PS (Prelims) Interface which links FIR data and generates hotspots of crime depending upon the type. Colour mapping of such regions depending upon different parameter of crime which could be date, time. PS (Mains): Extension: Behavioural analysis where the behavioural pattern of criminal can be analysed and predicted. Eg-Season/time of the year basis prediction of crime, based upon financial condition of society, people. Automatic gasht route generation seasonal. Movement of patrol units. Women security strengthening with highway patrol city patrol location studies. Identification of accident-prone areas with iRAD data/CCTNS data. Extra Details: Mapping of hotspots/zones where a particular crime is more prevalent. Some of the categories for classification--(input category being criminal sections): (Indian Penal Code): 121, 141, 144, 146, 147, 148, 151, 153-A, 295-A, 268, 302, 304-B, 307, 322, 324, 351, 354, 509, 498-A, 363, 364, 365, 366, 376, 379, 380, 383, 390, 391, 392,395, 396, 397,411, 420, 441, 442, 447,448,454, 457, 465, 467,468,470,471, 489-A, 504,506 (NDPS act): 20,21,22 (Gambling act): 13 (Arms act): 25 (Excise act): 60, 60 (2), 72 (Cow Protection): 3,5,11 (SC/ST act): 3 (Mineral and Mining act): 4,21 (Immoral Traffic Prevention act): 3,4,5 (Goonda act): 3 Teams to get some dummy FIR/sample FIRs for developing Expectation: Police to get a handy interface to deploy force depending upon the sensitivity and frequency of crime.