Organic Electronics, Organic Solar cells, Organic LEDs, FETs, sensors & detectors, Electrical & optical characterization. Organic-inorganic hybrid materials, Perovskite solar cells, Energy storage.
PI (Sachin Kumar Srivastava)
Plasmonics, Nanophotonics, Biosensors, Fiber Optic Sensors, SERS, Surface Enhanced Fluorescence, Extra-ordinary Optical Transmission, Metasurfaces, Machine Learning/Deep learning.
The computing facilities in the Physics Department consist of a Sun 280 R Server. This is a dual CPU machine with 2GB RAM and is an ideal machine for number crunching.
PI (Prof. Mayank Goswami )
Radiation Wave Propagation Measurment and Modelling
PI (Prof. Sumanta Sarkhel)
Space Physics, Sodium Airglow, Mesospheric Chemistry and Dynamics, Atmospheric Gravity Waves, Planetary Science.
Energy Storage, Li-ion Battery, Supercapacitor, Fuel cells, Solid State Ionics, Li- Kinetics, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Nano-hybrids, Nano-Composites, Functional Materials.
Welcome to Ferroelectric Materials and Devices Research Laboratory in Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee.
FNRL grew up in an environment that emphasised learning and research excellence. They decided on their field of specialization early in their scholastic career.
Welcome to Functional Nano materials Research Laboratory in Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee.
Welcome to High Power Laser Laboratory in Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee. Lasers and Photonics, Plasmonics, Optical Properties of Wide Band Gap
Welcome to High Temprature Superconductor Laboratory in Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee.
Welcome to Integrated Photonics Research Laboratory in Department of Physics, IIT Roorkee.
Organic, Pervoskite and Dye-Synthesized Solar cells, Lab-On-Chip Devices and 3D-Printed Microfluidics, Trace detection of explosives and aerosols, Graphene-based filters for heavy metal-ion removal.
Atomic Spectroscopy, Precision Spectroscopy (Experimental), Quantum Optics, EIT (theoretical and experimental), Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, (Experimental and theoretical).
PI (Prof. Anil Kumar Gourishetty)
Detector arrays for nuclear structural studies, Monte Carlo simulation of response of radiation detectors, Nuclear Astrophysics, Growth and characterization of scintillators,....
Fiber Optics, Specialty Optical Fibers, Fiber Amplifiers, EDFA, LMA Fibers, DCF, Fiber Sensors Integrated Optics, Design of optical waveguides for high power amplifiers and lasers..
Functional Nanomaterials , Multiferroics , Ceramic Nanocomposites, Carbon Nanotubes, Biomaterials.
Deciphering the exotic mysteries of Nuclear Physics with Advanced Tools