Sumanta Sarkhel, Ph.D. (h-index: 11)
Scopus Author ID: 22981859800
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Publications in Refereed Conferences/Journals:
43. Evidence of potential thermospheric overcooling during the May 2024 geomagnetic superstorm, A. K. Ranjan, D. Nailwal, M. V. Sunil Krishna, A. Kumar, & S. Sarkhel, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129, e2024JA033148, 2024.
42. Investigation on the impact of solar flares on the Martian atmospheric emissions in the dayside near-terminator region: Case studies, L. Ram, R. Sharma, D. Rout, R. Rathi, S. Sarkhel*, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 129, e2024JE008315, 2024.
41. A Rare Simultaneous Detection of a Mid-Latitude Plasma Depleted Structure in O(1D) 630.0 and O(1S) 557.7 nm All-Sky Airglow Images on a Geomagnetically Quiet Night, D. Patgiri, R. Rathi, V. Yadav, D. Chakrabarty, M. V. Sunil Krishna, S. Kannaujiya, P. Pavan Chaitanya, A. K. Patra, Jann-Yenq Liu, S. Sarkhel*, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL106900, 2024.
40. Seasonal variation in nighttime NO radiative cooling as observed by TIMED/SABER in lower thermosphere during solar maximum and solar minimum, A. K. Ranjan, M.V. Sunil Krishna, A. Kumar, D. Nailwal, S. Sarkhel, Advances in Space Research, 2024.
39. Editorial: Advances in mesosphere and thermosphere dynamics, A. Guharay, S. Sarkhel, and I. Paulino, Front. Astron. Space Sci, 11:1418420, 2024.
38. Influence of temperature changes and vertically transported trace species on the structure of MLT region during major SSW events, A. Kumar, M.V. Sunil Krishna, A. K. Ranjan, S. Bender, M. Sinnhuber, S. Sarkhel, J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys., 259, 2024.
37. Optimizing deep learning inference at the edge for accurate detection of ionospheric plasma structures from all-sky airglow images, S. Chakrabarti, D. Patgiri, R. Rathi, G. Dixit*, M. V. Sunil Krishna, S. Sarkhel*, Advances in Space Research, 73, 2024.
36. A case study on multiple self-interactions of MSTID bands: New insights, D. Patgiri, R. Rathi, V. Yadav, S. Sarkhel*, D. Chakrabarty, S. Mondal, M. V. Sunil Krishna, A. K. Upadhayaya, C. G. Vivek, S. Kannaujiya, S. Sunda, Advances in Space Research, 73, 2024.
35. A case study of mesospheric frontal interaction and associated processes over the western Himalaya, S. Mondal*, A. Guharay*, S. Sarkhel*, M.V. Sunil Krishna, Martin G. Mlynczak, Advances in Space Research, 73, 2024.
34. Unusual simultaneous manifestation of three non-interacting mid-latitude ionospheric plasma structures, R. Rathi, P. Gurram, S. Mondal, V. Yadav, S. Sarkhel*, M.V. Sunil Krishna, A. K. Upadhayaya, Advances in Space Research, 73, 2024.
33. Martian M2 peak behavior in the dayside near-terminator ionosphere during interplanetary coronal mass ejections, L. Ram, D. Rout, R. Rathi, P. Withers, S. Sarkhel*, Icarus, 408, 115857, 2024.
32. NO radiative cooling and ionospheric response to the HILDCAA events following geomagnetic storms, A. K. Ranjan, M. V. Sunil Krishna, A. Kumar, S. Sarkhel, D. Chakrabarty, & G. D. Reeves, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128, e2023JA032028, 2023.
31. Signature of Y-forking in ionogram traces observed at low-mid latitude Indian station, New Delhi, during the earthquake events of 2020: ionosonde observations, A. Bhardwaj, A. Gupta, Q. Ahmed, A. Singh, S. Gupta, S. Sarkhel, M.V. Sunil Krishna, D. Pallamraju, T. Pant and A.K. Upadhayaya, Front. Astron. Space Sci., 10:1170288, 2023.
30. A comparison of the impacts of CMEs and CIRs on the Martian dayside and nightside ionospheric species, L. Ram, D. Rout, R. Rathi, S. Mondal, S. Sarkhel*, J. Halekas, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, e2022JE007649, 128, 2023.
29. Aspects related to variability of radiative cooling by NO in lower thermosphere, TEC and O/N2 correlation, and diffusion of NO into mesosphere during the Halloween storms, Alok Kumar Ranjan, M.V. Sunil Krishna, Akash Kumar, S. Sarkhel, Gaurav Bharti, Stefan Bender, Miriam Sinnhuber, Advances in Space Research, 71, 2023.
