Research Interests
Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling in Ecology and Epidemiology, Nonlinear Analysis, Nonlinear Dynamics
1. A simple model to control the wild mosquito with sterile release
*Sasmal, S.K., Takeuchi, Y., Nakata, Y. | Elsevier
Journal: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
2. Complex dynamics of a stage structured prey-predator model with parental care in prey
Shri Harine P, *Ankit Kumar, Sasmal, S. K. | Springer
Journal: Nonlinear Dynamics
3. Final size relations for some compartmental models in epidemiology
Mukherjee, A., Kundu, S., *Sasmal, S. K. | World Scientific
Journal: Journal of Biological Systems
4. Impulsive differential equation model in HIV-1 inhibition: advances in dual inhibitors of HIV-1 RT & IN for prevention of HIV-1 replication.
Mondal, S., Peters, J.F., Ghosh, P., Sarkar, A.K., *Sasmal, S.K. | World Scientific
Journal: Journal of Biological Systems
5. Impact of fear on searching efficiency of prey: a preypredator model with weak Allee effect
*Sasmal, S.K., Pal, S., Pal, N., Takeuchi, Y. | World Scientific
Journal: International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos Pages: 2350131 , Volumes: 33(11) ,
6. Mathematical Modelling of HIV-1 Transcription Inhibition: A Comparative Study between Optimal Control and Impulsive Approach
*Mondal, S., Murmu, T. Chakravarty, K., Sarkar, A.K., Sasmal, S.K. | Springer
Journal: Computational and Applied Mathematics
7. Modeling the Allee effects induced by cost of predation fear and its carry-over effects
*Sasmal, S.K., Takeuchi, Y. | Elsevier
Journal: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Pages: 125485 , Volumes: 505(2) ,
8. Consequences of fear effect and prey refuge on the Turing patterns in a delayed predator-prey system
Anshu, *Dubey, B., Sasmal, S.K., Sudarshan, A. | American Institute of Physics
Journal: Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science Pages: 123132 , Volumes: 32 ,
9. Dynamics of anti-predator behavior and effect of fear on prey-predator model
*Prasad, K.D., Sasmal, S.K. | World Scientific
Journal: Journal of Biological Systems Pages: 887-912 , Volumes: 30(4) ,
10. Controlling chaos in a plankton-fish system involving fear and its carry over effects with a discrete delay
Sajan, *Dubey, B., Sasmal, S.K. | Elsevier
Journal: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals Pages: 112245 , Volumes: 160 ,
11. Diffusive patterns in a predator-prey system with fear and hunting cooperation
Sasmal, S.K., Anshu, *Dubey, B. | Springer
Journal: The European Physical Journal Plus Pages: 1--27 , Volumes: 137(2) ,
12. A phytoplankton-zooplankton-fish model with chaos control: In the presence of fear effect and an additional food
Sajan, Sasmal, S.K., *Dubey, B. | American Institute of Physics
Journal: Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science Pages: 13114 , Volumes: 32(1) ,
13. Evolutionary dynamics of single species model with Allee effects and aposematism
*Sasmal, S.K., Takeuchi, Y. | Elsevier
Journal: Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Pages: 103233 , Volumes: 58 ,
14. Dynamics of a predator-prey system with fear and group defence
*Sasmal, S.K., Takeuchi, Y. | Elsevier
Journal: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications Pages: 123471 , Volumes: 481 ,
15. T-cell mediated adaptive immunity and antibody-dependent enhancement in secondary dengue infection
*Sasmal, S.K., Takeuchi, Y., Nakaoka, S. | Elsevier
Journal: Journal of Theoretical Biology Pages: 50-63 , Volumes: 470 ,
16. Dynamics and spatio-temporal patterns in a prey- predator system with aposematic prey
*Sasmal, S.K., Banerjee, J., Takeuchi, Y. | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Journal: Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering Pages: 3864-3884 , Volumes: 16(5) ,
17. Supercritical and subcritical Hopf-bifurcation in a two-delayed prey-predator system with intra-predator competition and strong Allee effect in prey
Banerjee, J., Sasmal, S.K., *Layek, R.K. | Elsevier
Journal: BioSystems Pages: 19-37 , Volumes: 180 ,
18. Delayed evolutionary model for public goods competition with policing in phenotypically-variant bacterial biofilms
Banerjee, J., Layek, R.K., Sasmal, S.K., *Ghosh, D. | Italian Physical Society
Journal: Europhysics Letters Pages: 18002 , Volumes: 126 ,
19. Population dynamics with multiple Allee effects induced by fear factors -a mathematical study on prey-predator interactions
*Sasmal, S.K. | Elsevier
Journal: Applied Mathematical Modelling Pages: 1--14 , Volumes: 64 ,
20. Modeling the spread of Zika virus in a stage structured population: effect of sexual transmission
Sasmal, S.K., Ghosh, I., *Huppert, A., Chattopadhyay, J. | Springer
Journal: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Pages: 3038-3067 , Volumes: 80(11) ,
21. Chaos control in a discrete-time predator-prey model with weak Allee effect
Pal, S., Sasmal, S.K., *Pal, N. | World Scientific
Journal: International Journal of Biomathematics Pages: 1--26 , Volumes: 11(7) ,
22. Mathematical modeling on T-cell mediated adaptive immunity in primary dengue infections
