Published Papers |
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Approximate controllability of fractional order non-instantaneous impulsive functional evolution equations with state dependent-delay in Banach space, S. Arora, M.T. Mohan, J. Dabas,Oxford, 2022,1103-1142,39(4), IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information |
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Tikhonov solutions of approximately controllable second-order semi linear control systems, S. Singh, J. Dabas,Springer, 2022,1 – 13, series-2, Rendiconti del,Circolo Matematico di Palermo |
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Approximate controllability of impulsive fractional evolution equations of order αϵ (1; 2) with state-dependent delay in Banach spaces, S. Arora, M.T. Mohan, J. Dabas, Willey online library, 2022,531-559,46(1), Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences |
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On the concept of solutions for fuzzy fractional initial value problem, A. Dwivedi, G. Rani, J. Dabas, A. Dwivedi, G. Rani, J. Dabas,2022,310-319,6(1), Journal of Computational Mathematica |
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Existence and approximate controllability of non-autonomous functional impulsive evolution inclusions in Banach spaces, S. Arora, M.T. Mohan, J. Dabas, Elsevier,2022,83-113,307, Journal of Differential equations |
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Approximate controllability of second order impulsive systems with state-dependent delay in Banach spaces, S. Singh, S Arora, M.T. Mohan, J. Dabas, Hybrid and Bimonthly, 2022,67-93,11(1), Evolution Equations and Control Theory |
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Modified method of fundamental solutions for steady state heat conduction equation in an isotropic medium, S. Arora, J. Dabas, Taylor and Francis, 2021,439-457,22(6), International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering |
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Novel Meshfree Scheme for Solving the Inverse Cauchy problem of heat conduction, S. Arora J. Dabas Springer, 2021,411-418,92, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India - Section A: Physical Sciences |
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Approximate controllability of the non-autonomous impulsive evolution equation with state-dependent delay in Banach spaces, S. Arora, M. T. Mohan, J.Dabas, Elsevier , 2021 , 100989, 39,Nonlinear Analysis Hybrid Systems |
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Solvability of Fractional order semi-linear stochastic impulsive differential equation with state dependent delay, M. Nadeem, J. Dabas, Springer,2020,411-419,90, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical sciences |
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Approximate controllability of a Sobolev type impulsive functional evolution system in Banach spaces, S. Arora, M. T. Mohan, J. Dabas, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2020,857-883,11, Mathematical Control and Related Fields (MCRF) |
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Positive solutions for fractional integroboundary value problem of order αϵ (1; 2) on an unbounded domain, V. Gupta, J. Dabas, Ele-Math's journals,2019,319-333,11, Differential Equations and Applications |
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Existence results for fractional order boundary value problem with integrable impulse, V. Gupta, J. Dabas, Watam Press,2018,267-285,25, Dynamics of continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis |
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Existence results of solutions for impulsive fractional dierential equations, V. Gupta, J. Dabas and M. Feckan, De Gruyter Open,2018,32-51,5, Nonauton. Dyn. Syst. |
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Impulsive stochastic fractional order integro-differential equations with infinite delay, M Nadeem, J. Dabas, JNEEA, 2017,109-121,2017(8), Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications |
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Existence Results for Mild Solution for a Class of Impulsive Fractional Stochastic Problems with Nonlocal Conditions, M. Nadeem, J. Dabas, InforMath Publishing Group,2017,376-387,4, Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory |
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A study on existence of solutions for fractional functional differential equations, G.R. Gautam, J. Dabas, Springer Milan, 2017, Jan-17,69(1), Col-lectanea Mathematica |
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Nonlinear fractional boundary value problem with not instantaneous impulse, V. Gupta, J. Dabas, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2017,365-376,2(2), AIMS Mathematics |
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Functional impulsive dierential equation of order αϵ (1; 2) with nonlocal initial and integral boundary conditions, V. Gupta, J. Dabas, Willey online library, 2017,2409-2420,40(7), Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences |
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Existence of Solution for Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations of Order αϵ (1; 2), M. Nadeem, J. Dabas, Natural Sciences Publishing Corp.,2016,219-226,2(3), Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications |
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Existence of mild solutions for impulsive fractional functional integro-dierential equations, G. R. Gautam, J. Dabas, Ele-Math's journals,2015,65-77,5(1), Fractional Differential Calculus |
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Existence Results for a Fractional Integro-Differential Equation with Nonlocal Boundary Conditions and Fractional Impulsive Conditions, V. Gupta, J. Dabas, InforMath Publishing Group, 2015,370-382,15(4), Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory |
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Existence of solution for fractional impulsive integro-differential equation with integral boundary conditions, V. Gupta, J. Dabas, Vonneumann Publishing House,2015,56-68,1, Func. Anal. -TMA |
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Mild solutions for semi-linear fractional order functional stochastic differential equations with impulse effect, M. Nadeem, J. Dabas,Malaya Journal of Matematik,2015,277-288,3(3), Malaya Journal of Matematik |
25 |
Controllability for a Class of Nonlocal Impulsive Neutral Fractional Functional Differential Equations, G. R. Gautam, J. Dabas,Natural Sciences Publishing Corp.,2015,295-302,1(4), Progr. Fract. Differ. Appl. |