28. A case study on the interaction between MSTIDs’ fronts, their dissipation and a curious case of MSTID’s rotation over geomagnetic low-mid latitude transition region, R. Rathi, V. Yadav, S. Mondal, S. Sarkhel*, M. V. Sunil Krishna, A. K. Upadhayaya, S. Kannaujiya, P. Chauhan, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2021JA029872, 2022.
27. A case study of a ducted gravity wave event over northern Germany using simultaneous airglow imaging and wind-field observations, S. Sarkhel*, Gunter Stober, Jorge L. Chau, S. M. Smith, C. Jacobi, S. Mondal, Martin G. Mlynczak, and James M. Russell III, Annales Geophysicae, 40, 179–190, 2022.
26. Signature of a mesospheric bore in 557.7 nm airglow emission using all-sky imager at Hanle (32.7oN, 78.9oE), A. Guharay*, S. Mondal, S. Sarkhel*, M. Sivakandan, M. V. Sunil Krishna, Advances in Space Research, 69, 2022.
25. Evidence for the in-situ generation of plasma depletion structures over the transition region of geomagnetic low-mid latitude, M. Sivakandan, S. Mondal, S. Sarkhel*, D. Chakrabarty, M. V. Sunil Krishna, A. K. Upadhayaya, A. Shinbori, T. Sori, S. Kannaujiya, and P. K. Champati Ray, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA028837, 2021.
24. A case study of a thermally ducted undular mesospheric bore accompanied by ripples over the western Himalayan region, S. Mondal, M. Sivakandan, S. Sarkhel*, M. V. Sunil Krishna, Martin G. Mlynczak, James M. Russell III, and G. Bharti, Advances in Space Research, 68, 1425-1440, 2021.
23. Interaction between nighttime MSTID and mid-latitude field-aligned plasma depletion over the transition region of geomagnetic low-mid latitude: First results from Hanle, India; V. Yadav, R. Rathi, G. Gaur, S. Sarkhel*, D. Chakrabarty, M. V. Sunil Krishna, P. Pavan Chaitanya, A. K. Patra, R. K. Choudhary, T. K. Pant, A. K. Upadhayaya, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 217, 105589, 2021.
22. Evidence for simultaneous occurrence of periodic and single dark band MSTIDs over geomagnetic low-mid latitude transition region; R. Rathi, V. Yadav, S. Mondal, S. Sarkhel*, M. V. Sunil Krishna, A. K. Upadhayaya, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 215, 105588, 2021.
21. Multi-Instrument Observations of MSTIDs: 1. ISR and GPS TEC Results; Ross Dinsmore, J. D. Mathews, Anthea Coster, R. M. Robinson, S. Sarkhel, Philip J. Erickson, Julio Urbina, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 213, 105515, 2021.
20. A unique case of complex interaction between MSTIDs and mid-latitude field-aligned plasma depletions over geomagnetic low-mid latitude transition region; V. Yadav, R. Rathi, S. Sarkhel*, D. Chakrabarty, M. V. Sunil Krishna, A. K. Upadhayaya, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, e2020JA028620, 2021.
19. Mid-latitude Spread-F structures over the geomagnetic low-mid latitude transition region: An observational evidence; M. Sivakandan, S. Mondal, S. Sarkhel*, D. Chakrabarty, M. V. Sunil Krishna, P. Pavan Chaitanya, A. K. Patra, R. K. Choudhary, T. K. Pant, A. K. Upadhayaya, T. Sori., Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, 2020.
18. Investigation of spatio-temporal morphology of plasma bubbles based on EAR observations; L.M. Joshi, L.–.C. Tsai, S.–.Y. Su, Y. Otsuka, T. Yokoyama, M. Yamamoto, S. Sarkhel, K. Hozumi, C.–.H. Lu, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 10549–10563, 2019.
17. Allsky Airglow Imaging Observation from Hanle, Leh Ladakh, India: Image Analyses and First Results; S. Mondal, A. Srivastava, V. Yadav, S. Sarkhel*, M. V. Sunil Krishna, Yamini K. Rao, Vir Singh, Advances in Space Research, 64, 1926-1939, 2019.
16. On the long lasting "C-type" structures in the sodium lidargram: The lifetime of Kelvin- Helmholtz billows in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region; S. Mondal, S. Sarkhel*, Jay Agarwal, D. Chakrabarty, R. Sekar, Tao Yuan, Xuguang Cai, Alan Z. Liu, Satonori Nozawa, Norihito Saito, Takuya D. Kawahara, Martin G. Mlynczak, James M. Russell III, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 3110–3124, 2019.
