ORCID ID http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9870-4097
Year 2020
- Nath, Vishnu, Rajat Agrawal, (2020). Agility and Lean Practices as antecedents of Supply Chain Social Sustainability, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOPM-09-2019-0642
- Rathore R. S., Rajat Agrawal, (2020). Measuring Performance of Business Incubators: A Literature Review and Theoretical Framework Development. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3573354 (At SSRN, this paper is among top 10 most downloaded papers since April 2020)
- Kanji, R., Rajat Agrawal, (2020). Exploring the use of corporate social responsibility in building disaster resilience through sustainable development in India: An interpretive structural modelling approach, Progress in Disaster Science, Vol 6, 100089, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pdisas.2020.100089 (Elsevier)
- Raghuvanshi J., Rajat Agrawal, (2020), " Revitalization of Indian SMEs for sustainable development through innovation", Business Strategy and Development, ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Kahyap, A., Ghosh, P.K., Rajat Agrawal, (2020), "Intellectual property: Country-wise trends of contributors and indicators in the knowledge economy", International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 10 (1), 35-51 DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2020.104996
- Sharma, R.K., Gopalaswami, N., Gurjar, B.R., Rajat Agrawal (2020) "Assessment of failure and consequences analysis of an accident: A case study", Engineering Failure Analysis, 109 (January), Article Number 104192, DOI: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2019.104192
Year 2019
- Kashyap, A., Rajat Agrawal, (2019), " Scale development and modelling of intellectual property creation capability in higher education", Journal of Intellectual Capital, 21 (1) 115-138 DOI: 10.1108/JIC-09-2018-0168
- Goyal,A., Rajat Agrawal, Saha, C., (2019), "Quality management for sustainable manufacturing: Moving from number to impact of defects", Journal of Cleaner Production, 241, Article No. 118348, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118348 (This paper is also reported as one of the important researches from India in Current Science Vol 117 No. 12, 25 December 2019.)
- Kashyap, A., Rajat Agrawal, (2019), "Academia a new knowledge supplier to the industry! Uncovering barriers in the process", Journal of Advances in Management Research, 16(5), 715-733, DOI: 10.1108/JAMR-02-2019-0017
- Negi, A.S., Khanna, A., Rajat Agrawal, (2019), "Psychological health, stressors and coping mechanism of engineering students", International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, Taylor & Francis, 24(4), 511-520, DOI: 10.1080/02673843.2019.1570856
- Raghuvanshi J., Rajat Agrawal, Ghosh, P.K., (2019), "Measuring the innovation capability of micro enterprises in India: Construct development and validation", Benchmarking, 26(5), 1405-1430 DOI: 10.1108/BIJ-08-2018-0229
- Negi, A.S., Khanna, A., Rajat Agrawal, (2019), "Spirituality as predictor of depression, anxiety and stress among engineering students", Journal of Public Health, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature, DOI: 10.1007/s10389-019-01092-2
- Raghuvanshi J., Rajat Agrawal, Ghosh, P.K., (2019), "Taxonomy of innovation capability framework with future directions", International Journal of Business Excellence, 17 (3), 265-289, DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2019.097958
- Kant, S., Chandra, P., Sharma, V., Rajat Agrawal, (2019), "Gandhian management perspective for enhancing productivity and innovation in public sector organisation", International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, 6(1), 92-119, DOI: 10.1504/IJIE.2019.100036
- Ankur Goyal, Rajat Agrawal, Rakesh Kumar Chokhani, and Chiraranjan Saha (2019), " Waste Reduction through Kaizen approach: A case study of a Company in India", Waste management & Research , Sage, 37 (1), 102-107 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X18796205
