Foundry Laboratory
Foundry Laboratory
Sl. No. Name of Instruments Brief Description of Use
1 Induction Melting Furnace (5 KG) 5 Kg of metal can be melted
2 Permiability meter To measure permeability of foundry sand
3 Sieve Shaker To characterize foundry sand in terms of size and size distribution
4 Universal strength machine To measure compression strength, tensile strength and transverse strength of green sand
5 Sand washer It is used to find out clay content of raw sand.
6 Sand Muller It is used to mix moulding sand, bentonite, coal dust and water together.
7 Hand moulding machine To prepare sample for tensile , compression, transverse and permeability tests.
8 Sand moisture tester To determine the moisture content of sand
9 Oven To dry the moisture content of core

Prof. I/C - Prof. Ujjwal Prakash ( )

Staff I/C - Sh. Nitin Kumar ( )

Room No. - 105