Book Chapters:
(1)- Nikita Choudhary, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, and Nitish Kumar Gupta†, "Active Tunability in Resonant Metamaterials Using Phase Transitions," Chapter 10 in the "Handbook of Measurement and Characterization of Metamaterials," Springer Nature Singapore, (Accepted, 2024)
In Refereed Journals:
(23)- Nikita Choudhary, and Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, "Numerical investigation of tunable and switchable refractive index-based mid-infrared metamaterial absorber" Pramana-Journal of Physics, Vol. 98, no. 97 (2024) link
(22)- Nitish Kumar Gupta†, Sapireddy Srinivasu, Mukesh Kumar, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Sudipta Sarkar Pal, Harshawardhan Wanare and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Realization of Jackiw-Rebbi Zero-Energy Modes at Photonic Crystal Domain Walls: Emergence of Polarization-Indiscriminate Surface States" Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 124, pp. 091104 (2024) link
(21)- Nitish Kumar Gupta†, Sapireddy Srinivasu, Mukesh Kumar, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Sudipta Sarkar Pal, Harshawardhan Wanare and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Direct Determination of Photonic Stopband Topological Character: A Framework based on Dispersion Measurements" Advanced Photonics Research, pp. 2300155, (2024) link
(20)- Nitish Kumar Gupta†, Pradeep Chakravarthy, Mukesh Kumar, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Sudipta Sarkar Pal, Kumar Vaibhav Srivastava, Harshawardhan Wanare, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Complementary quarter-wave retardance device for generating one or more polarization states," Indian patent, Application Number 202311056800, (2023)
(19)- Nitish Kumar Gupta†, Aditi Chopra, Mukesh Kumar, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Sudipta Sarkar Pal†, Harshawardhan Wanare, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Surface State Engineering Using Bulk-Band Geometric Phases: Band Inversion and its Observable Implications in One-Dimensional Photonic Crystals," Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics: Special issue on Recent Trends in Nanophotonics, Vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 560-567 (2023) link
(18)- Nitish Kumar Gupta†, Mukesh Kumar, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Sudipta Sarkar Pal, Harshawardhan Wanare, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Spectroscopic Ellipsometry-based Investigations into the Scattering Characteristics of Topologically Distinct Photonic Stopbands," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 121, Issue 26, pp. 261103 (2022) link
Selected as a "Featured Article" in APL.
(17)- Nitish Kumar Gupta†, Sapireddy Srinivasu, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Harshawardhan Wanare, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Realizing Quasi-monochromatic Switchable Thermal Emission from Electro-Optically induced Topological Phase Transitions," Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, pp. 7400 (2022) link
(16)- Nitish Kumar Gupta†, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Harshawardhan Wanare, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Near singular-phase optical biosensing with strongly coupled modes of a plasmonic-photonic trimer," Journal of Optics, Vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 065003 (2021) link
(15)- Rajesh Kumar, Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Surface plasmon coupling for selectively enhanced random lasing in periodically patterned silver columnar thin film metamaterials," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 116, Issue 24, pp. 241902 (2020) link
(14)- Alice Boschetti†, Andrea Taschin, Paolo Bartolini, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Lorenzo Pattelli, Renato Torre, and Diederik S. Wiersma†, "Spectral super-resolution spectroscopy using a random laser," Nature Photonics, Vol. 14, Issue 3, pp. 177–182 (2020) link
Also earned the March 2020 cover of Nature Photonics. link
(13)- Saleem Shaik†, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Refractive index sensor based on gold-coated nanoporous anodic alumina membranes to discriminate alcohol mixtures," Pramana-Journal of Physics, Vol. 93, Issue 2, pp. 30 (2019) link
(12)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Lorenzo Pattelli, Renato Torre and Diederik S. Wiersma, "Remote control of liquid crystal elastomer random laser using external stimuli," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 113, Issue 1, pp. 013701 (2018) link
Selected as a "Featured Article" in APL.
