Cellular and Composite Materials Laboratory
Cellular and Composite Materials Laboratory
Contact Us :

Officer ln-Charge - Dr. B. S. S. Daniel ( sundar.daniel@mt.iitr.ac.in )
Service Supervisor - Sh. Dinesh Kumar (dishamme@iitr.ac.in)
The purpose of composite and cellular materials laboratory is to provide knowledge regarding various techniques of fabrication of metal matrix composite (MMCs) and metallic foam.

Metal matrix composites (MMCs) drive the best characteristics of two physically and chemically different materials like ductility and toughness of metallic matrices and the modulus and strength of ceramic reinforcements to obtain superior properties as compared to the unreinforced metals. For making MMCs, the major lighter alloys like aluminium, magnesium and titanium are used, due to the significant improvement in the thrust-to-weight ratio for the aerospace, space, and automobiles. The reinforcements may be in the form of continuous fibers or discontinuous reinforcements, such as whiskers, particulates, chopped fibers or platelets.

Foams with a cellular structure are known to have many interesting combinations of physical and mechanical properties, such as high stiffness in conjunction with very low specific weight or high gas permeability combined with high thermal conductivity.
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Ultrasonic Processor
Make: Sonic and materials
Model: VCX1500
Power: 1500 watts
Frequency: 20 kHz
Probe: 25 mm diameter
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Electric furnace
Specs :
K-type thermocouple
Spare muffle
Gas flow meter
Argon gas cylinder
Furnace interfaced PC
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On Going Ph.D. Work
Al-Al3Ti based in-situ composite by ultrasonication for high temperature application (Rahul Gupta).
Processing of Steel foam (Himanshu Kala).
Ultrasonic processing of Al alloy (Neeraj Shrivastava).