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M. Perumal
Retired Faculty
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Research Interests
Rainfall-Runoff Analysis, Flood Routing and Flood Forecasting,Ungauged catchment studies, Dam Break , Flood Analysis, Dam Break modelling, Hydrometry,Open-channel Hydraulics
Educational Details
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
M.Tech, Hydraulics and Water Resorces Engineering
National University of Ireland, Galway,Ireland
M.Sc, Engineering Hydrology
Madras University
B.E., Civil Engineering
University of Roorkee(Now IIT Roorkee)
Ph.D, Civil Engineering
  1. M. Perumal and Sahoo, B. (2010) Real-time flood forecasting by a hydrometric data-based technique,  Chapter-9 in Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters-Vulnerability, preparedness and mitigation (Ed.) M.K. Jha, Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi, pp. 169-196.
  2. M. Perumal and Sahoo, B. (2012) Approximate Convection – Diffusion Equations for Hydrological Analyses of River Flood Dynamics, Nova Publishers, June, 2012, pp.141-164.  Chapter-7 in Flood Risk and Flood Management( Tommy S.W. Wong)] (ISBN: 978-1-62081-220-4)
  3. J.N. Okpara, Tarhule, A.A.,  and Perumal, M. (2013) Study of climate change in Niger River basin, Wet Africa: Reality not a myth, Chapter 1 in Climate Change Realities, impacts over ice cap, sea level and risks (Ed. By B.R.Singh), InTech Publishers (ISBN 978-953-51-0934-1).
  4. M. Perumal, Sahoo, B., and .Moramarco, T. (2015)Interpretations of the Muskingum flood routing method: A historical perspective, Chapter 10 in Advances in Hydrology (Ed. By T.Moramarco, S.Barbetta and L.Brocca), Water Resources  Publications, LLC, USA, (ISBN -13: 978-1-887-20185-8).
  5. M. Perumal and Price, R.K. (2016) Reservoir and channel routing, Chapter 52 in Handbook of Applied Hydrology, (Chief Ed: V.P. Singh), McGraw-Hill Education, USA (ISBN 978-0-07-183509-1).
  1. Barbetta, S., Moramarco, T., and Perumal, M. (2017) A Muskingum-based methodology for river discharge estimation and rating curve development under significant lateral inflow conditions, Journal of Hydrology, 554, pp.216-232.
  2. Perumal, M,  Tayfur, G., Rao, Ch.M., and Gurarslan, G. (2017) Evaluation of a physically based quasi-linear and a conceptually based nonlinear Muskingum methods , Journal of Hydrology, 546,, 2017.01.025.
  3. B. Yadav, M. Perumal,and A. Bardossy, Variable parameter McCarthy-Muskingum                method considering lateral flow, Journal of Hydrology, 523: 489-499, 2015,, IM: 3.48
  4. B. Sahoo, M. Perumal,T. Moramarco, and S. Barbetta, Rating curve development at ungauged river sites using variable parameter Muskingum discharge routing method, Water Resources Management, Journal of European Water Resources Association, 28: 3783-3800, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s11269-014-0709-9. IM: 2.85
  5. M. Perumal, and R.K. Price, A fully mass conservative variable parameter McCarthy-Muskingum method: Theory and verification, Journal of Hydrology, 502: 89-102,2013, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.08.023. IM: 3.48
  6. M. Saxena, and M. Perumal, Appraisal of overland flow modelling using HEC-HMS and a variable parameter Muskingum method, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,  20: 102-110, 2013,, IM: 0.36
  7. A.D. Kemble, M. Perumal, and M.K. Jain, Study of Overland Flow Phenomenon using Experimental and Modeling Approach, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 18 (3): 162-172, 2012, DOI:10.1080/09715010.2012.721182, IM:0.36
  8. Perumal, M., Moramarco T, Barbetta,S, Melone,F., and Sahoo,B (2011) Real-time flood stage forecasting by variable parameter Muskingum stage hydrograph routing method, Hydrology Research,42.2-3,  IWA Publishing doi:10.2166/nh.2011.063, 150-161.
