1. M. Uwais, A. Bijalwan and V. Rastogi, “Surface phonon assisted refractive index sensing in mid-infrared wavelength range,” Plasmonics, vol. 17, pp. 1331-1338, March 2022.
2. A. Mehta, M. Rehan and V. Rastogi, “Erbium-doped circular photonic crystal fiber design for the amplification of 20 OAM modes,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 38, pp. F138 – F144, December 2021.
3. A. Bijalwan, B. K. Singh and V. Rastogi, “Analysis of one-dimensional photonic crystal based sensor for detection of blood plasma and cancer cells,” Optik, vol. 226, p. 165994, Jan 2021.
4. M. Rehan, A. K. Mishra and V. Rastogi, “Generation of femtosecond pulse train by pulse splitting in a large mode area fiber at 2 mm wavelength,” Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 60, p. 102362, 2020.
5. U. S. Tripathi, A. Bijalwan and V. Rastogi, “Rib waveguide based liquid crystal EO switch,” IEEE J. Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 32, pp. 1453 – 1456, 2020. (IF: 2.451)
6. U. S. Tripathi and V. Rastogi, “Liquid Crystal Based Rib Waveguide,” IEEE-OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 38, pp. 4045-4051, 2020.
7. A. Bijalwan, B. K. Singh and V. Rastogi, “Surface plasmon resonance based sensors using nano ribbons of graphene and WSe2,” Plasmonics, vol. 15, pp. 1015-1023, 2020.
8. A. Bijalwan and V. Rastogi, “Design and simulation of a palladium-aluminum nanostructure based hydrogen sensor with improved figure of merit,” IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 19, pp. 6112 – 6118, 2019. (IF: 3.076)
9. U. S. Tripathi and V. Rastogi, “Liquid crystal-based widely tunable integrated optic wavelength filters,” Journal of Optical Society of America B, vol. 36, pp. 1883 – 1889, 2019.
10. M. Rehan, G. Kumar, V. Rastogi, D. A. Korobko, and A. A. Sysolytian, “Compression of femtosecond pulses in a wide wavelength range using a large-mode-area tapered fiber,” Laser Physics, vol. 29, pp. 025104 (1-9), 2019
11. A. Gaur and V. Rastogi, “Modal gain equalization of 18 modes using a single-trench ring-core EDFA,” Journal of Optical Society of America B, vol. 35, pp. 2211 – 2216, 2018.
12. A. Bijalwan and V. Rastogi, “Sensitivity enhancement of a conventional gold grating assisted surface plasmon resonance sensor by using a bimetallic configuration,” Applied Optics, vol. 56, pp. 9606-9612, 2017.
13. V. Rastogi, A. Gaur, P. Aschieri, and B. Dussardier, “Mode group specific amplification length in an asymmetric LPG assisted few-mode EDFA,” Optics Communications, vol. 382, pp. 13-17, 2017.
14. A. Gaur and V. Rastogi, “Design and analysis of annulus core few-mode EDFA for modal gain equalization,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 28, pp. 1057-1060, 2016.
15. B. Hooda, A. Pal, V. Rastogi, R. Sen, and J. Kobelke, “Segmented cladding fiber fabricated in silica-based glass,” Optical Engineering, vol. 54, pp. 075103, 2015.
16. G. Semwal and V. Rastogi, “Design optimization of two concatenated lon period waveguide grating devices for an application specific target spectrum,” Applied Optics, vol. 54, pp. 3141 – 3149, 2015.
17. K. Thirupataiah, B. Iyer, N. P. Pathak, and V. Rastogi, “Concurrent dual-band diplexer for nanoscale wireless links,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 26, pp. 1832 - 1835, 2014.
18. K. Thirupataiah, N. P. Pathak, and V. Rastogi, “Concurrent dual-band filters using plasmonic slot waveguide,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 25, pp. 2217-2220, 2013.
19. N. Ashok, V. Rastogi, and A. Kumar, “Long-period-grating in a trench assisted planar optical waveguide,” Applied Optics, vol. 52, pp. 1954-1962, 2013.
20. Babita, V. Rastogi, and A. Kumar, “Design of large-mode-area three-layered fiber structure for femtosecond laser pulse delivery,”Optics Communications, vol. 293, pp. 108-112, 2013.