Sasmal, S.K., *Dong, Y., Takeuchi, Y. | Elsevier
Journal: Journal of Theoretical Biology Pages: 229-240 , Volumes: 429 ,
23. Effect of dispersal in two-patch prey -predator system where prey population is subject to positive density dependence growth
*Sasmal, S.K., Ghosh, D. | Elsevier
Journal: BioSystems Pages: 8--20 , Volumes: 151 ,
24. A predator-pest model with Allee effect and culling in pest and additional food to the predator - application to pest control
Sasmal, S.K., Mandal, D.S., *Chattopadhyay, J. | World Scientific
Journal: Journal of Biological Systems Pages: 295-326 , Volumes: 25(2) ,
25. A two-patch prey-predator model with dispersal in predator driven by the strength of predation
*Kang, Y., Sasmal, S.K., Mession, K. | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Journal: Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering Pages: 843-880 , Volumes: 14(4) ,
26. Survivability of metapopulation under local extinctions
Kundu, S., Majhi, S., Sasmal, S.K., Ghosh, D., *Rakshit, B. | American Physical Society
Journal: Physical Review E Volumes: 96(6) ,
27. Optimal harvesting and complex dynamics in a delayed eco-epidemiological model with Allee effects
Biswas, S., Sasmal, S.K., Samanta, S., Saifuddin, M., Pal, N., *Chattopadhyay, J. | Springer
Journal: Nonlinear Dynamics Pages: 1553-1573 , Volumes: 87 ,
28. Efficacy of a chemotherapy combined with an anti-angiogenic drug applied to a cancer model
*Letellier, C., Sasmal, S.K., Draghi, C., Denis, F., Ghosh, D. | Elsevier
Journal: Chaos, Solitons and Fractals Pages: 297-311 , Volumes: 99 ,
29. Interactive effects of prey refuge and additional food for predator in a diffusive predator-prey system
*Chakraborty, S., Tiwari, P.K., Sasmal, S.K., Biswas, S., Bhattacharya, S., Chattopadhyay, J. | Elsevier
Journal: Applied Mathematical Modelling Pages: 128-140 , Volumes: 47 ,
30. Effects of fertilizers used in agricultiral fields on algal blooms
*Chakraborty, S., Tiwari, P.K., Sasmal, S.K., Misra, A.K., Chattopadhyay, J. | Springer
Journal: The European Physical Journal Special Topics Pages: 2119-2133 , Volumes: 226(9) ,
31. Effect of disease on symbiotic systems
Tiwari, P.K., Sasmal, S.K., Sha, A., Venturino, E., *Chattopadhyay, J. | Elsevier
Journal: BioSystems Pages: 36-50 , Volumes: 159 ,
32. Persistence and Bifurcation in a Two-Dimensional Discrete System
*AlSharawi, Z., Sasmal, S.K., Chattopadhyay, J. | Research India Publications
Journal: Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications Pages: 63-83 , Volumes: 12(2) ,
33. Interplay of Functional Responses and Weak Allee Effect on Pest Control via Viral Infection or Natural Predator: An eco-epidemiological Study
Sasmal, S.K., Bhowmick, A.R., Khaled, K.A., Bhattacharya, S., *Chattopadhyay, J. | Springer
Journal: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Pages: 21-50 , Volumes: 24(1) ,
34. Estimating dengue type reproduction numbers for two provinces of Sri Lanka during the period 2013-2014
Sardar, T., Sasmal, S.K., *Chattopadhyay, J. | Landes Bioscience
Journal: Virulence Pages: 187-200 , Volumes: 7(2) ,
35. Effect of Emergent Carrying Capacity in an Eco-epidemiological System
Saifuddin, M., Sasmal, S.K., Biswas, S., Sarkar, S., Alquran, M., *Chattopadhyay, J. | Wiley
Journal: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences Pages: 806-823 , Volumes: 39(4) ,
36. A delayed Prey - Predator system with prey subject to the strong Allee effect and disease
Biswas, S., Saifuddin, M., Sasmal, S.K., Samanta, S., Pal, N., *Chattopadhyay, J. | Springer
Journal: Nonlinear Dynamics Pages: 1569-1594 , Volumes: 84(3) ,
37. Intra-specific competition in predator can promote the coexistence of an eco-epidemiological model with strong Allee effects in prey
*Sasmal, S.K., Kang, Y., Chattopadhyay, J. | Elsevier
Journal: BioSystems Pages: 34-44 , Volumes: 137 ,
38. A host-parasitoid system with predation-driven component Allee effects in host population
*Kang, Y., Sasmal, S.K., Bhowmick, A.R., Chattopadhyay, J. | Taylor and Francis
Journal: Journal of Biological Dynamics Pages: 213-232 , Volumes: 9 ,
39. A delayed eco-epidemiological system with infected prey and predator subject to the weak Allee effect
Biswas, S., Sasmal, S.K., Samanta, S., Saifuddin, M., Khan, Q.J.A., *Chattopadhyay, J. | Elsevier
Journal: Mathematical Biosciences Pages: 198-208 , Volumes: 263 ,
40. On existence of multiple periodic solutions for Lotka-Volterra's predator-prey model with Allee effects
Biswas, S., Sasmal, S.K., Saifuddin, Md., *Chattopadhyay, J. | Cambridge Scientific Publishers
Journal: Nonlinear Studies Pages: 189-199 , Volumes: 22(2) ,
41. Dynamics of a predator-prey system with prey subject to Allee effects and disease
*Kang, Y., Sasmal, S.K., Bhowmick, A.R., Chattopadhyay, J. | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Journal: Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering Pages: 877-918 , Volumes: 11(4) ,
42. An Eco-epidemiological System with Infected Prey and Predator subject to the weak Allee effect
Sasmal, S.K., *Chattopadhyay, J. | Elsevier
Journal: Mathematical Biosciences Pages: 260-271 , Volumes: 246 ,
Honors And Awards
Teaching Engagements