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Ajay Wasan
Research Interests

Educational Details
Professional Background


Honours and Awards

Teaching Engagements
Teaching Engagements

Associate Scholars

Administrative Positions
Research Interests
Atomic Spectroscopy, Precision Spectroscopy (Experimental), Quantum Optics, EIT (theoretical and experimental), Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, (Experimental and theoretical)
Educational Details
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
PhD, Physics
University of Roorkee, Roorkee (now IITR)
MSc, Physics
Professional Background
01 Jan 1998 - 01 Jan 2002
Dept. of Physics, IISc, Bangalore
Post Doctoral Fellow
01 Jan 2002 - 01 Jan 2003
LKB, Paris
JSPS fellow
01 Jan 2005 - 01 Jan 2007
Dept. of Physics, Kyoto University, Japan
Assistant Professor
01 Jan 2007 - 01 Jan 2014
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
01 Jan 2019 - Present
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
  1. "Polarization dependence of the optical properties in a Ξ system with an external magnetic field", Kavita Yadav and Ajay Wasan, Eur. Phys. J. D 73, 72 (2019).
  2. "Effect of nearby levels on atom localization in atomic system via spatial dependent probe absorption", Neeraj Singh, Raj Kumar and Ajay Wasan, OSA Continuum 2, 862  (2019)
  3. Switching from EIT to EIA in a four-level N-type atomic system, Kavita Yadav and Ajay Wasan, J. Opt. 48, 65 (2019)
  4. "Five-and seven-level inhomogeneously broadened Ξ systems with mismatched wavelengths and polarization effects", Kavita Yadav and Ajay Wasan, Eur. Phys. J. D 72, 125 (2018).
  5. "High-precision two-and three-dimensional atom localization via spatial dependent probe absorption in a closed-loop M-type atomic system", Neeraj Singh and Ajay Wasan, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35, 1318 (2018)

  6. Study of coherence effects in a four-level Ξ− Λ type system system", Kavita Yadav and Ajay Wasan, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51, 105501 (2018)

  7. Sub-luminal and super-luminal light propagation in inverted-Y system with wavelength mismatching effects
    Kavita Yadav and Ajay Wasan, Phys. Lett. A 381, 3246 (2018)

  8. "Optical properties of an inhomogeneously broadened multilevel V-system in the weak and strong probe regimes
    Paramjit  Kaur, Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, Ind. J. Phys. 91, 1115 (2017)

  9. "Effect of magnetic eld on the optical properties of an inhomogeneously broadened multilevel Λ-system in Rb vapor", Paramjit Kaur and Ajay Wasan, Euro phys. J. D 71, 78 (2017)

  10. "Wavelength mismatch effect in electromagnetically induced absorption", Vineet Bharti, Ajay Wasan and Vasant Natarajan, Phys. Lett. A 380, 2390 (2016)

  11. “Optical properties of an inhomogeneously broadened ΛV-system with multiple excited states”, Paramjit Kaur, Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, J. Mod. Opt., 61, 1339 (June 2014).
  12. “Polarization-rotation resonances with subnatural widths using a control laser”, Sapam Ranjita Chanu, Kanhaiya Pandey, Vineet Bharti, Ajay Wasan and Vasant Natarajan, Euro. Phys. Lett. 106, 43001 (2014).
  13. “Complete wavelength mismatching effect in a Doppler broadened Y-type six-level EIT atomic medium”, Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, Opt. Commun. 324, 238 (2014).
  14. “Influence of multiple excited states on optical properties of an N-type Doppler broadened system for the D2 line of alkali atoms”, Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 125501 (2013).
     (Our work highlighted at in 2013)
  15. “Electromagnetic induced transparency in the Doppler broadened cascade transition with multiple excited levels”, Vineet Bharti and Ajay Wasan, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, 185501 (2012).
  16. “Coherent control of magneto-optic rotation”, Kanhaiya Pandey, Ajay Wasan and Vasant Natarajan, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 225503 (2008).
  17. “Resolving closely-spaced hyperfine levels in the 3P3/2 state of 23Na”, Dipankar Das, Kanhaiya Pandey, Ajay Wasan, and Vasant Natarajan, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, 3111 (2006).

  18. “Laser cooling and trapping of Yb from a thermal source”, Umakant Rapol, Anusha Krishna, Ajay Wasan, and Vasant Natarajan,  Eur. Phys. J. D 29, 409 (2004).

  19. “Subnatural linewidth in room-temperature Rb vapor using a control laser”, Umakant Rapol, Ajay Wasan, and Vasant Natarajan,  Phys. Rev. A 67, 053802 (2003).