Appeared in the "Scilight," which highlights the most interesting research published in AIP journals. link
(11)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Saleem Shaik and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Lasing in dye-infiltrated nanoporous anodic alumina membranes," Applied Physics B, Vol. 124, Issue 7, pp. 127 (2018) link
(10)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Ismail Mekaaoui-Alaoui, Sriram Guddala, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna," Enhanced visualization of latent fingermarks on rough aluminum surfaces using sequential Au and Zn/ ZnS/ ZnO depositions," Journal of Forensic Sciences, Vol. 63, Issue 4, pp. 1275-1281 (2017) link
($)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, "Coherent random lasing in a disordered array of amplifying microresonators," Ph.D. Thesis, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, arXiv:1808.04076 (April 2014) link
(9)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari, K. Shadak Alee, Ravitej Uppu, and Sushil Mujumdar†, "Single-mode, quasi-stable coherent random lasing in an amplifying periodic-on-average random system," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 104, Issue 13, pp. 131112 (2014) link
(8)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari and Sushil Mujumdar†, "Random lasing over gap states from a quasi-one-dimensional amplifying periodic-on-average random superlattice," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 111, Issue 23, 233903 (2013) link
(7)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Ravitej Uppu, and Sushil Mujumdar†, "Experimental demonstration of small-angle bending in an active direct-coupled chain of spherical microcavities," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 103, Issue 17, pp. 171108 (2013) link
(6)- Rajesh V. Nair†, Anjani K. Tiwari, Sushil Mujumdar, B. N. Jagatap," Inhibition and enhancement of spontaneous emission using photonic band gap structures," Advanced Materials Letters, Vol. 4, Issue 6, pp. 497-501 (2013) link
(5)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Ravitej Uppu, Sushil Mujumdar†, "Frequency behavior of coherent random lasing in diffusive resonant media," Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp. 416-422 (2012) link
(4)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Balu Chandra, Ravitej Uppu, and Sushil Mujumdar†, "Collective lasing from a linear array of dielectric microspheres with gain," Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue 6, pp. 6598-6603 (2012) link
(3)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Ravitej Uppu, and Sushil Mujumdar†, "Aerosol-based coherent random laser," Optics Letters, Vol. 37, Issue 6, pp. 1053-1055 (2012) link
(2)- Ravitej Uppu, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, and Sushil Mujumdar†, "Identification of statistical regimes and crossovers in coherent random laser emission," Optics Letters, Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 662-664 (2012) link
(1)- Rajesh V. Nair†, Anjani K. Tiwari, Sushil Mujumdar, and B. N. Jagatap, "Photonic-band-edge-induced lasing in self-assembled dye-activated photonic crystals," Physical Review A, Vol. 85, Issue 2, 023844 (2012) link
Appeared in "Optics and Photonics News" (May 2012). link
Highlighted in "Nature India" (March 2012). link
In International Conferences:
(23)- Nikita Choudhary, Deependra Singh Gaur, and Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, "Grating Embedded Metal-based Self-reference Sensor," 71th JSAP Spring Meeting, Tokyo, Japan (Contributory Talk) (22-25 March 2024).
(22)- Nikita Choudhary, and Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, "Numerical investigation of dual-band metamaterial absorber," Photonics 2023, IISc Bangalore (Contributory Talk) (05-08 July 2023).
