Research Interests
Rainfall-Runoff Analysis, Flood Routing and Flood Forecasting,Ungauged catchment studies, Dam Break , Flood Analysis, Dam Break modelling, Hydrometry,Open-channel Hydraulics
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
M.Tech, Hydraulics and Water Resorces Engineering
National University of Ireland, Galway,Ireland
M.Sc, Engineering Hydrology
University of Roorkee(Now IIT Roorkee)
Ph.D, Civil Engineering
- M. Perumal and Sahoo, B. (2010) Real-time flood forecasting by a hydrometric data-based technique, Chapter-9 in Natural and Anthropogenic Disasters-Vulnerability, preparedness and mitigation (Ed.) M.K. Jha, Capital Publishing Company, New Delhi, pp. 169-196.
- M. Perumal and Sahoo, B. (2012) Approximate Convection – Diffusion Equations for Hydrological Analyses of River Flood Dynamics, Nova Publishers, June, 2012, pp.141-164. Chapter-7 in Flood Risk and Flood Management( Tommy S.W. Wong)] (ISBN: 978-1-62081-220-4)
- J.N. Okpara, Tarhule, A.A., and Perumal, M. (2013) Study of climate change in Niger River basin, Wet Africa: Reality not a myth, Chapter 1 in Climate Change Realities, impacts over ice cap, sea level and risks (Ed. By B.R.Singh), InTech Publishers (ISBN 978-953-51-0934-1).
- M. Perumal, Sahoo, B., and .Moramarco, T. (2015)Interpretations of the Muskingum flood routing method: A historical perspective, Chapter 10 in Advances in Hydrology (Ed. By T.Moramarco, S.Barbetta and L.Brocca), Water Resources Publications, LLC, USA, (ISBN -13: 978-1-887-20185-8).
- M. Perumal and Price, R.K. (2016) Reservoir and channel routing, Chapter 52 in Handbook of Applied Hydrology, (Chief Ed: V.P. Singh), McGraw-Hill Education, USA (ISBN 978-0-07-183509-1).
- Barbetta, S., Moramarco, T., and Perumal, M. (2017) A Muskingum-based methodology for river discharge estimation and rating curve development under significant lateral inflow conditions, Journal of Hydrology, 554, pp.216-232.
- Perumal, M, Tayfur, G., Rao, Ch.M., and Gurarslan, G. (2017) Evaluation of a physically based quasi-linear and a conceptually based nonlinear Muskingum methods , Journal of Hydrology, 546,, 2017.01.025.
- B. Yadav, M. Perumal,and A. Bardossy, Variable parameter McCarthy-Muskingum method considering lateral flow, Journal of Hydrology, 523: 489-499, 2015,, IM: 3.48
- B. Sahoo, M. Perumal,T. Moramarco, and S. Barbetta, Rating curve development at ungauged river sites using variable parameter Muskingum discharge routing method, Water Resources Management, Journal of European Water Resources Association, 28: 3783-3800, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s11269-014-0709-9. IM: 2.85
- M. Perumal, and R.K. Price, A fully mass conservative variable parameter McCarthy-Muskingum method: Theory and verification, Journal of Hydrology, 502: 89-102,2013, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.08.023. IM: 3.48
- M. Saxena, and M. Perumal, Appraisal of overland flow modelling using HEC-HMS and a variable parameter Muskingum method, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 20: 102-110, 2013,, IM: 0.36
- A.D. Kemble, M. Perumal, and M.K. Jain, Study of Overland Flow Phenomenon using Experimental and Modeling Approach, ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 18 (3): 162-172, 2012, DOI:10.1080/09715010.2012.721182, IM:0.36
- Perumal, M., Moramarco T, Barbetta,S, Melone,F., and Sahoo,B (2011) Real-time flood stage forecasting by variable parameter Muskingum stage hydrograph routing method, Hydrology Research,42.2-3, IWA Publishing doi:10.2166/nh.2011.063, 150-161.
- Perumal, M., Moramarco, T., Sahoo, B., and Barbetta, S.(2010), On the practical applicability of theVPMS routing method for rating curve development at ungauged river sites, Water Resour. Res., 46, W03522, doi:10.1029/2009WR008103
- Perumal, M., and Sahoo, B., Moramarco, T., and Barbetta, S. (2009), Multilinear Muskingum method for stage-hydrograph routing in compound channels, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, April, Vol.14(7), 663-670.
- Perumal, M., and Sahoo, B. (2008),Volume conservation controversy of variable parameter Muskingum-Cunge method, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, April, Vol.134(4), 475-485.
- Perumal, M. and Ranga Raju, K.G. (2007) Variable parameter Muskingum routing consideringdownstream effects. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 133(11), 1249-1260.
- Perumal, M. and Sahoo, B. (2007), Limitations of real-time models for forecasting river flooding from monsoon rainfall, Natural Hazards,Springer Verlag Publishers, The Netherlands, Vol. 42(2), doi:10.1007/s11069-006-9082-1, 415-422.
- A caution about the multilinear discrete lag-cascade model for flood routing, Journal of Hydrology
- Perumal, M., and Sahoo, B. (2007), Applicability criteria of the variable parameter Muskingum stage and discharge routing methods, Water Resources Research,American Geophysical Union (AGU),Vol.43(5), W05409, doi: 10.1029/2006WR004909, 1-20.
- Perumal, M., Moramarco, T., Sahoo, B., and Barbetta, S. (2007) A methodology for discharge estimation and rating curve development at ungauged river sites, Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union,
- Perumal, M., Shrestha, K.B., and Chaube, U.C. (2004) Reproduction of hysteresis in rating curves. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE 130(9), 870-878.
- Perumal, M., O'Connell,P.E., and Ranga Raju,K.G. (2001) Field applications of a variable-parameter Muskingum method. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE 6(3):196-207.
- Perumal, M. and Ranga Raju,K.G. (1999) Approximate convection-diffusion equations. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE. 4(2): 161-164
- Perumal,M. and Ranga Raju,K.G. (1998) Variable-parameter stage-hydrograph routing method II : Evaluation. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE. 3(2): 115-121
- Perumal,M.and Ranga Raju,K.G. (1998) Variable-parameter stage-hydrograph routing method I: Theory,Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE. 3(2): 109-114
- Perumal,M. (1994) Hydrodynamic derivation of a variable parameter Muskingum method- Part 2: Verification. Hydrological Sciences- Journal of IAHS. 39(5): 443-458
- Perumal,M. (1994) Hydrodynamic derivation of a variable parameter Muskingum method- Part 1:Theory and solution procedure. Hydrological Sciences-Journal of IAHS. 39(5):431-442.
- Perumal,M. (1994) Multilinear discrete cascade model for channel routing. Journal of Hydrology. 158: 135-150
- Dooge,J.C.I., M.Perumal and Q.J.Wang. (1993). Step function response of a Muskingum reach. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE. 119(2): 410-415
- Perumal,M. (1992) The cause of negative initial outflow with the Muskingum method. Hydrological Sciences-Journal of IAHS. 37(4): 391-401
- Perumal,M. (1992) Multilinear Muskingum flood routing method. Journal of Hydrology. 133: 259-272
- Perumal, M. (1992) Simulation of dam break flood waves. Jalvigyan Sameeksha - a publication of Indian National Committee on Hydrology. VII(1)
- Perumal,M. (1989) Unification of Muskingum difference schemes. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE. 115(4): 536-543
- Perumal, M. (1985) Stability analysis of Muskingum difference schemes. Hydrology Journal of Indian Association of Hydrologists. VIII (4).