Post Graduate Programs
Post Graduate Programs
Prospectus for Master of Technology (M.Tech) Programme in Environmental Management of Rivers and Lakes
Information Brochure for Admission to Master of Technology (M.Tech) Programmes
Time Table for Spring Semester Session: 2022-23
Course Structure
Renewable and Hydro Energy
Environmental Management of Rivers and Lakes
Pre-Ph.D. Courses
Teaching Scheme
HRE-510: Hydro Power Planning and Management
HRE-513: Renewable Energy Resources Development Technology
HRE-583: Grid Integration of Renewable Energy
HRE-584: Finance Policy and Regulations for Renewable Energy
Programme Elective Courses
HRE-514: Hydro Electric Equipment
HRE-515: Design of Hydropower Structures
HRE-516: Hydro Mechanical Equipment
HRE-517A: Modeling, Simulation & Computer Applications
HRE-518: Environmental Planning and Management
HRE-522: Wind Energy Application Technology
HRE-526: Instrumentation for Small Hydro Power Station
HRE-528: Rural Electrical Energy System Planning and Design
HRE-532: Remote Sensing and GIS for Renewable Energy Planning
HRE-534: Construction Planning and Management
HRE-536: Biomass Production and Utilization
HRE-540: Solar Photo-Voltaic Design and Application
HRE-542: Energy Conservation and Management
HRE-580: Climate Change and Water Bodies
HRE-581: Energy-Water-Food Nexus
HRE-582: Electric Vehicular Technology
HRE-585: Energy Storage Systems
HRE-586: Hydrogen Economy
HRE-587: Advanced Modelling for Renewable Energy Power Systems
Each course (Subject) has a number of credits which depends on the academic load and weekly contact hours for Lecture (L). Tutorial (T), Practical (P) and/ or Drawing (D). One Credit is normally assigned to one hour of lecture or two hours of tutorial or practical per week.
Performance Evaluation
As per regulations in vogue, the evaluation of academic performance of students is done on a continual basis throughout the semester. In the credit and grading system of evaluation, passing and failing is coursewise (Subjectwise). Promotion of a student to the next semester is linked to his obtaining a certain minimum grade point average and his earning of certain minimum number of credits in a semester and up to that semester. The award of degree is also linked with the earning of total number of credits along with other requirements, as specified for each programme.
A student is evaluated for his academic performance through tutorials, practicals, class work, home work assignments, terms papers, field work, quizzes, tests, examination, viva-voce etc. in each semester, as per regulations. Evaluation in every course (subject) is based on weightage of marks/grades assigned to various course as per curricular structure. The components for evaluation of academic performance are CWS (Class Work Sessional), MTE (Mid Term Examination), ETE (End Term Examination), PRS (Practical Sessional) and PRE (Practical Examination). The marks earned by a student in a course (subject) are converted into letter grades, the value of which is on a 10-point scale.
Seminar (HRE-700)
Dissertation (HRE-701A & HRE-701B)
Teaching Scheme
HRE-523: Integrated Management of Water Bodies
HRE-525: Aquatic Ecology
HRE-527: Laboratory Course
HRE-544: Project Formulation & Implementation
HRE-554: Waste Water Collection, Treatment and Disposal
Programme Elective Courses
HRE-517B: Modeling, Simulation & Computer Applications
HRE-518: Environmental Planning and Management
HRE-540: Solar Photo-Voltaic Design and Application
HRE-542: Energy Conservation and Management
HRE-550: Application of RS & GIS in Environment Management
HRE-552: Hydrology and Modeling of Water Bodies
HRE-556: Environmental Laws, Public Participation & Institutional Development
HRE-558: Coastal Pollution and Impact Assessment
HRE-576: Planning and Management of Environmental Facility
HRE-580: Climate Change and Water Bodies
HY-527: Ground Water Hydrology
HY-531: Watershed Management
HY-542: Urban Hydrology
Course Credit and Evaluation
Credit (Cr) and Weekly Contact Hours
HRE-901: Circular Economy for Renewable Energy
HRE-902: Wastewater Resource Recovery
HRE-903: Energy Recovery from Solid Waste
HRE-904: Fuel Cells