Year 2018
- Rajat Agrawal, Goyal, A. (2018), "Waste to energy plants for energy and municipal solid waste management in Indian perspective", Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, IEOM Society International
- Sharma, R.K., Gurjar, B.R., Rajat Agrawal (2018), "Lessons learned from fuel storage accidents: Aftermaths and challenges ahead", Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series, May (163)
- A Kashyap, R Agrawal, PK Ghosh (2018), "Examining higher educational institutes for better growth of national economy through structured innovation", International Journal of Innovation in Education, Vol. 5 No. 1, PP 61-78, Inderscience
- Kumkum Bharti, and Rajat Agrawal (2018), "High Customer Involvement: an essential element for effective co-creation", Int. J. of Business Innovation and Research, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp 431-451, Inderscience
- Kumkum Bharti, Rajat Agrawal and Vinay Sharma (2018), "Embrace, before it is too late! Prediction of future studies on value co-creation", International Journal of Business Excellence, Vol. (14), No. (1), PP 121-151, Inderscience
Year 2017
- Raghuvanshi J., Rajat Agrawal and Ghosh, P.K. (2017), " Analysis of Barriers to Women Entrepreneurship: The DEMATEL Approach", The Journal of Entrepreneurship, Vol 26, No. 2, pp 220-238, Sage, DOI: 10.1177/0971355717708848
- Sharma, N. and Rajat Agrawal (2017), "Prioritizing Environmental and Transportation indicators in Global Smart Cities: Key Takeaway from Select Cities Across the Globe ", Nature Environment and Pollution Technology, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp -727-736
- Mishra S., Kant S., Sharma V. and Rajat Agrawal (2017), " Decision dilemma in maintaining industrial peace in PSU in India", Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, https://doi.org/10.1108/EEMCS-06-2016-0117
- Sharma N. and Rajat Agrawal (2017), "Locating a wind energy project: A case of leading oil and gas producer in India", Vision, Vol 21, No. 2, pp 172-194, Sage, DOI: 10.1177/0972262917709390
Year 2016
- Mani V., Rajat Agrawal, Angappa Gunasekaran, Thanos Papadopoulos, Rameshwar Dubey and Stephen J.Childe (2016) "Social Sustainability in Supply Chain: Construct development and measurement validation", Ecological Indicators, Vol 71, pp 270-279, Elsevier
- Kanji, R., Agrawal Rajat (2016). Models of Corporate Social Responsibility: Comparison, Evolution and Convergence, IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 5 (2) pp 141-155, DOI: 10.1177/2277975216634478, Sage
- Ankur Goyal and Rajat Agrawal (2016), "Environmental Sustainability Through Advanced Manufacturing Management Systems", Book of Abstracts- XX Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, 2016 ISBN 9781786354181, Emerald
- Repaul Kanji and Rajat Agrawal (2016), Models of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Comparative Understanding, IIMS Journal of Management Science, Vol. 7, No. 1, January-April, 2016, pp- 38-54, DOI: 10.5958/0976-173X.2016.00004.X, IIM Shillong
- Mani.V, Agrawal, R., Sharma, V. and Kavitha.T.N (2016) ‘Socially sustainable business practices in indian manufacturing industries: a study of two companies’, Int. J. Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp.18–44. Inderscience
- Pradosh Singhal, Rajat Agrawal, Vinay Sharma (2016), Significance of Supply Chain Management in Public Distribution System, Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems, Vol 5, Issue 1 (January), pp 27-32
- Ritika Mahajan, Rajat Agrawal, Vinay Sharma, Vinay Nangia , (2016),"Analysis of challenges for management education in India using total interpretive structural modelling", Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 24 Iss 1 pp. 95 - 122, Emerald
- Chanana L., Agrawal R., Punia D.K., (2016) Service Quality Parameters for Mobile Government Services in India, Global Business Review, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp 136-146, SAGE
