- "Polarization dependence of the optical properties in a Ξ system with an external magnetic field", Kavita Yadav and Ajay Wasan, Eur. Phys. J. D 73, 72 (2019).
- "Effect of nearby levels on atom localization in atomic system via spatial dependent probe absorption", Neeraj Singh, Raj Kumar and Ajay Wasan, OSA Continuum 2, 862 (2019)
- Switching from EIT to EIA in a four-level N-type atomic system, Kavita Yadav and Ajay Wasan, J. Opt. 48, 65 (2019)
- "Five-and seven-level inhomogeneously broadened Ξ systems with mismatched wavelengths and polarization effects", Kavita Yadav and Ajay Wasan, Eur. Phys. J. D 72, 125 (2018).
"High-precision two-and three-dimensional atom localization via spatial dependent probe absorption in a closed-loop M-type atomic system", Neeraj Singh and Ajay Wasan, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35, 1318 (2018)
Study of coherence effects in a four-level Ξ− Λ type system system", Kavita Yadav and Ajay Wasan, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51, 105501 (2018)
Sub-luminal and super-luminal light propagation in inverted-Y system with wavelength mismatching effects
Kavita Yadav and Ajay Wasan, Phys. Lett. A 381, 3246 (2018) -
"Optical properties of an inhomogeneously broadened multilevel V-system in the weak and strong probe regimes
Paramjit Kaur, Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, Ind. J. Phys. 91, 1115 (2017) -
"Effect of magnetic eld on the optical properties of an inhomogeneously broadened multilevel Λ-system in Rb vapor", Paramjit Kaur and Ajay Wasan, Euro phys. J. D 71, 78 (2017)
"Wavelength mismatch effect in electromagnetically induced absorption", Vineet Bharti, Ajay Wasan and Vasant Natarajan, Phys. Lett. A 380, 2390 (2016)
- “Optical properties of an inhomogeneously broadened ΛV-system with multiple excited states”, Paramjit Kaur, Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, J. Mod. Opt., 61, 1339 (June 2014).
- “Polarization-rotation resonances with subnatural widths using a control laser”, Sapam Ranjita Chanu, Kanhaiya Pandey, Vineet Bharti, Ajay Wasan and Vasant Natarajan, Euro. Phys. Lett. 106, 43001 (2014).
- “Complete wavelength mismatching effect in a Doppler broadened Y-type six-level EIT atomic medium”, Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, Opt. Commun. 324, 238 (2014).
- “Influence of multiple excited states on optical properties of an N-type Doppler broadened system for the D2 line of alkali atoms”, Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 125501 (2013).
(Our work highlighted at http://iopscience.iop.org/0953-4075/labtalk-article/54011 in 2013) - “Electromagnetic induced transparency in the Doppler broadened cascade transition with multiple excited levels”, Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, 185501 (2012).
- “Coherent control of magneto-optic rotation”, Kanhaiya Pandey, Ajay Wasan and Vasant Natarajan, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 225503 (2008).
“Resolving closely-spaced hyperfine levels in the 3P3/2 state of 23Na”, Dipankar Das, Kanhaiya Pandey, Ajay Wasan, and Vasant Natarajan, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, 3111 (2006).
“Laser cooling and trapping of Yb from a thermal source”, Umakant Rapol, Anusha Krishna, Ajay Wasan, and Vasant Natarajan, Eur. Phys. J. D 29, 409 (2004).
“Subnatural linewidth in room-temperature Rb vapor using a control laser”, Umakant Rapol, Ajay Wasan, and Vasant Natarajan, Phys. Rev. A 67, 053802 (2003).
“Prospects for Forbidden-Transition Spectroscopy and Parity Violation Measurements using a Beam of Cold Stable or Radioactive Atoms'', S. Sanguinetti, J. Guéna, M. Lintz, Ph. Jacquier, A. Wasan, M-A. Bouchiat, Euro phys. J. D 25, 3 (2003).
“A new Manifestation of Atomic Parity Violation in Cesium: a Chiral Optical Gain induced by linearly polarized 6S-7S Excitation”, J. Guéna, D. Chauvat, Ph. Jacquier, E. Jahier, M. Lintz, A.V. Papoyan, S. Sanguinetti, D. Sarkisyan, A. Wasan, M-A. Bouchiat, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 143001 (2003).
“Observation of sub-natural linewidths for cold Rb atoms in a magneto-optic trap”, Umakant Rapol, Ajay Wasan, and Vasant Natarajan, Euro phys. Lett. 61, 53 (2003).
“High-accuracy wavemeter based on a stabilized diode laser”, Ayan Banerjee, Umakant Rapol, Ajay Wasan and Vasant Natarajan, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 2139 (2001).
“Loading of a Rb magneto-optic trap from a getter source”, Umakant D. Rapol, Ajay Wasan, and Vasant Natarajan, Phys. Rev. A 64, 023402 (2001).