User Interface Design
Equipment Design: Mechanical Aspects
MCDM Techniques Using R
Inspection and Quality Control in Manufacturing
Principles and Applications of Building Science
Visual Communication Design for Digital Media
Mechanical Operations
Introduction to Remote Sensing
Basics of software defined Radios
Sociology of Science
Perspectives on Neurolinguistic
Product Design and Development
Convective Heat Transfer
Advance power electronics and Control
CMOS Digital VLSI Design
Global Marketing Management
Manufacturing Strategy
Radiative Heat Transfer
Weldability of Metals: Mechanisms-weld defects & prevention
Manufacturing Guidelines for Product Design
Housing Policy & Planning
Digital Land Surveying And Mapping(DLS&M)
Waste to Energy Conversion
Supply Chain Analytics
Multivariable calculus
Automatic Control
Steam and Gas Power Systems
Joining Technologies for metals
Principles of Casting Technology
Surface Engineering of Nanomaterials
Modelling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems
Material Science and Engineering
Friction and wear of materials: principles and case studies
Urban governance and Development Management (UGDM)
Applied Environmental Microbiology
Environmental Remediation of Contaminated Sites
Computer Aided Power System Analysis
Marketing Research and Analysis-II
Literature, Culture and Media
Business Statistics
Dynamical System and Control
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Financial Mathematics
Financial Statement Analysis and Reporting
Business analysis and data mining Modeling using R
Mathematical Methods and its Applications