Year 2015
- Rajat Agrawal SK Shanthi K. Srinivasa Reddy , (2015) "Guest editorial", Journal of Strategy and Management , Vol. 8 Iss: 4, DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1108/JSMA-09-2015-0070, Emerald
- Kumkum Bharti, Rajat Agrawal, Vinay Sharma , (2015), Value Co creation Literature Review and Proposed Conceptual Framework, International Journal of Market Research, Vol 57, No. 4, pp 571- 603 , The Market Research Society, DOI : 10.2501/IJMR-2015-012
- V. Mani, Rajat Agrawal, Vinay Sharma , (2015),"Social sustainability in the supply chain: analysis of enablers", Management Research Review, Vol. 38 Iss 9 pp. 1016 - 1042, Emerald
- Mani.V, Rajat Agrawal and Vinay Sharma, (2015) Social sustainability practices in the supply chain of Indian manufacturing industries, Int. J. Automation and Logistics, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 211- 233, Inderscience
- Sharma, R.K., Gurjar B.R., Singhal A.V., Wate S.R., Ghuge S.P., Agrawal R. (2015), Automation of Emergency Response for Petroleum Oil Storage Terminal, Safety Science Vol 72, pp 262-273, Elsevier
Year 2014
- Sengar A., Sharma V., Agrawal R., Bharti K., (2014) Prioritisation of Barriers to Rural Markets: integrating fuzzy logic and AHP, Int J. of Business and Emerging Markets, Vol 6, No. 4, pp 371-394, Inderscience
- Nath, V., Agrawal, R., Gautam, A., Sharma, V., (2014) Green Marketing Promotion Tools and Indian Consumers' Green Purchase Intentions, In J. of Business Competitiveness & Growth Vol. 3, No.4, Inderscience
Year 2013
- Agrawal Rajat, Bharti Kumkum, Sharma Vinay, Sengar Anita, (2013) Innovative Product Development at the Bootom of Pyramid, International Journal of Spirituality and Organization Leadership, Vol. 1, No.2, pp 50-61
- Nath V., Kumar, R., Agrawal, R., Gautam, A. & Sharma, V. (2013). Consumer adoption of green products: Modeling the enablers, Global Business Review, Vol. 14, No.3, Sage
- Kumar R., Nath V., Agrawal R., and Sharma V., (2013), Performance Measurement of Sugar Supply Chain, Journal of Management Research- SCMS Noida, Vol.1, No.1, pp 3-14, Bloomsbury
- Nangia V.K., Agrawal R., Sharma V., (2013), Integrated Association of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of India (IamSME of India): Making of an Institution, European Case Clearing House (ECCH) Case No. 213-032-1 and Teaching notes, 213-032-8
- Reddy C.S.K., Nangia V.K., Agrawal R., (2013) Indian economic-policy reforms, bank mergers, and lawful proposals: The ex-ante and ex-post 'lookup'. Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp 601-622 Elsevier
- Nangia V.K., Agrawal R., Sharma V., (2013), Faridabad Small Industries Association (FSIA): Role model for MSME Association, European Case Clearing House (ECCH) Case No. 213-031-1 and Teaching notes, 213-031-8
- Agrawal R., Nangia V.K., Reddy C.S.K., (2013) Reengineering, crafting and comparing business valuation models–The advisory exemplar. International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 23, No. 3, Emerald
- Reddy C.S.K., Nangia V.K., Agrawal R., (2013), Corporate mergers and financial performance: A new assessment of Indian cases. Nankai Business Review International, Vol.4, No.2, Emerald
- Sharma R.K., Gurjar B.R., Wate S.R., Ghuge S.P., Agrawal R., (2013), Assessment of an accidental vapour cloud explosion: Lessons from the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. accident at Jaipur, India, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries. Vol. 26, No. 1, 82-90, Elsevier
- Nangia V.K., Agrawal R., Reddy C.S.K., (2013), Share repurchases, signaling effect and implications for corporate governance: Evidence from India. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, Vol. 9, No. 1, Sage
Year 2012
- Agrawal R., Nangia V.K., Reddy C.S.K., (2012) (Case & Instructor’s Notes): Drop- offs in the Asian Electronics Market: Unloading Bolipps and Canssonic. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 2(8), 1-12, Emerald