(21)- Nitish Kumar Gupta, Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Harshawardhan Wanare, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Polarization speckle generation & control of angular memory effect in optically anisotropic media," ISBN: 978-1-957171-05-0, Paper JW3B-89, CLEO/San Jose, California, USA (15-20 May 2022) link
(20)- N. K. Gupta†, A. Chopra, M. Kumar, A. K. Tiwari, S. S. Pal, H. Wanare, and S. A. Ramakrishna, "Topological surface state by hierarchical concatenation of Photonic stopbands," DOI: 10.1109/WRAP54064.2022.9758314, IEEE WRAP 2022, IIT Mumbai (Contributory Talk) (04 - 06 March 2022) (link)
(19)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Vivek Kumar Singh, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, " Light-driven graphene-based multifunctional actuator, " ISBN: 978-1-943580-91-0, Paper SW2F.5, CLEO/San Jose, California, USA (Contributory Talk) (09-14 May 2021) (link)
(18)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Rajesh Kumar, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Surface plasmon resonance mediated random lasing in thin film metamaterials," ISSN: 978-1-943580-84-2, OSA Laser Congress, Washington, D.C. United States (13 - 16 Oct. 2020) (link)
(17)- Nitish Kumar Gupta†, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Harshawardhan Wanare, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Unidirectional narrowband perfect absorption in quasi-random structures - interplay of gap states and Tamm plasmon modes,'' DOI: 10.1109/IPC47351.2020.9252319, IEEE Photonics Conference, Vancouver, Canada (Contributory Talk) (28 Sept. - 01 Oct. 2020) (link)
(16)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Rabisankar Samanta, S. Ajmal, and Sushil Mujumdar, "Random lasing from amplifying electrostatic spray of charged microjets," DOI: 10.1109/WRAP47485.2019.9013680, IEEE WRAP 2019, IIT Guwahati (13 - 14 Dec. 2019) link
(15)- Rajesh Kumar, Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Lasing based on periodically patterned anisotropic thin film metamaterial," DOI: 10.1109/WRAP47485.2019.9013730, IEEE WRAP 2019, IIT Guwahati (13 - 14 Dec. 2019) link
(14)- Saleem Shaik†, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Enhanced lasing in metal-insulator-metal waveguide slab based on gold coated nanoporous anodic alumina membrane," DOI: 10.1109/WRAP47485.2019.9013949, IEEE WRAP 2019, IIT Guwahati (13 - 14 Dec. 2019) link
(13)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Deepak Biswal, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Tunable metamaterial absorber based on liquid crystal elastomer," Proceedings of Photonics-2018, ISBN: 978-93-88653-41-1, International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, IIT Delhi (Contributory Talk) (12 - 15 Dec. 2018) link
Won the Excellence in Oral Presentation award at Photonics 2018.
(12)- Saleem Shaik†, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Nanoporous alumina as an optofluidic alcohol sensor," Proceedings of Photonics-2018, ISBN: 978-93-88653-41-1, International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, IIT Delhi (12 - 15 Dec. 2018) link
(11)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Saleem Shaik, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Coherent emission in optically transparent nanoporous anodic alumina films," DOI: 10.1109/WRAP.2017.8468586, IEEE WRAP 2017, Mahindra École Centrale, Hyderabad, India (18 - 19 Dec. 2017) link
(10)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Lorenzo Pattelli, Renato Torre, and Diederik Wiersma, "Remote control of liquid crystal elastomer random laser," DOI: 10.1109/WRAP.2017.8468557, IEEE WRAP 2017, Mahindra École Centrale, Hyderabad, India (18 - 19 Dec. 2017) link
(9)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, "Resolving the otherwise unresolved Fabry-Perot modes via random intensity fluctuations," International Workshop on Complex Photonics, TIFR, Mumbai, India (Invited Talk) (22 - 24 January 2017) link
(8)- Sushil Mujumdar†, Anjani K. Tiwari, K. Shadak Alee and Ravitej Uppu, "Amplifying periodic-on-average random systems: Route to Anderson-localization random lasers," ISBN: 978-1-55752-882-7, Paper M3D.2, International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, IIT Kharagpur, India (13 - 16 Dec. 2014) link
(7)- Sushil Mujumdar† and Anjani Kumar Tiwari, "Collective resonances and lasing induced by photon localization in aperiodically arranged microresonators," MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA (21 - 25 April 2014) link
(6)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari and Sushil Mujumdar†," Photon-localization induced random lasing from an amplifying periodic-on-average random system," DOI: 10.1109/CLEOE-IQEC.2013.6801484, CLEO/Europe, Munich, Germany (12 - 16 May 2013) link
