List of Faculty Members in Physics Department
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Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Strongly Correlated Low dimensional Quantum Materials,, Tunable Josephson & Thermal Transport, Andreev's Sub-gap states in Double-coupled Quantum Dots Tunnel Junctions,, Superconducting Qubits: a basis for Quantum Computers, Electronic & Transport Properties ( Moire's Magic lattice & Unconventional Superconductivity ) in Twisted bilayer and multilayered Graphene nanostructures, Theoretical Aspects of High Tc Superconductivity in Cuprates & Iron Based materials
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P. Arumugam
Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Hot and rotating nuclei, Proton emission, Neutron stars, Radio astronomy, Quantum effects in few-body systems, Quantum computing
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Monojit Bag
Associate professor
Organic Electronics, Organic Solar cells, Organic LEDs, FETs, sensors & detectors, Electrical & optical characterization., Organic-inorganic hybrid materials, Perovskite solar cells, stability study, impedance spectroscopy, optical microscopy., Intensity Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy, multi-layered device structure, polymer/electrolyte based device.
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Rajdeep Chatterjee
+91 1332 285698
Theoretical Nuclear Physics : Low and medium energy nuclear reaction dynamics away from stability, Nuclear Astrophysics, Open Quantum Systems
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Peayush Kumar Choubey
Assistant professor
Unconventional Superconductivity, Strongly-correlated electron systems, Theory of scanning tunneling spectroscopy, Two-dimensional materials and their heterostructures, Applications of machine learning in condensed matter physics
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Ajay Yashavant Deo
Associate professor
Experimental Nuclear Physics: Nuclear Structure at High Angular Momentum, High Resolution Gamma-ray Spectroscopy, Exotic Modes of Nuclear Excitations, Nuclear Isomerism, Decay Spectroscopy: Beta- and Alpha-decay studies using Radioactive Ion Beams, Conversion Electron Spectroscopy, Nuclear Instrumentation
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Himanshu Fulara
Assistant professor
Ist Floor, Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Applied Spintronics & Nanomagnetism, Energy-efficient Nanoscale Devices: Spin-Torque and Spin Hall Nano-Oscillators, Micromagnetic Simulations, Brain-Inspired Computing, Magnetic Thin Films and Multilayers
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Manjari Garg
Assistant professor
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Quantum transport in 2-Dimensional materials and heterostructures, Twistronics, Engineering novel device structures using low-dimensional materials and 2D/3D heterojunctions, Straintronics, Piezotronics
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Mayank Goswami
Associate professor
112/316, Physics, IITR, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India, 247667
Radiation Detection & Measurements, Experimental Nuclear Physics, Wave Propagation modelling, AI driven Instrumentation, Automation and Applications.
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Anil Kumar Gourishetty
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Monte Carlo simulation of response of radiation detectors, ., Characterization of radiation detectors for different applications, Nuclear Astrophysics, Radiation induced effects in materials, ., Environmental Radioactivity, ., Promotion of Sanskrit language and Sanskrit knowledge Systems
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Puneet Jain
Assistant professor
Charged Particle Beams and Accelerators, Higher Order Modes studies for superconducting accelerators, Beam instability issues in colliders
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Davinder Kaur
Nanoscale Thin Films & Devices, Memory Devices, Shape Memory Alloys,MFTJs, Piezo MEMS Materials, Superhard Nanocomposites, Electronic Materials, 2D thin film heterostructures,Superconducting Resonators, Sensors, Memory Switching, Energy Devices, Supercapacitors, Solar Cells
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M.V. Sunil Krishna
Associate professor
Space Physics, Optical Aeronomy, Physics of Aurora and Airglow, Ionospheric Physics, Space Weather, High energetic particle precipitation, Effects of extreme space weather, Mesospheric Sodium, Modeling of metal layer chemistry & airglow, Ozone variability, Mesospheric dynamics and chemistry, Atmospheric Waves, AI/ML based predictive modeling of thermosphere ionosphere system
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Rajesh Kumar
Associate professor
Semiconductor Photonics : Phase Change Photonic Materials and Devices, Qunatum Photonics : Silicon Quantum Photonic Devices, Reconfigurable Silicon Photonics, Devices and Subsystems, THz Photonics, Optoelectronics : Switches, Lasers, Photodetectors, Silicon and CMOS Photonics, Optical Signal Processing(Experimental), Optical Memories, Optical Waveguides, Resonators, Filters
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Moumita Maiti
Associate professor
Nuclear Reaction Physics: Reaction Dynamics at Low Energy, Complete-Incomplete fusion, Fusion-Fission, Reaction and Decay models, Generation of Nuclear data, Neutron-deficient radionuclides, Nuclear Physics Applications: Medical science, Archaeology, Biology, Agreeculture, SHE Research: Synthesis of Superheavy elements ( Z>103), Physical and Chemical properties, Trace analysis: Trace analysis using nuclear and non-nuclear (ICP-class instruments) techniques, Next generation ISOL target designing, Hg/LBE target
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Tulika Maitra