- Nath V., Kumar R., Agrawal R., Gautam A. and Sharma V., (2012), Green Behaviors of Indian Consumers, International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce, Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 488-498, Indus Education
- Agrawal R., Reddy C.S.K., (2012) Designing Case studies from Secondary Sources- A Conceptual Framework. International Management Review, Vol. 8, No. 2 Pp 63- 70, American Scholars Press
- Kumar N., Saxena S., Agrawal R., (2012), SCM: Road Ahead with a literature review based Analysis, Journal of SCM Systems, Vol.1, No.4, pp 37-56
- Agrawal R., Nath V., Gautam A., Sharma V., (2012), A Framework for Green Product Adoption by Indian Consumers, International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management (ISSN- 2231-1009), Vol. 2, No.5, pp 1-7
Year 2011
- Nangia V.K., Agrawal R., Sharma V., Arora S., (2011), Supplier Buyer Relationship and Revival- An important stage between decline and turnaround- The Case of Jauss Polymers, European Case Clearing House (ECCH) Case No. 311-261-1
- Nangia V.K., Agrawal R., Sharma V., Arora S., (2011), Teaching Notes for Supplier Buyer Relationship and Revival- An important stage between decline and turnaround- The Case of Jauss Polymers, European Case Clearing House (ECCH) Case No. 311-261-8
- Reddy C S K., Nangia V.K., Agrawal R., (2011), Mysterious Broken Cross-Country M& A Deal: Bharti Airtel- MTN, Journal of the International Academy for Case studies (JIACS, a publication of Allied Academics)
- Agrawal R., Reddy C.S.K., Nangia V.K., (2011), School for the Deaf- A Social Initiative of IIT Roorkee, Published vide http://ssrn.com/abstract=1980821
- Nangia V.K., Agrawal R., Reddy C.S.K., (2011), Open Offers and Shareholders Earnings- Evidence from India, published vide http://ssrn.com/abstract=1763153
- Nangia V.K., Agrawal R., Reddy C.S.K., (2011), Business Valuation: Modelling Forecasting Hurdle Rate, Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting(ISSN- 1946- 052X), Vol 3, No.1 : E6, pp 86-102
- Sharma, V., Agrawal R., (2011), Case Analysis- Tata Gold Plus: the Success Story of the ‘Nano’ of the Jewellery Market, Vikalpa, Volume 36, No. 3, pp 140-141
- Nangia, V.K., Agrawal, R., Sharma, V., and Reddy, K.S., (2011) Conglomerate Diversification through Cross-Continent Acquisition: Vedanta weds Cairn India, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Emerald Publishers, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1- 15
- Reddy, K.S., Nangia V.K., Agrawal R., (2011), Review, rewriting and impact of Indian takeover code, International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 53, Issue: 4, pp.241 – 251, Emerald
Year 2010
- Kumar R., Organero M.M., Agrawal R., (2010), XML Secure Documents for a Secure e-Commerce Architecture, Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp 35-45
- Rameshwar R., Agrawal R., Pathak M.K.,(2010), Review of State Electricity Boards and Indian Energy Sector: A Case Study, International Energy Journal, Vol. 11, No.2.
Year 2008
- Agrawal R. (2008), “Creating Competitive Advantage through Knowledge Management”, Review of Business and Technology Research, MTMI, ISSN 1941- 9414, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-5
National Journals
Agrawal Rajat (2018), Supply Chain for Humanitarian Issues: Issues and Challenges, Materials Management Review, Vol 14, Issue 11, pp 20-22, Indian Institute of Materials Management
Rajat Agrawal and Ankur Kashyap (2017), Indian HEIs should evolve into knowledge suppliers and not be mere distributors, Indian Management- The Journal of AIMA, December, pp85-90, Business Standard
Ghosh P.K., Agrawal R., Kashyap A., (2016) A Model for Innovation at Higher Education Institution for Nation Building, University News, 54 (5) Feb 01-07, pp 164-166, AIU
- Mani, V., Agrawal, R. and Sharma, V. (2014). It is time to change, Indian Management- The Journal of AIMA, 53(1), 42-46. Business Standard. (This paper was re published in 53(12) as one of the best article of the year2014.)