  20. “Prospects for Forbidden-Transition Spectroscopy and Parity Violation Measurements using a Beam of Cold Stable or Radioactive Atoms'', S. Sanguinetti, J. Guéna, M. Lintz, Ph. Jacquier, A. Wasan, M-A. Bouchiat, Euro phys. J. D 25, 3 (2003).

  21. “A new Manifestation of Atomic Parity Violation in Cesium: a Chiral Optical Gain induced by linearly polarized 6S-7S Excitation”, J. Guéna, D. Chauvat, Ph. Jacquier, E. Jahier, M. Lintz, A.V. Papoyan, S. Sanguinetti, D. Sarkisyan, A. Wasan, M-A. Bouchiat,   Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 143001 (2003).

  22. “Observation of sub-natural linewidths for cold Rb atoms in a magneto-optic trap”, Umakant Rapol, Ajay Wasan, and Vasant Natarajan,  Euro phys. Lett. 61, 53 (2003).

  23. “High-accuracy wavemeter based on a stabilized diode laser”, Ayan Banerjee, Umakant Rapol, Ajay Wasan and Vasant Natarajan,  Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 2139 (2001).

  24. “Loading of a Rb magneto-optic trap from a getter source”, Umakant D. Rapol, Ajay Wasan, and Vasant Natarajan, Phys. Rev. A  64, 023402 (2001).

Honors And Awards
Optical Society of America
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Optical Society of India
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Life Fellow Member
IEEE Hyderabad Quantum Computing Society
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Teaching Engagements
Teaching Engagements
Electricity and Magnetism ( PH-202M )
Optics ( PH-201M )
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Doppler Broadened Multi-level Atomic Systems
01 Jan 2010 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Vineet Bharti (Prsently in IMS, NINS, Okazaki, Japan)
Optical properties of multi-level atomic systems under EIT and EIA conditions
01 Jan 2011 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Paramjit Kaur (Assistant Professor, Physics - Guru Nanak Dev University)
Study of coherence effects in multilevel atomic systems
01 Jan 2013 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Kavita Yadav
Quantum Optics
01 Jan 2014 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Neeraj Singh
Quantum Optics
01 Jan 2017 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Raj Kumar
Studies of saturated absorption spectroscopy and its application (2009)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Esha Sengupta (Now in GE, Bangalore)
Interaction of three level atom with light (2010),
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Arvind Kumar
Interaction of electromagnetic field with atom (2011)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Manisha Arora
Electromagnetically induced transparency in a lambda system with multiple excited (2012)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Harindra Kumar
Electromagnetically induced transparency (2013)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Anjalika Rajput
Effects of magnetic field on hyperfine levels of Rubidium (2014)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Mohammed Aziz Alam
Magneto-optic rotation (2014)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Eneet Kaur
Electromagnetically induced transparency in multilevel atomic system (2015)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Ankit Agarwal
Optical switching using multilevel atomic system (2016)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Chetna Taneja
Probe absorption spectroscopy in two level atom (2016)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Vishal Kumar
Simulation of coherent resonant energy transfer in a spin chain of three Rydberg atoms (2017)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Nisarg Bhatt
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency: A tool to enter Sub Doppler Linewidth (2017)
31 Aug 2020 - Present
Other Supervisors: , Scholar: Parul Aggarwal
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2017: LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves
01 Jan 2017 - Present
Study of atom localization in different atomic system via spatial dependent probe absorption (22nd National Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics)
01 Jan 2019 - Present
The coldest matterin the universe
01 Jan 2017 - Present
Ultracold Quantum Gases (National Workshop on Laser Techniques 2-3 Mar, 2017)
01 Jan 2017 - Present
Quantum computing with neutral atoms (IndoQuant 12-13Jan 2019)
01 Jan 2019 - Present
Study of Electromagnetically Induced Absorption using Rydberg state (National Workshop on Laser Techniques 2-3 Mar, 2017)
01 Jan 2017 - Present
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2012: Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions
01 Jan 2012 - Present
Study of Electromagnetically Induced Absorption using Rydberg state (Recent Trends in cold atoms’ physics, 16–17 May 2016)
01 Jan 2016 - Present
Administrative Positions
Chief Advisor
01 Jan 2014 - Present
Himalayan Explorers' Club
Deputy Advisor
01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2014
Himalayan Explorers' Club
01 Jan 2012 - 01 Jan 2012
- Reference letter policy: I only give reference letters to students who have worked on a project with me or who have performed extremely well in the course taken by me. I will not be able to write letters for any purpose for students who have taken any course with me.
Process development
- We have already achieved Rb cold atoms. A long term goal of my research is to use these cold atoms for quantum gates. These experiments require state of the art techniques using lasers, optics, vacuum technology, and rf electronics. We have already acquired most of the instrument and some are still in process.