  9. Perumal, M., Moramarco, T., Sahoo, B., and Barbetta, S.(2010), On the practical applicability of theVPMS routing method for rating curve development at ungauged river sites, Water Resour. Res., 46, W03522, doi:10.1029/2009WR008103
  10. Perumal, M., and Sahoo, B., Moramarco, T., and  Barbetta, S. (2009), Multilinear Muskingum method for stage-hydrograph routing in compound channels, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, April, Vol.14(7), 663-670.
  11. Perumal, M., and Sahoo, B. (2008),Volume conservation controversy of variable parameter Muskingum-Cunge method, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, April, Vol.134(4), 475-485.
  12. Perumal, M. and Ranga Raju, K.G. (2007) Variable parameter Muskingum routing consideringdownstream effects. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 133(11), 1249-1260.
  13.  Perumal, M. and Sahoo, B. (2007), Limitations of real-time models for forecasting river flooding from monsoon rainfall, Natural Hazards,Springer Verlag Publishers, The Netherlands, Vol. 42(2), doi:10.1007/s11069-006-9082-1, 415-422.
  14.  A caution about the multilinear discrete lag-cascade model for flood routing, Journal of Hydrology
  15. Perumal, M., and Sahoo, B. (2007), Applicability criteria of the variable parameter Muskingum stage and discharge routing methods, Water Resources Research,American Geophysical Union (AGU),Vol.43(5), W05409, doi: 10.1029/2006WR004909, 1-20.
  16. Perumal, M., Moramarco, T., Sahoo, B., and Barbetta, S. (2007) A methodology for discharge estimation and rating curve development at ungauged river sites, Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union,
  17. Perumal, M., Shrestha, K.B., and Chaube, U.C. (2004) Reproduction of hysteresis in rating curves. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE 130(9), 870-878. 
  18. Perumal, M., O'Connell,P.E., and Ranga Raju,K.G. (2001) Field applications of a variable-parameter Muskingum method. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE 6(3):196-207.
  19. Perumal, M. and Ranga Raju,K.G. (1999) Approximate convection-diffusion equations. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE. 4(2): 161-164
  20. Perumal,M. and Ranga Raju,K.G. (1998) Variable-parameter stage-hydrograph routing method II : Evaluation. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE. 3(2): 115-121
  21. Perumal,M.and Ranga Raju,K.G. (1998) Variable-parameter stage-hydrograph routing method I: Theory,Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE. 3(2): 109-114
  22. Perumal,M. (1994) Hydrodynamic derivation of a variable parameter Muskingum method- Part 2: Verification. Hydrological Sciences- Journal of IAHS. 39(5): 443-458
  23. Perumal,M. (1994) Hydrodynamic derivation of a variable parameter Muskingum method- Part 1:Theory and solution procedure. Hydrological Sciences-Journal of IAHS. 39(5):431-442.
  24. Perumal,M. (1994) Multilinear discrete cascade model for channel routing. Journal of Hydrology. 158: 135-150
  25. Dooge,J.C.I., M.Perumal and Q.J.Wang. (1993). Step function response of a Muskingum reach. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE. 119(2): 410-415
  26. Perumal,M. (1992) The cause of negative initial outflow with the Muskingum method. Hydrological Sciences-Journal of IAHS. 37(4): 391-401
  27. Perumal,M. (1992) Multilinear Muskingum flood routing method. Journal of Hydrology. 133: 259-272
  28. Perumal, M. (1992) Simulation of dam break flood waves. Jalvigyan Sameeksha - a publication of Indian National Committee on Hydrology. VII(1)
  29. Perumal,M. (1989) Unification of Muskingum difference schemes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE. 115(4): 536-543
  30. Perumal, M. (1985) Stability analysis of Muskingum difference schemes. Hydrology Journal of Indian Association of Hydrologists. VIII (4).