Sponsorship and Exhibitions




This symposium provides a unique opportunity to internationally advertise your products/processes and your company’s activities. This will also be a perfect event to showcase your company, being the first time IAHR symposium planned in India. We firmly believe that your exposure to professionals across the globe in this symposium will benefit both of us.

The company will be named on the symposium website and the official documents of the symposium. The banners and flexes would be displayed at the venue, ensuring enormous publicity and extensive coverage. Additionally, a stall to showcase your products can be setup at the venue.

  Type Cost in USD or equivalent INR Privileges
  Platinum Sponsor 6000 USD
  • Company logo and name prominently featured on the website, on all the posters, and banners, displayed during the symposium
  • Company logo and name will be displayed on banners placed during the session in the presentation room and outside, and will be listed on all the official documents
  • Free exhibition booth at the event site
  • Includes registration for two persons
  Diamond Sponsor 3600 USD
  • Company logo and name will feature on the website, on the poster banner outside the presentation hall, and on all the official documents (after the logo and name of the platinum sponsor)
  • Includes registration for two persons
  Gold Sponsor 2400 USD
  • Company logo and name will feature on the website, on the poster banner outside the presentation hall, and on all the official documents (after the logo and name of the Diamond sponsor)
  • Includes registration for one person



This symposium provides a great opportunity to showcase your products/processes and your company’s activities and attract some of the best talents to meet your organizational needs. We firmly believe that your vast exposure to all the professionals across the globe in this symposium will benefit us both and will likewise be able to contribute to our common goal.

We look forward to your association as an exhibitor and hope that this participation will mutually benefit both organizations.

  Type Cost in USD or equivalent INR Benefit
  Exhibition Booth 1200 USD
  • Exhibition Space 3×3 shall be provided