- Sengar, A., Sharma, V., Agrawal, R. and Bharti, K. (2014). Rural marketing: An answer to economic development in emerging markets. Indian Management- The Journal of AIMA, 53(1), 48- 53. Business Standard
- Sharma V., Joshi K. and Agrawal R. (2014). Empowering Women through Social Entrepreneurship. Indian Management- The Journal of AIMA, 53 (4), 58-63, Business Standard
- Bharti K., Agrawal R., Sharma V. (2013), Will Value Co-Creation help the Bottom of the Pyramid, Indian Management- The Journal of AIMA, Vol. 52, No. 7, pp64-66, Business Standard
- Agrawal R., (2009), “Social Entrepreneurship through Management Tools”, Managing India, Vol 1, pp 13-15
- Agrawal R.(2008) , “A Vedic Approach to Manager”, Gurukula Shodh Bharati, Vol 9, pp 217-222.
- Agrawal R., Agrawal P. (2006), “ Vyaparik vatavaran ki prachin bhartiya avdharana”, Gurukula Shodh Bharati, Vol 5, pp.201-205.
- Agrawal M., Agrawal R. (2005), “Prabandhan avam netratvakala ka vaidik swaroop”, Gurukula Shodh Bharati , Vol 4, pp57-64.
- Agrawal R. (2004), “Prabandhan- ek vaidik drishtikon”, Gurukula Shodh Bharati, Vol. 1, PP139-145.
- Agrawal R. (2001), “Learning organisation- strength of economy”, Gurukula Patrika, Vol 53, April- July, pp.66-68.
- Agrawal R. (2001), “Management of transition: challenges and opportunities”, Gurukula Patrika, Vol. 52, Jan- March, pp. 72-81.
Articles Published in Business, Economy and Management Magazines of repute
- Kirana shops can be extended arms for e-commerce players, Published online on June 4, 2020 at TPCI Perspective. https://ibt.tpci.in/blogs/kirana-shops-can-be-extended-arms-for-e-commerce-players/#.Xtu3q0uQaIU.linkedin
- Startups should pitch on their ability to repurpose quickly, Published on May 16, 2020 at TPCI Perspective. https://ibt.tpci.in/blogs/startups-should-pitch-on-their-ability-to-repurpose-quickly/#.XsLVBVaeKw4.linkedin
- RBI measures to ease concerns of NBFCs, provide relief to banks, borrowers, Published in Financial Express on April 23, 2020, https://www.financialexpress.com/money/rbi-measures-to-ease-concerns-of-nbfcs-provide-relief-to-banks-borrowers/1937776/?fbclid=IwAR0Mg_xHSLCJP5rrLjCZMIeoxyS18GGRhmHeytQ7BwX-1OTmqf91SFGWis4
- Is it a viable method to shield the country’s economy from the impact of the global epidemic, Published in Business world on March 30, 2020, http://www.businessworld.in/article/Is-It-A-Viable-Method-To-Shield-The-Country-s-Economy-From-The-Impact-Of-The-Global-Epidemic-/30-03-2020-187681/?fbclid=IwAR0Cwb34zztODD3LSKW3ngatuc3pP08XVWSPwzo1EIKAz5luKoUH4DmFzaQ
- Agrawal, R. (2020), Risk Reduction through Humanitarian Supply Chain Development, Geography and You, 20 (1-2): 40-45
- Agrawal, R. (2019), Paryavaran sanrakshan ki chunotiyan evam hamare prayas, Manthan (IITR Publication), Vol 17.
- Agrawal, R. (2019), Competitiveness and ease of doing business: analysis of indian economy, Vyapar Expert, Oct- Dec 2019.
- Agrawal. R. and Goyal. A. (2019), Waste-to-energy plants: a sustainable way for municipal solid waste management from indian perspective, Solid Waste and Waste Water Magazine, September 2019.
Conference Papers
- Goyal Ankur, Agrawal Rajat : Quality Management System for Sustainable Manufacturing at 24th Annual International EurOMA Conference organised by Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland during 03-05 July, 2017.
- ​Goyal Ankur, Agrawal Rajat : Disclosures of Environmental Performance: An Essential Element in the Success of "Mak in India" at the International Conference on Strategies in Volatile and Uncertain Environment for Emerging Markets, on July 14 & 15, 2017 at Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, India.
- Goyal Ankur, Agrawal Rajat : Advanced Manufacturing Management System for Environmental Sustainability at the International Conference on Strategies in Volatile and Uncertain Environment for Emerging Markets, on July 14 & 15, 2017 at Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, India.