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Mild solution for nonlocal fractional functional differential equation with not-instantaneous impulses, G. R. Gautam, J. Dabas, Elsevier,2015,480-489,259, Applied Mathematics and Computation |
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Fractional Functional Impulsive Differential Equation with Integral Boundary Condition, V. Gupta, J. Dabas,Springer, 2015,417-428,143, Springer proceedings of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications |
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Existence and uniqueness of mild solution for nonlocal impulsive integro-differential equation with state dependent delay, J. Dabas, G. R. Gautam, A. Chauhan,Ele-Math's journals, 2014,137-150,4(2), Fractional differential calculus |
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Controllability result of impulsive stochastic fractional functional differential equation with infnite delay, M. Nadeem, J. Dabas, IJAAMM-online,2014,9 – 18,2(1), Int. J. Adv. Appl. Math. and Mech. |
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Mild solution for fractional functional integro-differential equation with not instantaneous impulse, G. R. Gautam, J. Dabas, Malaya Journal of Matematik,2014,428-437,2(3), Malaya Journal of Matematik |
31 |
Results of local and global mild solution for impulsive fractional differential equation with state dependent delay, G. R. Gautam, J. Dabas, Ele-Math's journals,2014,429-440,6(3), Differential Equations & Applications |
32 |
Existence result of fractional functional integro-differential equation with not instantaneous impulse, G. R. Gautam, J. Dabas, IJAAMM-online,2014,11 – 21,1(3), Int. J. Adv. Appl. Math. and Mech |
33 |
Local and global existence of mild solution to an impulsive fractional functional integro-differential equation with nonlocal condition, A. Chauhan, J. Dabas,Elsevier, 2014,821-829,19(4), Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation |
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Impulsive neutral fractional integro-differential equations with state dependent delays and integral condition, J. Dabas, G. R. Gautam, Texas State University USA,2013,1 – 13,2013, Electron. J. Diff. Equ. |
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Existence and uniqueness of mild solution for an impulsive neutral fractional integro-differential equation with infinite delay, J. Dabas, A. Chauhan, Pergamon, 2013,754-763,57(3-4), Mathematical and Computer Modelling |
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Integral boundary-value problem for impulsive fractional functional differential equations with infinite delay, A. Chauhan, J. Dabas, M. Kumar, Texas State University USA,2012,1 – 13,2012(229), Electronic Journal of Differential Equations |
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Controllability of impulsive fractional order semi-linear evolution equations with nonlocal conditions, N. Tomar, J. Dabas, MDPI,2012,57-67,2012(5), Journal of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications |
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Existence and Uniqueness of a Solution to a Quasilinear Integro-differential equation by the Method of Lines, J. Dabas, InforMath Publishing Group, 2011,393-405,11(4), Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory |
39 |
Existence of mild solutions for impulsive fractional equations with infinite delay, J. Dabas, A. Chauhan, M. Kumar, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2011,20 pages, 2011 International Journal of Differential Equations |
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Fractional order Impulsive functional differential equations with nonlocal initial conditions, A. Chauhan, J. Dabas, Texas, 20111 – 10, 2011, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations |
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Existence and uniqueness of the solution of the strongly damped wave equation with integral boundary conditions, J. Dabas, D. Bahuguna, InforMath Publishing Group,2011,65-82,11(1), Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory |
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Existence and Uniqueness of Generalized Solutions to a Telegraph Equation with an Integral Boundary Condition via Galerkin Method, A. Guezane-Lakoud, J. Dabas, D. Bahuguna Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2011,14 pages, 2011, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences |
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Integro-differential parabolic problem with an integral boundary condition, J. Dabas, D. Bahuguna, Pergamon, 2009,123-131,50(1-2), Mathematical and Computer Modelling |
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Existence and uniqueness of solutions to a semi-linear partial delay differential equation with an integral condition, D. Bahuguna, J. Dabas, InforMath Publishing Group, 2008,7—19,8(1), Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory |
45 |
Partial functional differential equation with an integral condition and applications to population dynamics, D. Bahuguna, S. Abbas, J. Dabas, Pergamon,2008,2623-2635,69(8), Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications |
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Existence and uniqueness of solution to a partial integro-differential equation by the Method of Lines, D. Bahuguna, J. Dabas, University of Szeged, Hungary,2008,1 – 12,2008(4), Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Dierential Equations |
47 |
Method of Lines to Hyperbolic Integro-differential Equations in R^n, D. Bahuguna, J. Dabas, R. K. Shukla,InforMath Publishing Group,2008,317-328, 8(4),Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory |
Published Papers in Conference Proceedings |
01 |
Fractional functional impulsive integro-differential equations with integral boundary conditions, V. Gupta, J. Dabas, Springer, 2015,417-428,143, Mathematical Analysis and its applications |
02 |
Mild solutions for impulsive functional differential equations of order αϵ (1; 2), G. R. Gautam, J. Dabas, Springer, 2015, 287-297, 143, Mathematical analysis and its applications |
03 |
Existence of solution for fractional stochastic integro- differential equation with impulsive effect, M. Nadeem, J. Dabas, Springer, 2015, 373-380, 143, Mathematical analysis and its applications |
04 |
Partial integro-differential equations with an integral boundary condition, J. Dabas, D. Bahuguna, DCDIS, 2009, 148-154, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems |