Thermo-Mechanical Simulator Laboratory
Thermo-Mechanical Simulator Laboratory
Contact Us :

Prof. I/C - Prof. Vivek Pancholi ( )

Staff I/C - Sh. Dinesh Kumar ( )

Room No. - 144

Very versatile equipment to do physical simulation of actual industrial processes - Samples can be subjected to actual deformation and thermal cycle experienced by material during processing. This helps in understanding effect of processing conditions on microstructure and related properties and to develop new processing conditions in order to optimize microstructure and material properties.
Specification : Gleeble 3800

Strain rate for compression test : max. 100

Maximum heating rate upto 10,000 degree per celsius.

APPLICATIONS: Compression test, Strip annealing, Surface studies, TTT curve, Inter critical cooling, Powder mwtallurgy, Compact testing, CCT curves, cryogenic works and many more applications.