Departmental Library
Research Laboratories
Teaching Laboratories
SMILE facilities
Besides the Institute Central Library which has an excellent collection of leading journals, reference work and text books in physics, the department also maintains a library of its own where periodicals, theses, research texts and selected text books for the M. Sc. and M. Tech. Courses of the department are available to the students for issue and reference purposes. About 3000 journals can be accessed online from the campus.
Advanced Research in Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Laboratory
Applied Plasmonics and Photonics Lab
Computational Facility
Divyadrishti Imaging Laboratory
Energy Storage Laboratory
Ferroelectric Polymer and Devices Research Laboratory
Functional Nano materials Research Laboratory
High Power Laser Laboratory
High Temperature Superconductor Laboratory
Integrated nanophotonics and bio material Laboratory
InPho Research Laboratory
Quantum Optics Laboratory
Radiation detectors and spectroscopy Laboratory
Photonics Laboratory
Smart Materials Research Laboratory
Space Physics Laboratory
There is also a centralized facility IIC(Institute Instrumentation Centre) for research and teaching and it provide facilities like --Scanning and Tunneling-Electron Microscopes, X-ray Diffractometer, Vibration Sample Magnetometer, Mossbauer Spectrometer, Atomic absorption/emission Spectrometer, Thermal Analysis System, Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer, Electron Probe Microanalyser, Gas Chromatograph, Liquid Nitrogen Plant, Liquid Scintillation System and a high power Excimer Laser.
B.Tech Lab for First Year
Condense Matter Physics Lab
Instrumentation Lab
Microprocessor & Peripheral Lab
Electronics Lab
Thermal Lab
LASER & Optics Lab
Lab for Prepratory Course
Laboratories Tour
List of Equipments
S.No. Facility Faculty In Charge Location Detail
1.0 X-ray CT Room No. 112, Divyadrishti Imaging Laboratory, Physics
2.0 Wide bandwidth Trans receiver Test System Ground Floor, Physics Link
3.0 Low Temperature and High Magnetic Field Facility Second Floor, Analytical Section 3, IIC
4.0 Low-Energy Cost Effective Tabletop Ion Accelerator East Block, Second Floor, Link
4.1 Low-Energy Cost Effective Tabletop Ion Accelerator East Block, Second Floor, Link
5.0 Trapping of Single Neutral Atoms Room. N. 108 Link
6.0 Gamma Chamber Besides Bose Block
7.0 Wide Angle XRD East Block, First Floor, Link