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Prof. I/C - Prof. Sumeet Mishra ( )
Staff I/C - Sh. Narendra Kumar ( )
Room No. - 125
Hysitron – TI 950 TriboIndentor
Hysitron Nano Indentor (TI 950 TriboIndentor) is an instrumented indentation system for analyzing the mechanical behavior of materials with a probing depth of few 10s of nanometers to micrometer range. It offers researchers and scientist the ability to take accurate nanoscale measurements of mechanical properties such as hardness and elastic modulus through indentation. The instrument is equipped with an in-situ contact imaging facility with nanometer level resolution for obtaining 3D profile of the tested surface. Friction, wear resistance and coating adhesive strength can also be evaluated using scratch mode. In addition, nanoDMA and nanoECR testing modes are available for investigating the dynamic mechanical behavior and stress induced electrical behavior of material systems, respectively.
Available Testing Modes
• Quasistatic Nanoindentation – Measures Young’s modulus and hardness via nanoindentation.
• Scratch testing – Quantifies scratch resistance (lateral force) and friction coefficients as a function of displacement.
• ScanningWear – Quantifies wear volumes and wear rates using the in-situ imaging capability
• nanoDMA – Investigates time-dependent properties of materials using a dynamic testing technique, which is designed specifically for soft materials.
• Modulus Mapping – Produces quantitative maps of the storage and loss stiffness and moduli from a single SPM scan
• nanoECR – Conductive nanoindentation system capable of providing simultaneaous in situ electrical and mechanical measurements for investigating material deformation and stress induced transformation behavior.
Nanovea M1 Hardness and Scratch Tester
Specifications: Load Resolution (Noise Floor) - 0.75 mN
Depth Range - 100 μm
Depth Resolution (Theoretical) - 0.2 nm
Depth measured with Z motor encoders (resolution of 10 nm)
Friction Force - 40 N
Friction Resolution (Noise Floor) - 3 mN
Scratch length - 25 mm
The Micro modules of the Nanovea Mechanical Tester includes module for indentation, scratch and wear testing. This instrument can be used for mechanical properties of thin or thick, soft or hard coatings, films and substrates Being an instrumented indentation system it provides both hardness and Young’s modulus from indentation data. In addition, software features are available to compute fracture toughness, adhesion, wear resistance and many other deformation related quantities. The instrument is attached with a 3D non-contact profiler for high resolution 3D imaging of indentation, scratch and wear track in addition to other surface properties, such as, roughness.