Book Chapters:
1. Pasupuleti Evolution of Vernacular Architecture in Central India,(2017 pp21-35) edited in Singh Vernacular Settlements in Chanderi: Towards Innovation and Sustenance, Published SPA press.
2. Pasupuleti Learning from Vernacular: with Ordinary people towards Extra Ordinary Architectural Practice,(2017 pp93-110) edited in Singh Vernacular Settlements in Chanderi: Towards Innovation and Sustenance, Published SPA press.
Accepted and In Press:
1. Selected for 3 entries in the Natural Disasters Section and 2 entries in South and Central Asia section is under process for publication in Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World-Vol2., Expected to be published in 2021, Bloomsbury publishing UK. - Floods(Uttarkhand) - Tsunami(Tamilnadu) - Hudhud(Visakhapatnam)) - Toda (Tamilnadu) - Kotas (Tamilnadu) Details available in
Paper publications in International Journals and Working Papers
1. Singh, N. R., Khare, A. Pasupuleti, R. S. & Singh,G.paper Titled ‘Disaster Risk reduction: Lessons from Traditional Knowledge’ publishedin International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020, pp. 1209-1216. Available online at DOI:10.35940/ijrte.F7363.038620
2. Singh, N. R., Khare, A. & Pasupuleti, R. S., paper titled‘Understanding Built Form- Bagori, Uttarakhand’ published in Context- Built, Living and Natural, special issue on Indigenous knowledge system [Vol. XIV, 2018] pp 102-109, A Journal of DRONAH, published by Aryan Book International, New Delhi. Accessed from
3. Bawaria and Pasupuleti (2019) Spatial Analysis of the Crime Pattern of the Districts of Madhya Pradesh, National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) Journal-Vol-2(No-1) 2019 : 28-46 New Delhi, available from
4. Verma and Pasupuleti, A Participatory Inquiry Into The Legitimacy Of Socio-Spatial Transformations In Post Disaster Contexts, The Study Of Baun Village, Garhwal, Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand, India, (2016 pp-not known Vol. 283.) Traditional dwellings and settlements, University of California, Berkeley. Working paper series can be accessed from
5. Pasupuleti, Designing Culturally Responsive Built Environments in Post Disaster Contexts: Tsunami Affected Fishing Settlements in Tamilnadu, India, (2013 Vol 6 pp28–39) International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Elsevier. Assessed from
6. Pasupuleti, An Interdisciplinary Framework: from Positivism of Development Studies to Post Structuralism of Cultural Anthropology - a Tale of Two fishing villages in Tamilnadu, Southern India; (2010 pp 1-9 Vol 5, Number 2)Abacus Journal, Birla institute of Technology.
7. Pasupuleti Transforming temple streets in the new digital era, International Association of Study of Traditional Environments, (2012 pp-not known Vol 252) Working Paper series, University of Berkeley, U.S.A accessed from
8. Pasupuleti, Addressing vulnerability of fishing communities in post tsunami reconstruction - A cultural perspective from Kovalam Village, Tamilnadu, (2008 pp-not known Vol 218) International Association of Study of Traditional Environments, Working Paper series, University of Berkeley, U.S.A. accessed from
Papers publication and presentations in International Conferences
1. Indu S and Pasupuleti (2020) The transforamtion of Tibetean Refugee settlement: The case of bylakuppe, presented in Thanima 3 : International Conference on Design Pedagogy and Contextural Aesthetics, 6-8 March 2020 NIT Calicut. (Publication in process)
2. Pasupuleti and Samaddar(2019) The Cultural Dimension of Architecture in Build Back better, poster presented at 4th Global Summit of Research Instittues for Disaster Risk Reduction, GADRI, Kyoto Japan, 13th-15th March 2019. (Publication yet to be submitted)
3. Samaddar S. Pasupuleti R. S. and Tatano H. “Participatory Flood Risk Management – How Participatory it is?”, Proceedings of 3rd Global Summit of Research Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction (3rdGSRIDRR) on Expanding the Platform for Bridging Science and Policy Making, Kyoto, Japan, Springer, (in Press)
4. Indhu S and Pasupuleti (2019) The Production of Refugee place in time: case of Tibetean Refugees, presented at London Centre for Interdisciplinary research, London 23rd March 2019.
5. Nayan Singh, N. R., Pasupuleti, R. S., &Khare, A. paper titled ‘Disaster Risk Reduction through the Learning of Traditional Knowledge of Built Heritage: A case study of village- Bagori, Uttarkashi, India’ presented and published in the proceedings of 10th FARU International Research Conference, Subtitled “Design that cares” - multi disciplinary approaches to creating sustainable and meaningful built environments, pp. 93-105, Volume 2 , held on 8th & 9th December 2017, Wadduwa, Sri Lanka.Available online at
6. Pasupuleti, Shaik, Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction And Climate Change Adaptation Into Humanitarian And Development Planning (2015 pp1-10 3-5 August) 10th Annual International Conference on Public Policy and Management, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India.