15. A Review on the Upper Atmospheric Sodium Observations from India: Insights; S. Sarkhel*, S. Mondal, R Sekar, D. Chakrabarty, and S. Sridharan, Advances in Space Research, 63, 3568-3585, 2019.
14. Multi-Instrument Observations of MSTIDs and Source Determination; Ross Dinsmore, J. D. Mathews, Anthea Coster, and S. Sarkhel, 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), Gran Canaria, Spain, 2018, pp. 1-4., IEEE Xplore, 2018.
13. The ionospheric impact of a CME driven sheath region over Indian and American sectors in the absence of a typical geomagnetic storm; Diptiranjan Rout, D. Chakrabarty, S. Sarkhel, R. Sekar, B. G. Fejer, G. D. Reeves, Atul S. Kulkarni, Nestor Aponte, Mike Sulzer, John D. Mathews, Robert B. Kerr, and John Noto, Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 4298–4308, 2018.
12. Erratum to: Dependence of mesospheric Na and Fe distributions on electron density at Arecibo; Shikha Raizada, Craig Tepley, Qihou Zhou, S. Sarkhel, John Mathews, Nestor Aponte, Ilgin Seker, Robert Kerr, Edvier Cabassa, Earth Planets Space, 67:202, 2015.
11. Dependence of mesospheric Na and Fe distributions on electron density at Arecibo; Shikha Raizada, Craig Tepley, Qihou Zhou, S. Sarkhel, John Mathews, Nestor Aponte, Ilgin Seker, Robert Kerr, Edvier Cabassa, Earth Planets Space, 67:146, 2015.
10. Erratum to: A case study on occurrence of an unusual structure in the sodium layer over Gadanki, India; S. Sarkhel*, Mathews JD, Shikha R, Ramanathan S, Dibyendu C, Amitava G, Geonhwa J, Jeong-Han K, Kerr RB, Geetha R, Sundararajan S, Qian W, Mlynczak MG, Russell JM, Earth Planets Space, 67:145, 2015.
9. A case study on occurrence of an unusual structure in the sodium layer over Gadanki, India; S. Sarkhel*, John D. Mathews, Shikha Raizada, R Sekar, D. Chakrabarty, A. Guharay, Geonhwa Jee, Jeong-Han Kim, Robert B. Kerr, Geetha Ramkumar, S. Sridharan, Qian Wu, Martin G. Mlynczak, and James M. Russell III, Earth, Planets and Space, 67:19, 2015.
8. Investigation of the intraseasonal oscillations over a Brazilian equatorial station: a case study; A Guharay, P. P. Batista, B. R. Clemesha, S. Sarkhel, and R. A. Buriti, Earth, Planets and Space, 66:145, 2014.
7. Response of the extra-tropical middle atmosphere to the September 2002 major stratospheric sudden warming; A. Guharay, P. P. Batista, B. R. Clemesha, S. Sarkhel, Adv. Space Res., 53, 257-265, 2014.
6. On the variability of the terdiurnal tide over a Brazilian equatorial station using meteor radar observations; A. Guharay, P. P. Batista, B. R. Clemesha, S. Sarkhel, R. A. Buriti, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 104, 87-95, 2013.
5. Identification of large scale billows-like structure in the neutral Na layer over Arecibo, S. Sarkhel*, S. Raizada, J. D. Mathews, S. M. Smith, C. A. Tepley, F. J. Rivera, S. A. Gonzalez, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A10301, 2012.
4. Investigation on Mesospheric Gravity Waves over Indian Low Latitude Stations using Sodium Airglow Observations and A Few Case Studies Based on Thermal and Wind Structures; S. Sarkhel*, R. Sekar, D. Chakrabarty, and A. Guharay, J. Atmos. Sol. Terr. Phys., 86, 41-50, 2012.
3. A Case Study on the Possible Altitude-Dependent Effects of Collisions on Sodium Airglow Emission; S. Sarkhel*, R. Sekar, D. Chakrabarty, and S. Sridharan, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A10306, 2010.
2. Simultaneous sodium airglow and lidar measurements over India: a case study; S. Sarkhel*, R. Sekar, D. Chakrabarty, R. Narayanan, and S. Sridharan, J. Geophys. Res., 114, A10317, 2009.
1. Identifications of active fossil bubbles based on coordinated VHF radar and airglow measurements; R. Sekar, D. Chakrabarty, S. Sarkhel, A. K. Patra, C. V. Devasia and M. C. Kelley, Ann. Geophys., 25, 2099-2102, 2007.