(5)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Girish Kulkarni, and Sushil Mujumdar†, "Resonant multilayers for frequency control of photon localization random lasers," 4th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, Nanometa-2013
(4)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Ravitej Uppu, and Sushil Mujumdar†, "Lasing from quasi-one-dimensional random lattice of multiple resonators," DOI: 10.1364/PHOTONICS.2012.TPo.14, International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, IIT Madras, India (9 - 12 Dec. 2012) link
Won the first prize for the Best Student Paper Award given by OSA. link
(3)- Rajesh V. Nair†, Anjani K. Tiwari, Sushil Mujumdar, and B. N. Jagatap, "Signature of Band-Edge-Induced Lasing Observed in Self-assembled Photonic Crystals," DOI: 10.1364/PHOTONICS.2012.W1A.3, International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, IIT Madras, India (9 - 12 Dec. 2012) link
(2)- Ravitej Uppu, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, and Sushil Mujumdar†, "Coherent random lasing in diffusive resonant media," AIP Conf. Proc., 1398, 103-105 (2011) link
(1)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Balu Chandra, Ravitej Uppu, and Sushil Mujumdar, "Coherent Emission from a Disordered Array of Amplifying Scatterers," 3rd International Conference on Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular, Optical, and Nano Physics, University of Delhi, India (14 - 16 Dec. 2011)
In National Conferences:
(11)- Nikita Choudhary, Mukul Jaiswal, and Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, "Numerical simulation of refractive index-based tunable metamaterial absorber," XLV Symposium of OSI: Conference on Optics, Photonics & Quantum Optics (COPaQ) (10 - 13 Nov. 2022)
(10)- Mukul Jaiswal, Nikita Choudhary, and Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, "Broadband metamaterial absorber based on TiN hollow cylinders," XLV Symposium of OSI: Conference on Optics, Photonics & Quantum Optics (COPaQ) (10 - 13 Nov. 2022)
(9)- Nitish Kumar Gupta†, Mukesh Kumar, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Sudipta Sarkar Pal, Harshawardhan Wanare and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Experimental Determination of Topological Order in Photonic Stopbands," XLV Symposium of OSI: Conference on Optics, Photonics & Quantum Optics (COPaQ) (10 - 13 Nov. 2022)
(8)- Nitish Kumar Gupta†, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, Harshawardhan Wanare, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Ultra-narrowband asymmetric perfect absorption in quasi-random planar structures," Student Conference on Photonic and Quantum Technology (SCPQT)-2021 link
Nitish also Won the Best Poster Presentation Award for this work.
(7)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Saleem Shaik, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Low-threshold, stable lasing in gold-coated nanoporous anodic alumina membranes," OSI - International Symposium on Optics (Contributory Talk) (19 - 22 Sept. 2018) link
(6)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Ismail Mekaaoui-Alaoui, Sriram Guddala, and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, "Development of latent fingermarks on aluminum surfaces," OSI - International Symposium on Optics (19 - 22 Sept. 2018) link
(5)- Saleem Shaik†, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, and Anantha Ramakrishna, "Enhanced lasing emission in gold coated nanoporous anodic alumina waveguide slab," Symposium on 30 Years of Photonic Crystals - The Indian Research Scenario, IIT Kanpur (21 - 23 Sept. 2017)
(4)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Ravitej Uppu, and Sushil Mujumdar, "Light localization in quasi-one-dimensional array of spherical resonators," DAE-BRNS Nation Laser Symposium NLS-21, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai (6 - 9 Feb. 2013)
(3)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Balu Chandra, Ravitej Uppu, and Sushil Mujumdar, "Coherent random lasing from an array of amplifying aperiodic spherical scatterers," DAE-BRNS Nation Laser Symposium NLS-20, Crystal Growth Center, Anna University, Chennai (9 - 12 Jan. 2012)
Won the Best Poster Presentation Award given by Indian Laser Association.
Appeared in Kiran, Bulletin of Indian Laser Association, vol. 23, no. 1 (2012). link
(2)- Ravitej Uppu, Anjani Kumar Tiwari, and Sushil Mujumdar†, "Statistical Fluctuations in Coherent Emission from Disordered Nanaostructured Amplifying Materials," XXXVI OSI Symposium on Frontiers in Optics and Photonics, IIT Delhi (3 - 5 Dec. 2011) link
(1)- Anjani Kumar Tiwari†, Ravitej Uppu, and Sushil Mujumdar, "Random Lasing from an Array of Microdroplets," XXXVI OSI Symposium on Frontiers in Optics and Photonics, IIT Delhi (3 - 5 Dec. 2011) link
"†" Corresponding author.