Experimental Condensed Matter Physics: We investigate quantum and correlated-electron phenomena in condensed matter systems, with an emphasis on excitation dynamics. These excitations manifest in various degrees of freedom (spin, charge, lattice, orbital), and often involve intricate interplays among them. We study higher-order (non-dipolar) magnetisation dynamics, low-energy charge dynamics, charge ordering, and emergent spin-orbital/spin-lattice interactions in low-dimensional, multiferroic and strongly spin-orbit coupled systems. In addition to exploring equilibrium phenomena, we investigate ultrafast non-equilibrium dynamics in materials. This involves driving a system to non-equilibrium state (essentially a new material), and probing the different degrees of freedom using laser/x-ray pulses within femtosecond to picosecond timescales. The outcomes of our research hold significance for individuals working in the areas of many-body interactions, low-dimensional and frustrated magnetism, ultrafast spin and lattice dynamics, and strong spin-orbit coupling in functional and quantum materials. We are interested in techniques like, resonant spectroscopy, X-ray spectroscopy, resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS), Raman Scattering, time-resolved spectroscopy, dichroic spectroscopy, many body multiplet calculations