21. K. Kamakshi, and V. Rastogi, “Inherently gain flattened S-band erbium doped fiber amplifier based on dual core resonantly leaky fiber,” Optics Communications, vol. 285, pp. 2821-2825, 2012.
22. V. Rastogi, R. Kumar, and A. Kumar, “Large-effective-area all-solid dispersion compensating fiber,” J. Optics (IOP), vol. 13, pp. 125707(1-6), 2011.
23. B. Dussardier, V. Rastogi, A. Kumar and G. Monnom, “Large mode area leaky optical fiber fabricated by MCVD.” Applied Optics, vol. 50, pp. 3118 - 3122, 2011.
24. D. C. Srivastava, V. Rastogi and R. Ghosh, “A rapid Bezier curve method for shape analysis and point representation of asymmetric folds,” J. Structural Geology, vol. 32, pp. 685-692, 2010.
25. K. Kamakshi, V. Rastogi, A. Kumar and J. Rai, “Design and fabrication of a single-mode optical fiber based refractive index sensor,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters , vol. 52, pp. 1408-1411, 2010.
26. A. Kumar, and V. Rastogi, “Multilayer cladding leaky planar waveguide for high-power applications,” Applied Physics B, vol. 92, pp. 577-583, 2008.
27. A. Kumar, V. Rastogi, and K. S. Chiang, “Large-core single-mode channel waveguide based on geometrically shaped leaky cladding,” Applied Physics B, vol. 90, pp. 507-512, 2008.
28. V. Rastogi, and K. S. Chiang, “Analysis of segmented cladding fiber by the radial effective-index method,” J. Optical Society of America B, vol. 21, pp. 258-265, 2004.
29. V. Rastogi, and K. S. Chiang, “Holey optical fiber with circularly distributed holes analyzed by radial effective-index method,” Optics Letters, vol. 28, pp. 2449-2451, 2003.
30. V. Rastogi and K. S. Chiang, “Long period gratings in planar optical waveguides,” Applied Optics, vol. 41, pp. 6351-6355, 2002.
31. V. Rastogi, K. S. Chiang, and N. N. Akhmediev, “Soliton states in a nonlinear directional coupler with intermodal dispersion,” Physics Letters A, vol. 301, pp. 27 – 34, 2002.
32. V. Rastogi and K. S. Chiang, “Propagation characteristics of a segmented cladding fiber,” Optics Letters, vol. 26, pp. 491-493, 2001.
33. V. Rastogi, P. Baldi, I. Aboud, P. Aschiéri, M.P. De Micheli, D.B. Ostrowsky, and J.P. Meyn, “Effect of proton exchange on periodically poled ferroelectric domains in lithium tantalate,” Optical Materials, vol. 15, pp. 27-32, 2000.
34. P. Aschiéri, V. Rastogi, L. Chanvillard, P. Baldi, M. De Micheli, D. B. Ostrowsky, G. Bellanca, P. Bassi, K. Thyagarajan and M. R. Shenoy, “Experimental observation of longitudinal modulation of mode fields in periodically segmented waveguides,” Applied Optics, vol. 38, pp. 5734-5737, 1999.
35. V. Rastogi, A. K. Ghatak, D. B. Ostrowsky, K. Thyagarajan, M. R. Shenoy, “ Ray analysis of parabolic-index segmented planar waveguides,” Applied Optics, vol. 37, pp. 4851-4856, 1998.
36. V. Rastogi, V. Mahalakshmi, M. R. Shenoy, and K. Thyagarajan, “Propagation characteristics of a novel complementary-structure planar segmented waveguide,” Optics Communications, vol. 148, pp. 230-235, 1998.
37. K. Thyagarajan, V. Rastogi, M. R. Shenoy, D. B.Ostrowsky, M. De Micheli, and P. Baldi, “Modeling of parametric amplification in the Cerenkov-idler configuration in planar waveguides,” Optics Letters, vol. 21, pp. 1631-1633, 1996.
38. K. Thyagarajan, V. Rastogi, V. Mahalakshmi, and M. R. Shenoy, “Propagation characteristics of novel gain-guided segmented planar waveguides,” Optics Communications, vol. 121, pp. 19-26, 1995.