Condensed matter theory: Correlated electronic systems, quantum many body, electronic structure of novel materials
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Vivek Kumar Malik
Associate professor
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Thin Films and Multilayers of Complex Oxide Materials, Magnetism, Superconductivity
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Akhilesh Kumar Mishra
Associate professor
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Nonlinear Optics, Parity-time symmetry in photonics, Structured light, Optical angular momentum of optical beams and pulses, tailoring light in all its degrees of freedom, Plasmonics, SPASER, Quantum plasmonics and plasmonic sensing, Communication in turbulent media
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Aalok Misra
High Energy Physics, String Theory
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Anirban Mitra
Lasers and Photonics, Plasmonics, Optical Properties of Wide Band Gap Semiconductors
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Narayan Mohanta
Assistant professor
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics: Topological phases of matter, Interface phenomena, Superconductivity, Majorana states, Magnetic skyrmions, Correlated and disordered electron systems
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Abhishek Nag
Assistant professor
R-301, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand-247667, India
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics: We investigate quantum and correlated-electron phenomena in condensed matter systems, with an emphasis on excitation dynamics. These excitations manifest in various degrees of freedom (spin, charge, lattice, orbital), and often involve intricate interplays among them. We study higher-order (non-dipolar) magnetisation dynamics, low-energy charge dynamics, charge ordering, and emergent spin-orbital/spin-lattice interactions in low-dimensional, multiferroic and strongly spin-orbit coupled systems. In addition to exploring equilibrium phenomena, we investigate ultrafast non-equilibrium dynamics in materials. This involves driving a system to non-equilibrium state (essentially a new material), and probing the different degrees of freedom using laser/x-ray pulses within femtosecond to picosecond timescales. The outcomes of our research hold significance for individuals working in the areas of many-body interactions, low-dimensional and frustrated magnetism, ultrafast spin and lattice dynamics, and strong spin-orbit coupling in functional and quantum materials. We are interested in techniques like, resonant spectroscopy, X-ray spectroscopy, resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS), Raman Scattering, time-resolved spectroscopy, dichroic spectroscopy, many body multiplet calculations
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H.S. Nataraj
Assistant professor
Atomic and Molecular Physics, Studies of Structure and Properties of Atoms and Molecules; Atomic Clocks;, Non-Accelerator Particle Physics, Parity and Time-reversal violations, Electric Dipole Moments of Atoms and Molecules
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Tashi Nautiyal
Condensed Matter Theory (Study of electronic, magnetic and optical properties of compounds using ban, Condensed Matter Theory (Study of electronic, magnetic and optical properties of compounds using ban
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Ambrish Pandey
Assistant professor
Atmospheric and Space Physics: Atmospheric Turbulence, Solar and Stellar Convection, Geo- and Astrophysical Turbulent Flows, Direct Numerical Simulations, Computational Fluid Physics, Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
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B.K. Patra
Quantum Field Theory, Vacuum and thermal medium with finite density , Quantum Chromodyanmics at finite temperature , Relativistic nucleus-nucleus Collisions and early Universe, Quantum Chromodynamics in an external magnetic field, QCD Thermodynamics, Magnetic Properties, Transport properties, Heavy Quark Physics, Quarkonia in finite temperature and density, General Physics, Dissipative system, Stochastic processes
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Vipul Rastogi
Head of the Department
Fiber Optics, Specialty Optical Fibers, Space Division Multiplexing, Orbital Angular Momentum Modes, Optical Fiber Amplifiers, Fiber Sensors, Plasmonic Sensors, Integrated Optics, Liquid Crystal Guided Wave Photonics, Optoelectronics, Light extraction in LED and OLED, Thin film solar cells
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Dibakar Roychowdhury
Associate professor
Department of Physics
+91 1332 284969
High Energy Physics, Understanding the deep interplay between theory of Quantum Gravity and Quantum Field Theories
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Arup Samanta
Associate professor
Quantum and Nano-electronics:, Single Electron Transistors, Dopant Atom Transistors, Quantum Computing, Single Electron Metrology, Photonics:, THz Detectors, Single Photon Detectors, Magnetism: , Spintronic Devices, Silicon Photovoltaics:, SiNW- and Quantum Dots-based Solar Cells, Biophysics, Nanobiotechnology , First-principles simulation: , Investigation of electronic states and carrier transport in Nano-electronic Devices
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Sumanta Sarkhel
Associate professor
Space Physics: Ionosphere, Sodium Airglow, Mesospheric Chemistry and Dynamics, Atmospheric Gravity Waves, Optical Instruments: Active and Passive Remote Sensing, Airglow Photometer, Airglow Imager, Airglow Spectrometer, Sodium Lidar, Image Analyses: Allsky Imager, Optical and Thermal Image Processing, Planetary Science: Investigation of the Atmosphere of Venus and Mars.