7. Pasupuleti, Berggård, Mobility and accessibility in winter towns: an inquiry by integrating climate, cultural adaptability and winter maintenance, (23rd July 2015) TRANSCED 2015 Lisbon Portugal
8. Pasupuleti, The Lost Traditions in Historic Urban Settlements: The case of Mardin, Turkey and Srirangam, India. 15-17th October 2014. ISVS 7Conference, presented in Istanbul Turkey.
9. Pasupuleti, Berggård, A Multi-disciplinary Framework for Understanding Accessible Built Environments for All in ‘All Weather Conditions’: The Study of Small towns in Nordic Region (June 16-18, 2014, pp234-243), Volume 35: Universal Design 2014: Three Days of Creativity and Diversity, Ingvar Kamprad Design Centre Lund University, Lund, Sweden published by Assistive Technology Research Series, IOS press. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-403-9-234
10. Pasupuleti , Nilsson, Interrogating Sustainability: Urban Transition of a mining town, presented at (June 2528, 2013) IAPS International Network Symposium 2013 Sustainable environments in a changing global context, Identifying opportunities for innovative spaces and practices in contexts of crisis, A Coruña, Spain.
11. Pasupuleti, Jaiswal, Interrogating Urban Transformations: since Bhopal Gas tragedy to the new Shopping Mall, (6th -8th March 2013) Virtual presentation, Design Principles and Practices Conference, Chiba, Japan.
12. Pasupuleti Transforming temple streets in the new digital era, (Oct 4th -7th Portland USA 2012) IASTE conference (2012), Oregan, U.S.A
13. Pasupuleti, Towards an Interdisciplinary framework for understanding the role of culture in the Post disaster reconstruction process, Published in Proceedings of the 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference: Integrative Risk Management in a Changing World - Pathways to a Resilient Society, IDRC Davos 2012, Pages 565-568 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference: Integrative Risk Management in a Changing World - Pathways to a Resilient Society, IDRC Davos 2012; Davos; Switzerland; 26-30 August 2012 ;
14. Pasupuleti, Re-qualifying new spaces for old uses-The case of tsunami reconstruction process in Tamilnadu presented at 4th Symposium Revitalizing Built Environments: Requalifying Old Places For New Uses, Jointly Organized by IAPS-CSBE Network and the IAPS – HOUSING Network, Istanbul – Turkey , 12-16 October 2009 Accessed from
15. Pasupuleti, Understanding the qualitative nature of places: Towards video-analysis as an approach, presented Understanding places phd Colloquium, (6th July 2009) Westminster London.
16. Pasupuleti, Addressing vulnerability of fishing communities in post tsunami reconstruction - A cultural perspective from Kovalam Village, Tamilnadu, (2008) IASTE conference (2008), Oxford, UK
17. Pasupuleti, Key issues in post disaster development failures – The case of tsunami reconstruction in Tamilnadu Southern India. (2007 pp 1-9) TCDPAP international conference proceedings, Lahore, Pakistan
Invited Participations to International/National Conferences:
1. Invited presentation titled ”The Reproduction of vernacular place in Disaster recovery and Build back better” for National Scientific Committee on Vernacular Architecture of ICOMOS India Initiatves on 25th July 2020.
2. Invited as domain expert key speaker for Faculty Development Program under the theme “Understanding cultural heritage resources for planning of built environments: Overview from an Indian perspective” organized by School of Architecture and Planning, Apeejay Institute of Technology 16TH July 2018.
3. Invited as Guest Speaker and Panel discussion at MIDAS Conference on VERNACULAR 23-Feb-2018
4. Invited as Guest Speak for Panel Discussion ”Indigeneous Humanised Approach for india’s Sustainable Smart Cities” on 9.09.2017, for Zonal NASA convention at Dept. Of Architecture, Himgiri Zee university Dehradun.
5. Invited and Sponsored participation at GADRI 2nd Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction (GSRIDRR 2017) organized by DPRI Kyoto University, Kyoto Japan 19th -20th March 2017.
6. Invited and Sponsored participation at GADRI 4th Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction (GSRIDRR 2019) organized by DPRI Kyoto University, Kyoto Japan 13th -15th March 2019.
7. Key note speech titled Culturally Responsive Built Environments: Global Practices and their relevance to local adaptations delivered in International Conference on Theory of Architectural Design: Global Practices amid Local Milieu, Duration of the conference: April 14th – April 16th, 2017, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Kakryal-Katra (Jammu and Kashmir)-India.
Papers publication/presentations in National Conference:
1. Pasupuleti, Verma, How to integrate nature and culture in disaster contexts. (20th May 2015). Invited session for Disaster Management Workshop organized by RGPV Bhopal
2., Pasupuleti, Research and education in Planning and Building in 6 Seasons and Scales (20-21 August2012) SBN Conference – Program, Hotel Laponia, Arvidsjaur, Sweden.
3. Pasupuleti, Khare, Understanding Places: Developing Participatory ways for Tourism Concerns in Built Environment Education, (2012) National Conference on Factors Affecting Teaching & Research Strategy to Improve Quality in Higher Education(FARSIQHE), Rajiv Gandhi South Campus, Banaras Hindu University, Barkachha, Dist. Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, India.