Teaching Laboratories
Teaching Laboratories
BTech First year Laboratories
BS-MS Laboratory
Condensed Mater Physics Laboratory
Electronics Laboratory
Microprocessor Laboratory
Applied Instrumentation Laboratory
Thermal Physics Laboratory
Nuclear Physics Laboratory
Laser Physics Laboratory
Optics Laboratory
Sl No Experiment Description Manual Video Link
1 Helmholtz To study the variation of magnetic field of paired coils in Helmholtz arrangement and verify principle of superposition of magnetic field.
2 P-N Junction Determination of reverse saturation current I0 and material constant of PN junction also determine energy band gap
3 Four-Probe To determine the resistivity of a semiconductor as a function of temperature and to estimate its band gap using four-probe method
4 Surface Tension Measuring the surface tension using the ‘break-away’ method and determine the density of material of ring [link]
5 Frank-Hertz To determine the first excitation potential of a gas by Frank- Hertz Experiment
6 Plank's Constant To determine Planck’s Constant and work function using photo electric effect
7 Single Slit To study the single slit diffraction by laser light and determine slit width
Error calculation

Analog Electronics
Sl No. Experiment Name Manual
1 To verify Stefan's Law of Radiation
2 ebym thomson
3 Stefan's Constant
4 Stoke's Law
5 Quincke's method
6 Planck's Constant
7 millikan oil drop
8 V-I Characterstics of LED
9 Pressure Measurement using Strain Gauge Transducers

Sl No. Experiment Name Manual
1 To determine young’s modulus and Poission’s ratio of glass by Cornu’s method.
2 To determine the focal length of the combination of two lenses separated by a distance with the help of Nodal slide method.
3 To determine the wavelength of yellow, green and violet lines in mercury light with a diffraction grating
4 To determine the wavelength of Mono-chromatic light (sodium light) by Newton’s Rings.
5 To determine the specific rotation of cane sugar solution using Polarimeter.
6 Determination of the wavelength of the most intense spectral lines of Hydrogen (Atomic Spectra).
7 To measure the Lands ‘g’ factor using electron spin resonance spectrometer (ESR).
8 To determine the Brewster’s Angle/Polarizing Angle of a light beam reflected from glass and to determine the reflecting index of the glass plate.
9 To measure the thickness of a thin film and refractive index by Fresnel bi-prism.
10 To determine the width of opaque and open portions of a Double slit in a diffraction experiment and verify the results using travelling microscope.
11 To determine the dispersive power of the material of the prism mercury light with the help of a spectrometer.
12 Determination of the specific charge of the electron (e/m) from the path of an electron beam by Magnetron Method.
13 Millikan’s Oil Drop Experiment.

Sl No Experiment Name Manual
1 BJT Characteristics
2 MOSFET characteistics
3 P-N Junction diode
4 ZENER diode characteristics
5 Constant current source
6 DC power supply
7 FET characteristics
8 operational applifier
9 Wein bridge oscillator

Sl No. Experiment Name Manual
1 Dependence of Hall Coefficient On Temperature
2 Dielectric Constant of Solids & Liquids
3 Study of Dielectric Constant
4 Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Spectrometer
5 Four Probe
6 Hysteresis Loop Trace
7 Magnetoresistance of Semiconductors
8 Measurement of Dielectric Constant
9 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer
10 P-E loop tracer
11 P-N Junctiuns
12 Solar Cell
13 Sputtering Unit
14 Study of Hall Effect in Metals
15 Study of Magnetic Levitation System
16 Furnace with Programmable Controller
17 Vacuum Coating Unit
18 Zeeman Effect

Analog Electronics
Digital Electronics
Sl No Experiment Name Manual
1 BJT Characteristics
2 MOSFET characteistics
3 P-N Junction diode
4 ZENER diode characteristics
5 Constant current source
6 DC power supply
7 FET characteristics
8 operational applifier
9 Wein bridge oscillator

Sl No. Experiment Name Manual
1 7 segment dispay
2 De morgan's theorem
3 Half and full adder
4 Half and full subtractor
5 Interconversion of universal gates
6 J-K flip flop
7 Logic gates and truth table varification
8 multiplexer and demultiplexer
9 S-R flip flop
10 T & D flip flop

Sl No Experimen Name Manual
1 ADC Interfacing
2 DAC Interfacing
3 DC motor controller
4 Graphical LCD
5 Keyboard Interfacing
6 LCD display interfacing
7 LED Matrix interfacing
8 Seven segment dispay
9 Stepper motor controller
10 Traffic Light Controller.

