Equipment Design: Mechanical Aspects
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Effective Writing
Numerical Methods: Finite difference approach
Inspection and Quality Control in Manufacturing
Convective Heat Transfer
Two phase flow and heat transfer
Structure, Form and Architecture: The Synergy
Waste to Energy Conversion
Digital Land Surveying And Mapping (DLS and M)
Power Quality Improvement Technique
Advance power electronics and Control
CMOS Digital VLSI Design
Strategic Trade and protectionism-Theories and Empirics
Services Marketing: Integrating People,Technology,Strategy
Global Marketing Management
Supply Chain Analytics
Multivariable calculus
Robotics and Control: Theory and Practice
Acoustic Metamaterials and Metamaterials
Power Plant Engineering
Automatic Control
Failure analysis and Prevention
Processing of Polymers and Polymer Composites
Steam and Gas Power Systems
Principles of Casting Technology
Modelling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems
Modeling of tundish steelmaking process in continuous casting
Materials Science and Engineering
Surface Engineering of Nanomaterials
Friction and Wear of materials: principle and case studies
Sustainable Architecture
Applied Environmental Microbiology
Remote Sensing Essentials
Environmental Remediation of Contaminated Sites
Data Analytics with Python
Introduction to Environmental Economics
Literature, Culture and Media
Production and Operation Management
Managerial Skills for Interpersonal Dynamics
Financial Statement Analysis and Reporting
Business Statistics
Business analytics and data mining Modeling using R
Marketing Research and Analysis-II
Financial Management For Managers
Numerical Linear Algebra
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations and Applications
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Mathematical Methods and its Applications
Operations Management
Financial Mathematics
Principles of Industrial Engineering
Introduction to Atmospheric and Space Sciences