iHUB DivyaSampark at IIT Roorkee, a section 8, Non-profit company, is a Technology Innovation Hub, located at IIT Roorkee and set up under National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical systems (NM-ICPS) by Government of India and being coordinated by high level Inter-ministerial Mission Governing Body headed by CEO, NITI Aayog for doing interdisciplinary, collaborative, and translational innovation in the broad area of smart devices and materials for cyber physical systems to enable technological innovation.
Government of India has sanctioned seed fund of ₹ 135 Crore and it is expected that this hub will be self-sustainable by arranging additional support from Industry, State Governments, various ministries and CSR donations to support innovators and entrepreneurs and train manpower from all over the India on a long term and sustainable basis.
iHUB DivyaSampark aims to enable innovative ecosystem in new age technologies like AI, ML, Drones, Robots, data analytics (often called CPS technologies) and becoming the source for the next generation of digital technologies, products and services by promoting, enhancing core competencies, capacity building, manpower training to provide solutions for national strategic sectors and becoming a key contributor to Digital India. Although iHub Divyasampark is Government owned Section 8 company but it is professionally managed with all the financial and operational flexibility so that decision making is fast and customer service remains the top priority. This is very much similar to advanced countries where all big universities have similar set up to build innovative solutions, to train manpower and encourage entrepreneurship for the world’s current challenges like affordable health care, Industry 4.0 and sustainable smart cities.