Sl No Experimen Name Manual
1 Hall Effect
2 LVDT set up
3 Opto-coupler
4 Potentiometric error detection
5 Pressure measurement using Strain-Gauge
6 Speed measurement using electromagnetic coupling
7 Speed measurement using opto-coupler
8 Strain Gauge trainer kit
9 Force measurement trainer using load cell
10 Study of LDR Characteristics
11 Temperature transducer
12 Torque measurement using strain gauge transducer

Sl No. Experiment Manual
1 Determination of 'J' by callender and Barne's method.
2 Determination of Plank's Constant 'h' by Photo Voltaic Cell
3 heat capacity of gases
4 Maxwellian velocity distribution
5 Measurement of heat flow through different metals. (Thermal conductivity)
6 Measurement of temp. with thermistor
7 Measurment of thermal Conductivity K of copper by Searl's method.
8 Studt of Dielectric Constant
9 Study of Temp. Transducers.
10 Study of Thermo emf Using Potentiometer & Sand bath.
11 To identify material, using specific heat as a measurable characteristic. (Specific heat)
12 To investigate the thermal expansion of metal with increasing temperature. (Thermal expansion)
13 To measure number of P-V Isotherms of Ethane gas. (Thermal equation of state)
14 To study the characteristics of Solar cell-- Current, voltage, spectral and illumination.
15 To study the performance characteristics of a linear variable differential transformer (LVDT)
16 To varify Stefan's law of radiation.
17 To varify Stock's Law (Viscosity)
18 To varify the Stefan Boltzmann Law of radiation with an amplifier.

Sl No. Experiment Name Manual
1 Mode Field Diameter of a single mode fiber
2 Near-field intensity profile of a multimode fiber
4 Optical wave guide
5 Characterization of LED
6 Fiber to fiber (multimode) splice loss
7 Bend-Induced loss in a single-mode fiber
8 Faraday Effect
9 Microbending Loss and Applicatioin in sensing
10 Ultrasonic Diffraction
11 Alignment of He Ne Cavity
12 Fabry Perot Resonator

Sl No. Experiment. Manual
1 To determine Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of glass by Cornu’s method.
2 To determine the focal length of the combination of two lenses separated by a distance with the help of Nodal slide.
3 To determine the wavelengths of Yellow, Green and Violet lines in mercury light with a diffraction grating.
4 To determine the dispersive power of the material of the prism mercury light with the help of a spectrometer.
5 To determine the wavelength of sodium light by Newton’s ring.
6 To verify the Malus Law using laser light.
7 To determine the specific rotation of cane sugar solution using Polarimeter.
8 To identify the lattice and to determine the lattice constant.
9 To determine the width of slit in single slit diffraction experiment and verify it using travelling microscope.
10 To determine the width of opaque and open portions of a Double slit in a diffraction experiment and verify the results using travelling microscope.

Sl No. Experiment. Manual
1 Determine the internal diameter and depth of a cylindrical container
2 To study the variation of magnetic field with position in Helmholtz arrangement along the axis of the coils carrying current and to verify principle of superposition
3 To find the focal length of a convex lens by plotting graphs between u and v and between 1/u and 1/v.
4 To verify Ohm’s Law and determine unknown resistance
5 To find the unknown resistance of and specific resistance of a wire using meter bridge.
6 To determine surface tension of water (ring and pull method).
7 To determine the relationship between the intensity of the transmitted light through analyzer
8 To find the angle of minimum deviation hence the refractive index of material of prism

Sl No. Experiment. Manual
1 Determine the diameter of a given wire using a screw gauge.
2 To draw the magnetic lines of force due to a bar magnet
3 To find the focal length of a convex mirror using a convex lens
4 To determine the internal resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method, and to find its figure of merit
5 Determination of reverse saturation current I0 and material constant
6 To verify Stoke’s law and determine viscosity of water.
7 To determine Planck’s Constant and work function using photo electric effect and to verify inverse square law of radiation.
8 To plot a l -T^2 graph using a simple pendulum, to find the effective length of the Seconds pendulum using the graph and to calculate the acceleration due to gravity at a place.