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Soumitra Satapathi
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Solar Cells, Perovskites Solar Cells, Organic Solar Cells,LEDs, Detectors and Lasers, Memory Devices, Nanotechnology , Nanomaterials Synthesis, and Charecterization, Nanoparticles and Nanofibers,Organic Nano Electronics, Materials science and Engineering, Sensors,Microfluidics, Water Remediation, Drug delivery and Imaging, 3D Printing,Entrepreneurship
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Shiladitya Sengupta
Assistant professor
Condensed matter theory and simulation, mechanical response of granular media and glass, Condensed matter theory and simulation, Physics of glass formation and supercooled liquids
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Yogesh Kr. Sharma
Rechargeable Battery Technologiest, Research and Development on Lithium, Sodium and Magnesium batteries, Flexible Energy Storage Devices: Superapacitors and Batteries, Solid State Ionics, Li- Kinetics, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Nanoscince and Nanotechnology , Nanofibers, Nancompsoites, Nanohybrids
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Lalita Sharma
Associate professor
Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee
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Sachin Kumar Srivastava
Associate professor
Fiber Optic/integrated Sensors, Fiber optic plasmonic sensors, Metasurfaces, Photonic bound states in continuum (BICs), Plasmonics, Nanophotonics, Nanostructured Optical Configurations, Enhanced Sensor Configurations, Enhanced Optical Phenomena based sensing, SERS, SEF, EOT, SEIRA, ESP-LSP Coupling based sensors, Biosensors for Water, Food and Clinical Diagnostics,
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P.C. Srivastava
Associate professor
+91-1332 285598
Theoretical Nuclear Physics: Computational nuclear many-body theory, Shell Model, Ab-initio Many-Body Theory: No Core Shell Model, Beta decay : allowed, forbidden and double beta decays, EC rates. Quantum Computing, Quantum information theory.
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Rajesh Srivastava
Plasma Diagnostics, Plasma Modelling and Simulation, Electron-impact excitation, Alignment and Orientation of Atoms and Ions, Autoionization, Study of Electron-impact Excitation of Autoionizing Levels, (e, 2e) Studies in Atoms, Ions and Molecules, Atomic Structure Calculations, Relativistic and Non-Relativistic Structure Calculations of Atoms and Ions, Electron Impact Scattering of Lighter, Heavier Atoms and Ions, Electron-impact Elastic Scattering, Electron- Atom and Molecule Scattering
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Anjani Kumar Tiwari
Assistant professor
Disorder Systems, Random Lasers, Quantum Optics & Nano-Photonics, Light Interaction with Nanostructured media, Optically Tunable Microcavities
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G.D. Verma
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Superconductivity, Magnetism, Gas sensing, Supercapacitors and nanomaterials., Superconductivity, Magnetotransport properties of MgB2 and Fe-chalcogenide superconductors. , Magnetism and Magnetic materials, Magnetic and magnetotransport properties of perovskite manganites and spinel ferrite/cobaltite., Gas sensing and Electrochemical Properties, 2 D materials (rGO/MoS2) -metal oxides nanocomposites.
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Ajay Wasan
Atomic Spectroscopy, Precision Spectroscopy (Experimental), Quantum Optics, EIT (theoretical and experimental), Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, (Experimental and theoretical)
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K.L. Yadav
Functional Nanomaterials, Multiferroics, Ceramic Nanocomposites, Carbon Nanotubes, Biomaterials
Retired Faculty
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A.K. Jain
Retired faculty
Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Physics, Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Physics, Science and Spiritual Quest, Science and Spiritual Quest
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B.D. Indu
Retired faculty
Condensed Matter Physics, Condensed Matter Physics: Theoretical Study of Impurity & anharmonicity Effects on the Acoustic, Opt
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Ravindra Nath
Retired faculty
Experimental Solid State Physics, Material Science, Condensed Matter Physics: Peizo-Pyro & Ferroelectric Properties of Polymers & Device Applications
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I.S. Tayagi
Retired faculty
Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Narrow Band Solids, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Narrow Band Solids, Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Surfaces & Interfaces , Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Surfaces & Interfaces
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V. Singh
Retired faculty
Atmospheric and Space Physics, Planetary Atmospheres, Airglow, Auroral Modelling, Atmospheric Physics: Atmospheric & Space Science, Auroral & Airglow Studies, Planetary Atmospheres
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P. Sanyal
Retired faculty
Condensed Matter Theory, Material Science
Adjunct Faculty
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Bhal Chandra Joshi
Adjunct faculty