena 2020. Lusikka Toni (Ed), ISSN (online) 2669-8781, ISBN (online) 978-952-311-484-5, Helsinki, Finland.
28. Sood, A. & Biswas, A. (2019). Comparative analysis of differently vegetated green swales for pluvial flood mitigation. 8th APHW International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Urban Water Management. IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India.
27. Biswas, A., Hariharan, A. N., & Koner, S. (2019). The Narratives of Location Choice of Knowledge-Based Industries: The Case of Bengaluru Metropolitan Region. 3rd Asian Regional Conference on Peri-Urbanization. Bhopal, India.
26. Biswas, A., Ramesh, G., Kumar, S., & Sankhla, R. (2019). Using Narratives and Storytelling to Visualize Tales of an Indian Urban Streetscape in a Commercial District. In T. Mrdjenovic (Ed.), Decoding Balkan: Architecture, Urbanism, Planning (pp. 100-108). Belgrade : University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture .
25. Putta, V., & Biswas, A. (2019). Challenges in tracing the movement of people: An overview of tools and approaches in migration research. RC21(In and Beyond the City: Emerging Ontologies, Persistent Challenges and Hopeful Futures). New Delhi: Universitat de Barcelona.
24. Maurya, K. K., & Biswas, A. (2019). Convergence of urban governance and development network for Indian cities. RC21(In and Beyond the City: Emerging Ontologies, Persistent Challenges and Hopeful Futures). New Delhi: Universitat de Barcelona.
23. Dev, M., & Biswas, A. (2019). Studying Operational Dynamics of Public Bus System: A Case of Lucknow City, India. World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2019. Mumbai : Elsevier.
22. Maurya, K. K., & Biswas, A. (2019). The Rationale of SPV in Indian Smart City Development. In B. Donnellan, C. Klein, & M. Helf (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (pp. 143-150). Crete: SCITE Press.
21. Biswas, A., & Natrajan, A. H. (2019). Studying the Location Pattern of Knowledge Clusters and Networks and its’ Influence in an Urban Region. Urban ARC 2019. January 10 - January 12, 2019, Bengaluru: IIHS.
20. Puriya, A., & Biswas, A. (2018). A Modified Need Assessment Method in Post-disaster Recovery Processes. 8th International Conference on Building Resilience. Lisbon: University of Lisbon.
19. Biswas, A., & Putta, V. (2018). Economic Segregation and Housing Price Variation in Peri-Urban Areas of the Metropolitan Cities in India. The 2nd Asian Regional Conference on Peri-Urbanization. November 8 – November 10, 2018. Busan: Pusan National University,.
18. Biswas, A. & Puriya, A. (2018). Planning and design interventions for post disaster temporary housing in India. 4th Residential Building Design & Construction Conference, February 28 – March 01, Pennsylvania State University.
17. Biswas, A., & Pawar, P. A. (2017). Evaluation of people’s well-being at an integrated watershed management area in Maharashtra state of India. XVI Biennial Conference of International Association for the Study of the Commons, July 14-17, 2017, Utrecht,
16. Biswas, A., & Chaudhary, R. (2016). A Planning & Architectural Intervention with Work-Living Solution For Migrants/Refugees In Cities. DWIH Conference: CityScape. New Delhi: German House of Research & Innovation .
15. Biswas, A. (2016). A Capability Based Approach in Identifying Housing Affordability for Urban Poor in India. Proceedings of 3rd Residential Building Design and Construction Conference, (pp. 328-339),
14. Mukherjee, M., Roy, U., Biswas, A., Arora, K., De, B., & Srivastava, A. (2016). Changing Paradigms of Affordable Housing in Independent India. Proceedings of 3rd Residential Building Design and Construction Conference, (pp. 410-428),
13. Biswas, A., Kidokoro, T., & Seta , F. (2013). Evolution of Indian Urban Policy From Pro-Poor Growth Principles to Inclusive Growth. Proceedings International Conference on Information and Social Science. Nagoya.
12. Biswas, A., Hoshiko, T., & Kyoung Jin, A. (2013). Incubation of Environmental Leadership Skills through Education & Training by Analysing Water Resource Management of Bangkok, Thailand. Proceedings of SDS 2013 – Sustainable Development Symposium. Naples: University of Naples.
11. Biswas, A., & Kidokoro, T. (2012). Towards Inclusive Development from Dispersed Regional Economic Growth & Inequality: Possibilities and Trends of Indian Urbanization. Proceedings of PlanoCosmo International Conference, (pp. 17-31 (IIA)). Bandung.
10. Biswas, A., Kidokoro, T., & Onishi (2012), T. An Insight of Metropolitan Planning and Governance in India. Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Asian City Planning (pp. 1-9): ACP.
9. Biswas, A., Boonyaroj, V., Denpetkul, T., Zhirong, H., Kobayashi, H., Kyoungjin, A., et al. (2011). Improving Quality of Life of Bangkok’s Citizen through sustainable water use and management. 9th International symposium on south-east Asian water environment, (pp. 103-108).
8. Biswas, A., & Kidokoro, T. (2011). The role of Urban Governance for Sustainable Development in India. Proceedings of 11th APSA International Congress (pp. 358-364). APSA.
7. Biswas, A. (2010). The Spatial Evolution of Sustainability in Urban Growth: Measurement, Analysis and Approach for South - East Region of Kolkata, India. 9th Conference on Asian City Planning (pp. 7-14). Tokyo: ACP.
6. Biswas, A., & Chattopadhyay, S. (2008). Slum Improvement through Legal Framework in India. 36th IAHS World Congress on Housing . Kolkata.
5. Gupta, R., & Biswas, A. (2006). Water For The Villages In The Coast-A Blue Print For Sustainable Development In Deltaic Sundarban. 4th World Water Forum 4, March 16-22, Mexico City.
4. Biswas, A., Gupta, R., & Das, S. (2006). Rangabelia-Hope in the deltas. 4th World water forum. Mexico city.
3. Gupta, R., & Biswas, A. (2005). An Experiment in Sustainable Construction, Case Study ‐ Madhusthaly School, India. Sustainable building construction in South-East Asia. Kuala Lumpur.
2. Biswas, A., & Gupta, R. (2004). Sustainable Micro Water Resource Management in Urban Areas ‐The Gariahat Shopping Mall ‐ A Case in Point. 14th World water week - SIWI. Stockholm.
1. Gupta, R., & Biswas, A. (2004). Alternative Water Resource Management in Urban Areas. APHW. Singapore.